Part 28: 2nd class cabin

[Music: Binary Game]

Alrighty, so let's begin the investigation. Right off the bat, there's two things in here that catch my eye. Let's take a look at 'em!

Oh, right, and get used to seeing that blush portrait. For some reason it gets used a lot when we're in here.

If we examine the only other thing on the initial screen, we pan around to the main part of the room.

There's not much here either, but I think we could do with a break after all that running. We're not in any real danger now either, so there's no reason not to.
...Other than a time limit before the whole ship sinks, I mean.

Let's give it another shot.

And another.

Well, that seems like the end doesn't it? Let's look again. I've got a good feeling about this!

...What, you thought we'd seen all of his terrible jokes already? Please. New rooms make for new opportunties.

Oh, and there's something on the table. Let's give it a look, I guess.

[Music: Silence]

June certainly looked fine. Junpei held his hand on her forehead for a few seconds...
It seemed her fever really had gone down.

[Music: Imaginary]

This affects about the next 3 lines of dialogue. Given the results of each, I'm pretty sure this one fits better.

Junpei did his best to act as though he didn't care. His best wasn't very good.

She giggled.

Junpei's heart stumbled over itself.

He had to admit, he was a little curious.

She smiled at him.


June looked a little embarrassed, and scratched the back of her head in a desperate attempt to seem nonchalant. Junpei coughed quietly in much the same way.

June nodded, and for a few moments she had the faraway look of someone in deep thought.

[Music: Silence]
Junpei went back to searching feeling unpleasant and confused.

[Music: Binary Game]

If we head through the door just past the table that the matches were on, we end up in this room. There's quite a fair bit to check out here, so we'll start with this bottle on the left.

If/when we examine the bed, we can give it a bit more of an in-depth examination. There's 3 things here worth looking at, so let's start with the duvet, shall we?

And yet again.

Much like before, this looks like the end of what you can get out of it, but there's a bit more to go.

Next up, we can examine the bed itself to get a little bit out of that.

Lastly, of course, there's the pillows. I'm sure this one will be entirely normal!

...I'm aware we've seen him be rather competent in places, but Junpei is still a bit of an idiot. At least when it comes to certain things.
Anyway, you might have noticed one last thing in this room but we're leaving for now instead. Panning the camera around to get to the door gives us something new though!

Let's take a look at that dresser.

There's two things here worth examining, as usual, and they're both quite obvious. Let's start with the mirror.

...Really stupid at times.
The only other thing here worth looking at, it's the drawer. Let's see what's in it.

A key, huh? Should come in handy.

Well, considering it was unlocked already? I highly doubt it.

This seems more likely, though. Shame we don't know where one is right now.

Ah well, if we head back to where we started there's another room here you can barely see. The game tells you its there if you examine either the vase or the painting multiple times though.

Considering it's, well, a bathroom though... there's not a whole lot here. The only real thing of interest is the blue thing over on the left.

I guess since we're looking for anything that might prove useful, let's check out the shower curtain. There could be something in it. Maybe.

okay never mind then

There's only one thing left in the entire room worth checking out, and it's back in the bedroom. Maybe you noticed it already.

If not, it's this. We need this before we can even think about doing anything else.

So, now, we've got our map for this floor back. We've seen all but one part of this floor now, conveniently enough.
[Music: Silence]

June looked up as he closed it.

Junpei took a moment to look around the room.

From what I've seen so far this is "clearly" the real thing. The size fits, the layout seems to match reasonably well (decks labelled alphabetically, with A at the top)...
No, really, think about it. We've suspected that this Zero guy is ridiculously rich, or works for a group that is, right? Well, considering the wreck of the Titanic is something that is still on the seabed... albeit at almost 3800m deep... it's not too big of a stretch to assume that someone with more money than sense would have it raised again. Then proceeded to fix up, to use for this twisted death trap. At some point during all this, Zero got a hold of it and is now using it for his own twisted death trap.
...It makes sense to me, okay? (please disregard the prison and torture chamber)

Junpei grinned and shook his head.

And with that, we've now heard about all three of the Olympic class ships created in the twentieth century! The HMHS Olympic was the predecessor to the Titanic and Gigantic; it was the first Olympic class ship in the world (with the Titanic and Gigantic being the only other two ever created), and was the class' namesake as well. This is more relevant than it sounds, because...

This is a real theory. It was first devised by a man named Robin Gardiner who wrote a book about it titled "Titanic: The Ship That Never Sank?". Personally, I haven't read his book so I don't know his logic in its entirety. I've read a bit about it, but the game explains it about as well as I could. I also don't believe it at all, because it strikes me as more than a little nuts.
...Of course, it hasn't been officially disproven either but it matters in approximately zero ways at this point.

June/Akane portraits concept art.