The Let's Play Archive

Assassin's Creed II

by Geop

Part 16: Episode 16: Errands & "Fetch Quests"

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The Truth (Part 2 of 5)
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Links: (Part One - Part Two)

- Had to cut out lots of stuff on the side, in spite of the total length here Father Gapon actually had some indicators that he was politically motivated on this front and was banking on something happening. Basically, the protest march got too close to the Winter Palace, and the guards were told to fire on people who got too close. It’s up to speculation, as far as I can tell. He was found about a year later, strangled. Also had more on a few other figures, but that'll probably have to wait.

- A few things had to get nixed from the Nicholas II segment. One of 'em that I covered in detail (but removed due to time/relevance) were pogroms or basically massive lynchings led against the Jews. He took a position to look like he opposed it, but didn't do anything. His Minister of Interior, in fact (not Protopopov), foot the bill for some propaganda that supposedly helped spark a rather nasty round of attacks. This happened late in the Russo-Japanese war, and he used it as some angle to appear as a good guy and try to unify his people. Of course, other countries knew what he was doing and decried the whole thing, saying he was just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

GenHavoc posted:

As a note though, some versions of Joan of Arc's story does explicitly include a special sword. Christine de Pizan, an early-late 15th-century author, wrote extensively about Joan of Arc, and in one of her stories, claims that along with the visions Joan received from Saints Michael, Catherine, and Margaret, she also received a sword blessed by Jesus Christ to go and fight the English. Joan herself never made this claim, and a lot of people think that Christine just made it up, but the link is still there.

Paracelsus posted:

A couple Biblical notes:

The distinction between Cain and Abel, according to Christian tradition, is the quality of the sacrifice. Cain's sacrifice was the leavings of his orchards, i.e., the stuff that had fallen from the trees after the harvest was over. Essentially the dregs, and not something he'd miss much. Abel's sacrifice was a young sheep, which represents a serious forgoing of future utilization, since that took time and effort to produce and rear, and means that he won't receive the benefit of those labors. Abel's was the sacrifice that actually meant something, and that's why he was shown favor over Cain. The point of sacrifice is that it's supposed to hurt, otherwise it doesn't mean anything.

The Shroud being taken from Jesus by the Romans is most likely a reference to his garments being taken from him and divvied between the soldiers by casting lots (dice rolling). See Psalm 22:16, Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, John 19:23-24.
- Here's the music I used, in the order they're played: