The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 40: Destruction 4

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Quick note: it is at this point in the LP that the soundtrack uploader I had been relying on got their YouTube account obliterated via orbital satellite! I don’t know if I’ll be able to do anything to link to these tracks in the future as there are no other channels that have uploaded them all separately, so I’ll just note them for now without links.

I have uploaded the OST myself.

Chapter 40: Destruction 4

Welp, we’ve been putting this one off for a bit. Let’s jump in.

Huh, the bonus objectives this time only allow us to have second- and third-generation Sentinels in play. We’ll have to make do.

We’ll just load up with every available Sentinel, then. Natsuno’s on Brain Overload so she can’t, and we might need everyone else we can get.

We’re first going to upgrade the Meta-System to Level 6, then get Chip Multiplier Level 2, increasing our Meta-Chip rewards by 20%.

For Juro, we’re going to upgrade his Arm-Mounted Machine Cannons to +2, his Multi Rocket Launchers to +2, and his Sentry Gun to +3.

Iori gets her Sentry Gun upgraded to +3.

Miura gets his Main Battery Heavy Railgun upgraded to +2.

Finally, Tomi gets her 6 Multi-Launching Rapid Cannons upgraded to +2 and her Long-Range Missiles upgraded to +1.

Okay, we’re ready to head out. Many long-range kaiju will appear, eh? Well, we have a decent team for that.

Video: Destruction Wave 1-6

Music: (LEUCINE) (Yoshimi Kudo)

They’re well over 2,000 tons, so careful where you step. Don’t want to crash through some underground structure.
The fusion reactor on it is pretty heavy… But its energy output is off the charts. Enough that it can power a Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter. Once you know how to use that… you’ll be slicing up kaiju like a knife through butter.

But in a close-quarters fight, that 1,300-ton grip strength will come in handy.
2nd-generation models are linked to a squad of support units, too. They’ll respond to distress calls. If you can figure out the best time to use them, you might just turn the tides of battle.
I-I dunno if I can remember all that…

We immediately start out by firing out three Sentry Guns from our 2nd-generation Sentinels, because why else are they here, right? For reasons we’ll see shortly, we’re going to be absolutely carpeting this area with Sentry Guns.

Ryoko’s only got about half her EP at the start of this fight even after recharging from her last battle, so we need to Defend to get her some EP back.

Once she’s done there, we throw out a Guardian for good measure.

Eventually, four Hi-Quads spawn, which is fairly annoying given that we have no armor piercing on this team. The copious Sentry Gun spam and some railguns from Miura and Tomi will have to suffice to take them down.

By the end, we’ve got seven Sentry Guns firing in all directions. Even with their armor, the Hi-Quads don’t stand a chance against that level of laserspam.

No, listen… Miwa-chan’s heading right for the next terminal!
What!? Miwako, what’re you doing!?

I’m gonna go meet up with her. We’ll make sure she runs somewhere safer.

Well, um…
Kisaragi, what’s your status? Answer me.

I know! I’ll get back to the battle once Miwako’s safe.

In case you needed any more evidence that MVP determination is straight bullshit, look at Juro’s numbers versus Miura’s.

And a new skill for Tomi.

That skill increases her stats when Iori or Megumi are in the strike team.

Fuck yeah, Miwako time!

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Let’s do one more.

Shields, eh?

We buy Ei Forced Cooling Device to decrease his recovery time.

We get Hijiyama Counter and EMP Attractor.

We buy Meta-System Level 8.

Then, we upgrade Shu’s Multi-Lock Missiles to +2 and his Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers to +1.

Finally, we increase Yuki’s Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers to +1 and her Multi-Lock Missiles to +1.

This seems like a fine enough team. Let’s roll.

Video: Destruction Wave 1-7

Music: (LEUCINE) (Yoshimi Kudo)

Oh, that one… They’re pretty nasty to fight. They can put up deflective barriers…
Probably easier to say it’s like a support kaiju that can give other kaiju shields.
It’s got shields?
A shield matrix. The 4th-gen Sentinels have those as well.
Oh, I get it! Like the one on Amiguchi-kun’s Sentinel.
Your own 3rd-gen unit should have a weapon that can disable that, too.

That’ll stop the D-forces in their tracks with an electromagnetic pulse. The EMP should also deactivate any shields they have up, too.
That said… you’d be better off destroying them before they get the shields up at all.

I don’t think APSOS can shield themselves, which is nice, but shielded enemies take 0 damage from all sources for the duration of the shield, so we want to make sure we have EMPs ready to go.

And let’s just throw down another Sentry Gun right in this one’s face.

Before long, we’re dealing with a moderate swarm as well as a Terra Carrier.

Fortunately, Yuki’s Leg Spike continues to be perfect for dealing with it.

For this fight, we largely keep Ei on the front lines and have him EMP Surrounding any swarms. There are Drum Mines next to APSOS in the mix though, so we need to be a bit careful.

Here’s Hijiyama punching a shielded Drum Mine for 0 damage. What an idiot, doing what I told him to do!

Still, it’s a pretty simple fight. There’s a Hi-Quad at some point in there but it melts pretty quick.

I’m Chihiro Morimura.
…That’s our teacher’s name…
I’m going to evacuate the populace all at once. Readouts say 1.2 million people in Sector 4… They’ll all be force-shifted to the year 2025… As in, Sector 3.
…To the year 2025?

…So you don’t have to worry about any civilian casualties. …That’s all.
Chihiro, wait a minute…

This goddamn game is so goddamn hard to react to, I’m left just going… “fuckin’ what the hell!?!?” over and over like a complete asshole, ugggghhhhh, it’s so goooooood

Patriot increased Hijiyama’s stats as the city’s defense rating goes down. Pretty garbage.

Big Brother increases Miura’s stats if… Chihiro contacts the team? I’ve beaten this game and I only sort of think I understand what this means? I think it’s just, “if Chihiro calls the team in the bit of dialogue before the fight, Miura’s stats go up for the rest of the wave”? Maybe??? It seems likely that it’s pretty garbage.

Yuki gets I Got This, which increases all her stats more the fewer members there are on the strike team. Does not seem at all worth it to me, pretty garbage.

Finally, Ei and Shu both get Motorcyclist, which increases move speed while not in a Sentinel. Pretty garbage.

And that’s another Destruction down.