Part 132: Chapter 132
pun pundit posted:
I do think we happen to have an empty bottle.
>fill bottle with oil
(go to rusty door)
>use oil
Sounds good to me!
>fill bottle with oil
I only understood you as far as wanting to fill the small bottle.
>fill bottle
The bottle is now full of oil.
At East End of Twopit Room
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.
At West End of Twopit Room
There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole.
>climb beanstalk
You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top.
In Narrow Corridor
You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a profusion of leaves.
You can't go that way.
Giant Room
Immense N/S Passage
The way north is barred by a massive, rusty, iron door.
>oil hinges
The oil has freed up the hinges so that the door will now move, although it requires some effort.
>open door
The door heaves open with a shower of rust.
Oh, I can't wait. Let's go through!
In Cavern With Waterfall
You are in a magnificent cavern with a rushing stream, which cascades over a sparkling waterfall into a roaring whirlpool which disappears through a hole in the floor. Passages exit to the south and west.
There is a jewel-encrusted trident here!
Underground waterfall - Cascada subterránea - White Scar cave, Yorkshire by Ron in Blackpool, on Flickr
Oooooooh. And there's an exclamation point here!
But you know what?
You are carrying:
a nest of golden eggs
a wicker cage (which is closed)
a little bird
a black rod with a rusty star on the end
a dwarvish axe
a small bottle
a brass lantern (providing light)
a ming vase