The Let's Play Archive

The Bard's Tale

by Stabbey_the_Clown

Part 51: Chapter 12 - 03

Chapter 12-03

Meet Bannock - Nice - After Meeting Olav

Meet Bannock - Nice - Before Meeting Olav

Meet Bannock - Snarky

: The Firbolg sounded more miserable then threatening, so the Bard decided to be nice. If you ask me, he was developing a soft spot for the Firbolg people.
: I am not.
: Yes you are, just admit it.
: Look, can we just get on with the story? I'm tired of standing in ankle-deep water.

The Bard turned to the quivering Firbolg.

: Come out friend, I mean you no harm.
Bannock: Alright. Just don't hurt me, you said you meant no harm.

Bannock cautiously turned around to face the Bard

Bannock: I'm very sorry I didn't come outta hiding sooner, but you see I've been down here a while, always running from the finfolk, not to mention that crazy Viking. He thinks I'm in league with the finfolk, if you can imagine that.

: Ah yeah, the Viking, yes, I've had the 'pleasure' of meeting him. He wants you dead for some reason you know.
Bannock: He's just an insane old man who runs off at the mouth, whatever you do don't let him launch into one of his stories... I'd rather be run through by a finfolk. I've been trapped down here for so long... always fearing for my life... I'm at my wits end. Now you must have gotten down here somehow... can you show me a way out?

The Bard thought for a moment. If he led the Firbolg to the raft, he could lose the one chance he had to get proof of the Firbolg's death to Olav, possibly stranding himself down here forever.

: Why does this always happen?

The Bard gave a long sigh.

: I can lead you to the boat that brought me here, follow me.
Bannock: Thanks! Let's go.
: See, you are developing a soft spot!
: Shut up, shut up.

The Bard lead the Firbolg Bannock through the dark corridors, and encountered only a few wandering Finfolk before arriving back at the raft.

Rescue Bannock - Nice

Rescue Bannock - Snarky

Bannock Waits

Lead Bannock to Safety - Nice

Lead Bannock to Safety - Snarky

Bannock: Here, take this, it's my most precious possession in the world. My father gave it to me when I was younger, but I want to thank you for what you've done for me.

Item Acquired: Firbolg Armbands

Bannock pushed the raft off. The Bard watched it drift out of sight. To his surprise, no Finfolk attacked.

: Well, that figures. I hope these armbands will do as proof for that windbag.

The Bard returned to Olav, armbands in hand.

Olav - Quest Complete

Olav: Well, are ye done with yer little mission?

"Here you go," the Bard said, handing the armbands to Olav, "The bloody deed is done."

Olav: His armbands eh? Yes, yes this is good proof. He was always boasting about how great his father was and how it's been his most precious possession, he'd never have given it up. I have no use for the damn thing, so you keep it.

New Token: Firbolg Armbands

: Thanks, now I believe you have some payment for me?

Olav: Payment? Oh yes, yes. I learnt this secret when I was younger... it was on the Isle of the winged-
: Enough with the tales, teach me what you know.
Olav: Of course, no need to get violent...

New Tune: Upgraded Bodyguard
Experience: 2750

The Bard hurriedly departed before Olav could start reminiscing.

He returned to the magical barrier and summoned the Bodyguard

Dispel the Magic Barrier

The Bodyguard douched his shield to the barrier, and the magic drained away.

Some Finfolk came to investigate.

The Bard retaliated by stealing their valuables.

Pleased with himself, the Bard was intending to continue through the cavern when he saw a cavern entrance. A hot wind was blowing out of it.

: Interesting. I could use a bit of warmth to clear away the chill.

The Bard stepped inside.

Obligatory Lava Level

: As the Bard ventured further into the caves, the sight of the scorched ground concerned him. Wait... it did concern him, didn't it? Because it really should have.

: You really know how to inspire confidence, don't you.

The Bard saw a young man pondering a dangerous venture.

The cavern was large, with plenty of molten lava around. A narrow ledge surrounded by lava led to a small platform, upon which a chest sat.

Chosen One: I can make it. I'm the chosen one... I can make it... I'm the chosen one.
: Hello there. I'm not interrupting anything am I?
Chosen One: Who are you? You don't seem like one of those Druids... did Dugan send you to help me?

: Did Dugan send me? Yeah, you could say that... so you're the Chosen One are you?
Chosen One: Oh you heard that... yes, I am the Chosen One.

Poll: Should the Bard be Snarky or Nice to the Chosen One?

All Movies:

Meet Bannock - Nice - After Meeting Olav

Meet Bannock - Nice - Before Meeting Olav

Meet Bannock - Snarky

Rescue Bannock - Nice

Rescue Bannock - Snarky

Bannock Waits

Lead Bannock to Safety - Nice

Lead Bannock to Safety - Snarky

Olav - Quest Complete

Dispel the Magic Barrier

Obligatory Lava Level