The Let's Play Archive

Bravely Default

by Greyarc

Part 117: The Four Crystals, Awakened Once Again

Entry 108: The Four Crystals, Awakened Once Again

After facing the full force of Braev's love and support, the party finds themselves out of distractions.

They retreat to the lone, icy ghost town of Gravemark, to reminisce and come to terms with their next course of action...

...Except it's too cold to think.

It seems like this place is always snowbound.

I can't feel the tips of my toes anymore. I don't care if it's my homeland; I can't stand this weather!

Ringabel, could I borrow your bottle of crushed red pepper?

My red pepper? What does that have to do with anything?

You have it, right? That pepper you bought back in Ancheim?

Yes, I have it, but I didn't know that you knew I had it. Here.

Thanks. Now, to fold a bunch into these cloths here... Edea, take off your shoes and stuff these cloths into the toes.

Oh, but first, you don't have any injuries to the tips of your toes, do you?

No, but...

Ah! My toes! They feel all warm and toasty!

Now you too, Agnès.

What a handy bit of knowledge. Thank you, Tiz.

Yes, well, Norende also experiences quite heavy snowfall in winter.

Everyone in the village always had chili pepper powder in their boots. Oh, and thanks, Ringabel. Here's your pepper back.

Ahh... My red pepper. Is this all that's left? *sigh*

This chat is triggered only after getting the food chat in Ancheim and facing Braev. But more importantly, Tiz's findings are supported by modern science: capsaicin, which provides the pow in chili peppers, actually does create heat.

Without Praline's defection, the Grandship of this world will continue to suffer having a terrible pub. On the upside, it'll encourage people to leave before the whole place sinks.

But more importantly, once again, the world has been freed of Eternian tyranny, thanks to the selfless actions of the party Braev.

Back in our first world, who'd have guessed we'd end up awakening the crystals with Braev's blessing?

You could argue we keep betraying Braev's trust by continuing to unquestioningly overclock the crystals, go through the Holy Pillar, and cause the Great Chasm. But, you know, it's the thought that counts. The party means well.


And it's not as though they're enjoying themselves. We've done this crystal-saving bit so many times. The grandeur of it wore off long ago.

Back in Entry 84, which documented Chapter 5's second crystal, I showed off the cutscenes when awakening the crystals.


Wait, something lurks nearby!

Another creature back from destruction!

Here they come!

Except for Ringabel's outbursts in Chapter 6, these scenes haven't changed since then aside from being shortened. And better yet: they're unskippable.

This is the 5th time we've fought this guy. His stats have remained the same the last four times.

... ... ...*phew*

The rest of these cutscenes are repeats first shown in Entry 82, back at Chapter 5's first crystal.

Of course.

In the past, I usually edited these scenes down. This time, let's watch them together in completion.

That way you guys can get the real Bravely Default experience.

I'm sure you have the hang of it, but if there's anything you'd like to go over again, just ask.

>Listen to explanation

Okay, let's go over the Rite of Awakening again. You can stir the crystal awake by reciting ritual prayers. Keep going until I tell you to stop. Got it?

When I say stop, you have to stop right away. You could destroy the crystal if you push it too far.

Oh, we're well aware of what happens.

We don't close the Great Chasm by awakening the crystals. We create it. Over and over.


It... It just worries me a little.

But we keep going.

Despite knowing the truth of Airy's plans.


Not yet! Just a little longer!


Despite knowing the consequences to the worlds we leave behind.

Despite knowing there's another way.

Still not enough! You can do this!

Stop! That's it!

This is our 17th crystal.

*Phew* Have you checked your brooch, Airy?

Yes, the earth crest is lit.

Phew... Good...

Are you okay, Agnès?

Yes, I am used to it now...

I need a short rest, but then we should head to the next temple.


Three worlds our party's wrecked so far. We're on the way to our fourth. How many more?

One crystal down.

Airy's in an uncommonly good mood on the way to Eisenberg.

She doesn't even complain as much as usual about the heat in the volcano.


This crystal has also reverted...


Wait, something lurks nearby!

Here they come!

These crystal-haunting demons were fairly tough back in the first world.

Now, after the training force of 166 Eternians over the course of 83 battles, they're pulverized to a demonic powder within a few seconds.

... ... ...*phew*

Hurry up and awaken the crystal before we are beset by more beasts!

Of course.

I think we know how this goes. Let's skip the explanation this time.

Time to get started, Agnès. Are you ready?

Yes, let us begin.



Not yet! Just a little longer!


More! Keep going!

Quite a few people have mentioned not getting to the end of Bravely Default.

Stop! That's it!

It wouldn't be surprising if this game had one of the lowest completion rates of video games with decent gameplay.

Usually good gameplay is enough to keep people playing.

You did it! You awakened the crystal! Well done, Agnès!

But after seeing these scenes over and over, doesn't it make a good argument for stopping and choosing to play something else?

After all, we only have so much time to spare in our lives.

Yes, the fire crest is lit.

Phew... Good...

Are you okay, Agnès?

Yes, I am used to it now...

I need a short rest, but then we should head to the next temple.


You'd have to be a bit crazy or stubborn as all get-out to do this so many times in a row.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I don't blame anyone for stopping before they get this far.

It's almost as though the game is discouraging people from progressing.


This crystal has also reverted...


Wait, something lurks nearby!

Another creature back from destruction!

I got fooled by this game when it came out.

The reviews raved about the brilliant writing and gameplay.

... ... ...*phew*

Hurry up and awaken the crystal before we are beset by more beasts!

Of course.

I'm sure you have the hang of it, but if there's anything you'd like to go over again, just ask.

>Skip explanation

Time to get started, Agnès. Are you ready?

Yes, let us begin.

It was a beautiful package of a game: graphics, music, gameplay, the Square-Enix JRPG stamp of approval.

A clever homage to Squaresoft's golden era of JRPGs, but with shiny quality of life updates like the encounter slider.


The encounter slider was mentioned universally. What wasn't mentioned in most reviews was the complete repetition of the latter half of the game. Gameplay reduced to a series of boss battles, main story ground to a halt.

In retrospect, it should have been seen as a warning: one of the best parts of the game was a kludge of a fix for an outdated, universally hated type of gameplay now seemingly only used in the subgenre out of a misdirected sense of nostalgia.


More! Keep going!

Still not enough! You can do this!

Stop! That's it!

But why did Bravely Default's unfinished second half get largely ignored?

One probable cause is that game reviews are treated outwardly the same as movie or book reviews, despite the fact that some game genres, especially RPGs, take many times longer to play through to completion. Video game reviewers are racing against time to play through an adequate amount of the games they review.

*Phew* Have you checked your brooch, Airy?

Yes, the water crest is lit.

Phew... Good...

Are you okay, Agnès?

Yes, I am used to it now...

As a consequence, the back half of games often get passed over, not due to laziness (at least, not always) so much as needing to rush on to other games.


This isn't a defense of reviewers so much as a critique of the way the review system for games is currently structured.

In fact, it's a critique of how a lot of the industry for video games is structured, because reviews are hardly the only area where things are set up to be rushed beyond healthy human capacity.

The problem is rooted in the method in which companies profit from reviews and video game development. Under the current market, many see it as better to burn out workers and push for faster, possibly incomplete releases, regardless of longterm consequences. Eventually, changes will be needed.

But this is moving to a topic for another time. We've just awakened our third crystal in this world.




Agnès... How much more--

Remember, Edea, we decided to follow Agnès on this.

...Oh, that's right.


One more crystal. And then we can start all over again?

Ah hah...hahaha.

Remember back to our first time here? It felt like we really were saving the world.

Agnès was here to awaken the crystal, despite the sad memories of her fallen comrades.

...Let's just get it over with.

This crystal has also reverted...


Wait, something lurks nearby!

Another creature back from destruction!

Here they come!

... ... ...*phew*

Hurry up and awaken the crystal before we are beset by more beasts!

Of course.

I'm sure you have the hang of it, but if there's anything you'd like to go over again, just ask.

>Skip explanation

Time to get started, Agnès. Are you ready?

Yes, let us begin.


Not yet! Just a little longer!


More! Keep going!

Still not enough! You can do this!

Another repeated scene.

What is this light? The Holy Pillar?

It must be! Let us head there again, Agnès.

This time we must ensure we seal the Great Chasm and cleanse evil from the world!

Yes, I know. We cannot fail again!

This keeps going on. Is it worth it to continue?

What is it?

My pendant chain!

You're right. It looks like it was about to come off.

Here, let me have a look.

Oh, this will be easy enough to fix once we get back to Grandship.

Thank you.

You're handier than you look, Ringabel.

Did you have to include that "than you look" part?

What are you guys doing back there? I'm going to leave without you!

Never fear, I'll keep waiting for you. Thousands of years, even!

Huh? What are you babbling about, Ringabel?

Yes, what do you mean?

Huh? What do you mean, what do I mean?

Oh, will you just come along already!

No reason to delay.

After all, it's nothing we haven't done before.

Again. For the fifth time.

The scenes this time are a repeat of the last two times.


Where are Datz and Zatz?

I had them take refuge in the hold.

Okay, everyone, don't forget to watch over me! This is going to work this time, you'll see!

Yes...of course.

O wondrous and beautiful First Light, my brooch awaits your divine radiance!



We should watch over Airy.



Event Viewer
Party Chat:
Chili Pepper Powder
Wavering of Purpose
Wait for You