Part 2: What Time Is It?
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Shrine of Light - This plays when you wake up and until you get to Locke.
Saber takes in her surroundings, and makes a beeline for Arvis' clock. Everyone loves clocks right?
Remember how I said items are usually about as powerful as the item would be in the normal game? Clocks in the base game have Elixirs, so clocks can lead to all sorts of things, like this helmet that normally comes from the final dungeon. This comes with a price; clocks can ALSO have a Monster-in-a-box and they will usually be waaaaaay stronger than you can handle at the time. Lots of permadeath runs have ended right here and now with this clock.
Arvis normally gives you an item before you leave his house. In vanilla I think it's two Sleeping Bags. Instead, I got a vanilla Barrier Ring. Nothing special but helpful. The Coronet has its normal stats with a tad higher Defense/Magic Defense.
I also picked up a Shuriken at some point. Shurikens, Ninja Stars, and Tack Stars can all be equipped by anyone that rolls that particular weapon group. I think they're individually pieced out, as I've had characters that can equip the Shuriken but not the Tack Star and vice versa. This Shuriken is over twice the damage of the MithrilBlade I have but that -10 Evade hurts; it's just as well that Saber can't use it.
Now we come to the dances. The randomized names are a recent addition and I think they're a neat touch! Dances in FF6 are a combination of the Dance moves from FF5 and a Berzerker. You choose which Dance you want from the menu; if the battleground you're on matches the Dance you choose (city, plains, snow, etc.) then the Dance will go off. Otherwise, you have a 50% chance to stumble and nothing happens. When the Dance does go off, the background changes (if applicable) and you perform one of the four moves listed. They're not equal odds though. For Town Mazurka, Aurabolt has a 7 in 16 chance of happening, Wild Fang has 6 in 16, Land Slide has 2 in 16, and Wind Slash is a 1 in 16 chance. All the Dances follow this same format. A Dancer will continue Dancing on their turn until the battle is over, or they are incapacitated in some way, be it death, petrification, Sneeze, whatever.
Aurabolt - Holy-elemental damage to one opponent. Spell Power is 68.
Wild Fang - Wild Fang is the ability of Interceptor, which deals non-elemental magical damage to one target with a Spell Power of 66 that ignores Defense.
Land Slide - Deals non-elemental magic damage to one opponent. Its Spell Power is 65, it is unblockable and it ignores defense.
Wind Slash - Deals wind-elemental damage to all opponents. Its Spell Power is 48, it is unblockable and it ignores Split Damage.
Elf Fire - Deals fire-elemental damage to one opponent. Its Spell Power is 72 and it is unblockable.
Sonic Boom - Reduces one enemy's HP by 5/8 of its max HP, inflicts Seizure and is unblockable, but fails on targets immune to Death.
Harvester - Recovers from Blind, Poison, Petrify, Silence, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, and Stop.
Flare Star - Deals an amount of damage to all targets equal to the level of one random target times 80 divided by the number of targets. It is Fire-elemental, unblockable, ignores defense and Split Damage. It is affected by the Silence status.
Flare Star sure looks nice, though!
Speaking of, we find our first new monster in the Narshe cave, the Oscaged.
Oscaged (Level 5)
| HP: 41 | ATK: 16 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 15 | DEF: 102 | HIT: 108 |
| XP: 59 | MPOW: 6 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 44 | MDEF: 145 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: wind; WEAK: earth
IMMUNE: berserk, blind, imp, mute, petrify, poison, sleep, zombie
SPECIAL "Lethal": attack x1.5
RAGE: Harvester, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, Lethal
STEAL: Leather Hat, Shuriken
DROPS: Shuriken
MORPH (3%): Crystal Helm, Dark Hood, Gauntlet, Red Jacket
LOCATION: Narshe (WoB), Mt. Koltz
Seiken Densetsu 3 - High Tension Wire - Locke's new theme is very cool.
Instead, we meet our Locke replacement. He looks like Minwu from FF2 and is even more useful.
He commands the respect of radioactive monkeys, for one. Say hello to our Moogle replacements, some monkeys hailing from the Legend of Zelda series. The reason they have character names is explained in Elephantgun's fantastic Let's Break Final Fantasy 6 LP. The basic explanation is that these Moogles take the place of future characters, and are overwritten when you reach the naming screen for that character.
Now we get a deeper drink of the battle randomizer water. Due to character limitations, names sometimes come out weird and it's a guessing game what the command actually is until you use it. I'll spoiler that second command if you want to try and guess it yourself!
Flash + Pearl. WuFei will cast Flash on a creature (or everything if you multi-target) then cast Pearl on the initial target. If the Flash kills the target of Pearl, Pearl won't even go off and the creature will die.
R-Pearl will use a random holy-elemental skill, with some varying chance.
(2/8 chance each) Alexandr, AuraBolt, Scar Beam
(1/8 chance each) L.? Pearl, Pearl
Alexandr - Deals Holy-elemental damage to all enemies, it has a Spell Power of 114.
AuraBolt - Holy-elemental damage to one opponent. Spell Power is 68.
Scar Beam - Deals Holy-elemental damage to all targets, it has a Spell Power of 28, ignores split damage and it's unblockable. It is vulnerable to Runic and affected by the Silence status.
L.? Pearl - Deals Holy-elemental damage on all enemies with a level that is a multiple of last digit of the party's current gil.
Pearl - Powerful holy-elemental attack with a Spell Power of 108 and Hit Rate of 150.
Scar Beam looks cool, unfortunately it's not very powerful. Flash does much better.
Some kind of bug or funky programming within the game causes Flash to do this instead of the same Flash from Edgar's Tools.
Much like Biggs and Wedge, the items the moogkies are using have no bearing on the rest of the game, they're just arbitrarily random, save one thing. Whatever Kamog has equipped is what you will start equipped with in the World of Ruin.
WuFei has something new though.
5 lower defense and 5 higher magic defense compared to vanilla.
I also stole a couple new items from Mog, who you CAN unequip. The Plumed Hat is slightly worse than vanilla, while the MithrilKnife has a juicy +10% Magic Block.
Something that KUMAMA has equipped is giving her auto-sleep status. It's broken by any physical attack but she will start every fight with it. See if you can guess which item has it! I certainly won't remember by the time I get those items.
Did someone order a huge fuck-off robot named Alexandr?
Final Fantasy IV: Restless Moments (Unreleased) - I really like this track, and had never heard it before. You may notice this boss music is different from the Whelk fight; I'm not sure of the criteria but certain battles have different music.
Ela Hur (Level 12)
| HP: 237 | ATK: 12 | SPD: 34 |
| MP: 106 | DEF: 100 | HIT: 122 |
| XP: 25 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 121 | MDEF: 154 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: water; WEAK: wind, pearl
IMMUNE: poison
OTHER: humanoid
SPECIAL "Psycho": attack x2
RAGE: Bolt, Psycho
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, Psycho
STEAL: Shuriken
DROPS: Potion, Green Cherry
MORPH (6%): Crystal Helm, Dark Hood, Gauntlet, Red Jacket
LOCATION: Event Battle
Final Fantasy VI - The Day After - This is the town music that plays in the World of Ruin normally.
Outside the city limits, we find a new scorpion. This one has red eyes.
Bikeab (Level 5)
| HP: 35 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 0 | DEF: 61 | HIT: 106 |
| XP: 25 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 36 | MDEF: 144 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: pearl; WEAK: ice, water
IMMUNE: Nothing
SPECIAL "Bestow": attack x2
RAGE: Tek Laser, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Bestow, Bestow
STEAL: Shuriken
DROPS: Leather Hat
MORPH (50%): Atma Weapon, Fairy Ring, Ice Shld, Thunder Rod
LOCATION: World of Balance B-3 NW, World of Balance B-4 NW
The new battleground does give us another Dance however.
L? Pearl - Deals Holy-elemental damage on all enemies with a level that is a multiple of last digit of the party's current gil.
Pois. Frog - Deals poison-elemental damage and inflicts Poison on one opponent. Its Spell Power is 56 and it is unblockable.
Air Blade - Wind-elemental damage to all enemies. Spell Power is 78, ignores Split Damage.
Lullaby - Inflicts Sleep to one target. Its Hit Rate is 90 and affected by the Silence status.
Maybe these new fellas will teach us how to bust a move? Writa is the land octopus, and the slimes are named Tycho after famed Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.
Writa (Level 7)
| HP: 127 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 10 | DEF: 105 | HIT: 108 |
| XP: 56 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 73 | MDEF: 163 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bio; WEAK: water
IMMUNE: Nothing
SPECIAL "Assassin R": poison
RAGE: Battle, Assassin R
CONTROL: Assassin R, Assassin R, Battle, Battle
STEAL: Inviz Edge, Cotton Robe
DROPS: Leather Hat
MORPH (25%): Chocobo Suit, Crystal Orb, Sneak Ring, SwordBreaker
LOCATION: World of Balance B-3 NW, World of Balance C-2 NW
Tycho Taiy (Level 6)
| HP: 90 | ATK: 21 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 15 | DEF: 81 | HIT: 103 |
| XP: 27 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 55 | MDEF: 140 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: ice, earth
IMMUNE: Nothing
AUTO: poison, protect
SPECIAL "Ghost Octo": seizure
RAGE: Battle, Ghost Octo
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Ghost Octo, Ghost Octo
STEAL: Antidote, Shuriken
MORPH (50%): Air Anchor, Cure Ring, Mithril Shld, Tao Robe
LOCATION: World of Balance B-3 NW, World of Balance C-2 NW
Sun Bath - Restores HP to all allies. Its Spell Power is 50.
Snowball - Reduces a target's HP by 1/2. Its Hit Rate is 100, and it will fail on targets immune to Death.
Antlion - Causes Death to one opponent. Its Hit Rate is 100 and will fail on targets immune to Death.
Acid Rain - Deals Poison/Water dual-elemental damage and inflicts Seizure to all targets. Damage is inverted on Undead targets. Its Spell Power is 25 and its Hit Rate is 100. It ignores Split Damage and is affected by the Silence status.
Exciti (Level 5)
| HP: 28 | ATK: 21 | SPD: 37 |
| MP: 5 | DEF: 82 | HIT: 105 |
| XP: 24 | MPOW: 3 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 31 | MDEF: 121 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bio, pearl; WEAK: wind
OTHER: can't escape, undead
SPECIAL "Giga Tomb": attack x1.5
RAGE: Rasp, Giga Tomb
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Giga Tomb, Giga Tomb
STEAL: Echo Screen, Shuriken
DROPS: Leather Hat
MORPH (99%): BehemothSuit, Blizzard, Chain Saw, Marvel Shoes
LOCATION: World of Balance B-4 NW, World of Balance B-5 NE
They do provide our final dance for a bit!
Aqua Rake - Deals Water and Wind-elemental damage on all enemies. Its Spell Power is 71 and Hit Rate is 150.
Tapir - Recovers from Blind, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Doom, Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, and Stop. Targets afflicted with Sleep will have their HP and MP fully restored, even if the target is undead.
Stunner - Deals non-elemental magic damage and inflicts Stop on all opponents. It has a Spell Power of 97, is unblockable, and ignores Split Damage. The Stop ailment has a Hit Rate of 140.
Kitty - Grants Haste status on all targets.
With all that information out of the way, next time we visit the castle of a lecherous King and learn about his spoony brother.