Part 25: - TokyAero Drift
1964 - TokyAero Drift
Q1 1964

Groundbreaking for our new hub in America. Strangely, ConAir have taken more slots here than they can possibly use.

Their loss, our gain, as we have cash on hand to bring in further Doug. Ive got big plans for you, Doug.

Typical bids in New York, and stocking up on Lockheeds.

The Americans get all experimental with a direct route from Europe to Asia, allowing their network to bypass our grip on Tehran. They also expand service in Australia, linking Melbourne and bidding in Brisbane.

The most activity weve seen from Russia in a while, linking Brussels and bidding in southern France.

Another type of disaster. This will absolutely crush Sydneys stats for a turn.

This will end soon. Its been a nice little boon for us.
Hong Kong also expands again. 18 more slots to fight over with the Americans.

Pretty ordinary turn on the big board. With so few active routes in Oceania, that flood didnt cause nearly as much damage to anyones bottom line as that storm in New York. On a local scale, it ruined a lot of peoples days - only 1,644 people flew in the region this quarter, vs the 7,500-8,000 thats been the norm.
Q2 1964

Look close, and you can see the tiny speck of red where their Aussie route suffered from the flood. Theyve not let that scare them off though.

Look close, and you can see the specks of black where they manage to break even.




Easy as adding 400 seats per week to our network. 4800 per quarter.

With demand for travel on the rise, THROM is becoming antiquated. LONTHRs jets add up to 800 seats per week, well over the 640 found in eight Doug-loads. It will take great investment if would see THROM reclaim his crown.

Speaking of Doug-loads, time to press our luck in Japan. A second plane sets us up for daily flights to Tokyo.
Fishing around for other opportunities, I find Osaka and Fukuoka filled. We could only try for a single slot in each.

Sapporo, on the other hand, is open season.

Our last swipe at New York got us two more slots. With no other requests for bids, I try for one more.

A round of keeping pressure on our Hubs will start in Asia, buying 8 slots in Hong Kong.

Sunken Australia. This hit them worse than being at war hurt Cairo.

Same ol from black.

All those houses getting swept into the sea left plenty of room for new runways!

Red Airline is Strongest.

In case you missed it, lets look at the instant replay:

Q3 1964

The Ilyushin Design Bureau makes a triumphant return with Russias first modern jet liner. With stats like a B707 at 3/4 the price, the Soviets finally have something that can compete on the global market.

Another dip into South America. Black and Blue are all about getting into each others back yards.

Breathe it in a breathe it deep, folks.

Smells like victory.

Doug settles in nicely at his new place Stateside. We could get used to this.

Another round of Chicago-style negotiation will help make that happen.
Note the American tourism boom. It wont stay long.

I celebrate our success in Japan with a 30% hike in fares. Sports are coming

A little highlight from ConAirs portfolio. A modern jet liner assigned to sell 12 tickets to Pakistan. At least they had the sense to suspend this route that would cost them $300K per turn.

And what I came here for. Expanding our service to Japan made ConAirs competing line implode. That, and all the business they lost to the flood. The flood helped.

They have nothing to say at this time.

Blue continues to push into Australia.


Black and Blue continue to fight over the southern hemisphere, and our lead in Asia holds strong through Sports.
Q4 1964

Oh Joy.

In better news, Piles of Olympic cash.
And other than that, theres nothing new to report. While I could send Jerry off on another adventure, but this point were already sitting on a lot of unused time. Eventually the costs start to add up. He gets some time off.

Links to France, bids in Denmark.




We come down a little hard off Sports. Once our prices re-adjust well be back in motion.

1964 Year-End Review

Theyre coming after us in China.


Resting easy.

And us.
Though we didnt break any quarterly records this year, the new additions to our network were all solid use of Doug and our performance was highly consistent, totaling $61,390K in profits. Weve reasserted out lead in Asia, have a solid base in North America and have kept our existing network running at capacity.
Budget Carryover:
Routes Planes Biz Flex Bank ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 0 0 9,787 4,376 0
Build our Plan, and Cut our Budget for 1965.