Part 13: Demise, Part 5

Nana Ogasawara, our friend from the first game's Exchap 1, has joined our posse. With her accompanying us, we head for the entranceway.
Background Sound: Rain

There's a mysterious object on the shelf. We investigate.

Unravelling it reveals a small pile of long, whitish, stubby objects that, at first, seem like they may be candles or something. But in actuality...

Ten in total. Every finger from both of some unfortunate victim's hands. The blood was still very much wet, too, indicating that not much time had passed since these digits were severed. Wet soil was lodged under each fingernail, and faint remnants of color here and there further indicated that the owner of these fingers had painted nails.

Music: Escaping Samsara (A)
Background Sound: None

Next, we head all the way up to room 4-A.

Room 4-A is just an ordinary classroom now. We take a look around.

It looks like someone used a shard of glass or something to carve a message into the teacher's podium:
"To any and all Takine Middle School students.
I'm OK! I'm going to go find Kyugo. If you're reading th"

It's the partially decomposed corpse of a student. Judging by the size and uniform, this was likely a male middle school student. The back of his head seems to be completely smashed in, suggesting he was probably killed from behind with a blunt weapon. A student ID name tag can be seen partially lodged under one of his bony arms:
Teru Arai Age: 15
Left behind many wonderful works, creating a true legacy for himself among his peers.

"Are you certain you're on the right path? Is it really okay to trust her?"

We can't enter any of the other rooms on the first floor, so we head down this way.

We can't proceed east thanks to the big hole.
That doesn't matter though, because I know just where to find a rope.

We head back into the locker room.

It's the gauze bandages that were used to tie up Nana.

Take the bandages
Sound Effect: Item

Kishinuma then obediently pulled them taut in a few places to test their tensile strength.

And so we folded both strips of gauze in half, then twisted the two double-ply strips together to form something that resembled a braid. I'd done something similar to this once before when making rope-like decorations for theater costumes, so it didn't prove to be particularly difficult. It almost felt like rope-making 101. In ten minutes' time, presto, we had a do-it-yourself rope in our hands! Granted, it was pretty flimsy compared to the resin ropes you might buy at a home center, but it seemed like it would hold one person's weight just fine.

And with our makeshift rope, we head back to the pit.

Step up
The screen fades out and back in.
Music: None

Mayu climbs down into the pit.
It's kind of amusing how dangerous this whole thing is, and they're doing it all to pick up a shiny object. They don't even know what it is, it could just be some corpse's eyeglasses for all they know.

It was too dark to see my surroundings clearly, but I could instantly sense an oppressive atmosphere all around me. This was not a good place to be.

We pick a body at random and investigate.

Most seem to have died long ago, having decayed into proper skeletons, but a small handful seem "fresh," as if they were alive only yesterday.

All the corpses give you this same dialog, except for this one in the brown clothes.

All of her fingers have been cut off, and her tongue seems to have been removed as well. Her student ID name tag is clearly displayed on her jacket:
Hikari Kiriue Age: 13
Musashigawa Girls' Middle School
Fingers severed postmortem by unknown assailant.

There's something on the ground next to Hikari's body, reflecting what little light there is down here.

Sound Effect: Item

Having acquired the item we sought and not wanting to stay down in this hole even a moment longer than I had to, I gave the rope a triumphant tug.

She does so.

Music: Escaping Samsara (A)

Now that we've collected a bottle of holy water and lied to Nana, we head up the west staircase.

And we head into room 1-C.
Music: None

This was most likely a female junior high student. Though anything beyond that was impossible to determine, as everything above the waist was missing. Whoever killed this girl must have done it recently, as the wound was still fresh and the blood all over the floor was still wet. Her exposed intestines seem to have been pulled out of her body and draped onto the floor, where they were then crushed flat like a worm under a big shoe.

Nana was wrought with grief. She was shaking uncontrollably, to such an extent that her teeth were chattering. We gently led her out of the classroom. I wanted to get out of there myself, to be honest. Seeing a human body so horribly mutilated was more than I could handle.

We take one more look at the legs.
Partially hidden under the body is a student ID name tag, which must have fallen from the missing torso:
Hodoka Manome Age: 13
Musashigawa Girls' Middle School
Gradual death from massive blood loss. Upper half of body missing.

There's nothing else of interest in this or the nearby classrooms, so we head out.
Music: Escaping Samsara (A)

And we head back up to the bathrooms.

Nana is with us, so the logical place to take her is the boys' restroom, since she has a friend there.

But the room is boarded up, unfortunately. There is a corpse nearby, though.
It's the remains of a student, completely decomposed into a skeleton. Based on its size and the uniform it's wearing, it was probably once a senior high school girl. There are deep scratches on the ground nearby with several fingernails and even a few teeth adorning them, indicating the ferocity of her struggle.
There's also a student ID name tag:
Rena Saeki Age: 17
Matsukaze Prefectural High School
Ate rotten food: died of food poisoning.

There's nothing else to be done on the third floor, so we head back down to the second.

And we go to the west stairway.
Video: Stairway
This video covers the remainder of the update.
Music: None

Some thugs are blocking our progress.

Throw the holy water

Kishinuma quickly leaped in front of me, hands out, taking the full brunt of the spirit's attack in my place. Then, all three flames simply disappeared.

Yoshiki takes the book and flips through the pages.

The memo page Kishinuma opened to was ringed with bloody, sticky fingerprints. And centered among them was a rough sketch of a box drawn in ballpoint pen, along with numerous lines of text written in rough, shaky letters. They seemed to have been written with an excessive amount of force, resulting in countless black splotches and small tears in the paper:

"I need to hide her. Ao is mine, and mine alone. She must be protected. If I hide it in that box, no one will ever find it.
Ao, I love you so much."
These words were written over and over again, with the ink getting blotchier and more haphazard each time.

Kishinuma and Nana were both watching me expectantly as I procured the rusty key from my bag. I inserted it into the lock. It fit! Crossing my fingers, I began turning...and with no resistance at all. It was the right key! The lid popped up, and nostalgic music started to play.
Sound: Music Box
Nostalgic music, indeed.

Kishinuma took the music box from my hands with a sort of derisive smile on his face.

Yoshiki does so.

Sound Effect: Item

I placed the key in my pocket for safe-keeping. And tried in vain to remind myself that I shouldn't get my hopes up. But in truth, I was downright thrilled. We were making actual progress!

Now that the spirits are gone, nothing is stopping us from heading up to the third floor. We head up in our search for the door that matches our new key.