Part 59: The End is never The End
Part 53: The End is never The End

Actually, I really was possessed by Liquid, which is why I had to cut off his arm. But it was such a good excuse I kept up the act
just in case I ever needed to absolve myself of his actions.

You are one complicated bastard. How do you keep track of all the lies?

Oh, I always tell the truth. I just change my mind about what it is.

Snake, I was thinking
you need a new code name. Well, a new
full code name anyway. To differentiate yourself from the historical Big Boss.

What have you got in mind?

Plastic Snake.


Its synthetic, but based on organic material. Its strong, flexible
better than the real deal in a lot of ways.

heh. Plastic Snake. I like it. Hmm. HEY! RUSHMORE! Time to come out from behind the curtain!

Snake, youve done it! Theyre all amazed at this conclusion. Of course, theyre going to debate the ethical fallout of this for years, but youve done it. You havent just proven the worthiness of AI, youve proven the worthiness of humans as well.

what happens after this? Do you switch us off?

Not unless you want me to. There are various jobs for all of you
though I think anything to do with the real world would be iffy for you, Snake.

Its the mind of Good Hitler in a robot body! I can see how that wouldnt fly for someone with the legacy of Big Boss. And Ive got another problem, too
I still love fighting. I hate the cost of war, but I still love to fight. Its all I really think about. Ocelots even worse than me, hes not happy if hes not hurting someone. What kind of fate could someone like that possibly have?

There is a perfect position I have for you, Snake. Trust me on this.
The various AI personalities were put in jobs of their own requests, where they could do the most good and feel the most satisfied. Helping humanity become more than what it was, and helping themselves become more than what they were.
The personality of Chico, always eager for new discoveries, became part of a space probe dedicated to seeking out alien life.

One of these days Ill be back, Amanda! Dont worry about me!
The personality of Amanda retired from military life to become the manager of a bunch of farming robots tending to Nicaragua.

Its hard work, but its something to be proud of. See you in the country
Digital Cecile became a host for Dance Dance Revolution, whipping kids into shape with a strong beat.

This is so fun!
The digital Dr. Strangelove and Dr. Emmerich got in touch with their digital descendants who had been developed using the same Vocaloid technology they had used for Metal Gear Zeke.

Heh. I dont have much in common with the kids these days, but its fascinating to interact with mimetic beings.

Who knows what they themselves will someday give birth to?
The Kaz Miller AI was used as a consultant for making emerging small businesses into big ones. He was also kind of a lecherous fool on the side. The various MSF personalities became his data assistants.

Man, theres this really
cute little accounting program working for Sterling Sheep Ive got to introduce you to sometime.

Hah! Tell me more!
And what of Snake, Nobunaga and Ocelot? They craved violence, yet had learned the cost of it. But there was still one world, one existence, where they could indulge these cravings without causing any lasting harm.

Are you
Excuse me?

Youre conducting diplomacy with us in front of the
burning castle of your previous victims.
Hey! They deserved it!
Excuse me. Im a Viking and Id love to have an incredible battle with whoever wants to throw down. Are you up for it?

Are we ever!

Heh. Life as a video game. Its the perfect existence for someone like me. This is good, isnt it?

This is
great. Lets go!