Part 45: Tooth, Part 1

At last, it's time to begin Book of Shadows' seventh and final chapter: Tooth. Not every chapter was a knock-out, but Book of Shadows knows to end on a high note.

Sound Effect: Thump

Sound Effect: Thump

Music: Great Friends

Sound Effect: Thump

Sound Effect: Thump

Music: None
Sound Effect: School Bell

My name is Tohko Kirisaki. I'd been waffling for quite some time on whether or not to say anything...but finally, I decided to bite the bullet and ask his best friend, Kurosaki.
Music: All Together

I figured I'd come to him for all the information I needed in my conquest, since he was pretty much guaranteed to know Yuuya's dating history. And so far, things seemed to be going really well. I mean, not only did I confirm Yuuya wasn't seeing anyone, but I got his best friend's blessing, too! And confirmed that he really wasn't the showy, obnoxious cool-guy type. Hee hee... That suited me just fine!

Kurosaki was understandably rather startled by the extraordinarily agitated female voice that suddenly rang out from behind his head. But that's Hellgirl Mitsuki for you! Heh. She was standing in the classroom doorway, arms folded across her chest, looking like some angry deity about to cast judgment down upon the world. And she had that deathly gleam in her eyes... the one that could fell the mightiest warrior before he even had a chance to draw his sword.

Yeah, this was definitely Hellgirl's work. All the complexion was gone from Fukuroi's face. He was a man with a demon on his back...whip at the ready, fully prepared to bring divine punishment upon all who opposed her. He was right; it was easier just to give in.

Mitsuki then grabbed the nape of Kurosaki's neck and began dragging him out the door in a decidedly painful-looking manner. He was like a teary-eyed chick caught in the talons of a bird-of-prey, struggling in vain as he was being carried off to meet his grisly end.

I was a volunteer, after all, so I was pretty much off the hook here. I could follow them at my own pace. No dragging for me!

Or rather, I did. As in, I literally ran into him. I wasn't watching where I was going, and wound up slamming into him so hard that I fell over. Immediately, he reached out his hand to help me up and asked if I was all right. Now that's a white knight if ever I've seen one!
What a fun evening this would be. I imagined it ending with me lying in bed, dreaming of Yuuya's perfect face inching ever closer to mine. But instead...
Music: Terror

We're put into control of Tohko, and head out of the bathroom.
Video: Third Floor Hallway
Music: Trouble

I'd just emerged from the girls' room with Emi after losing my lunch, where Yuuya, Ohkawa, Katayama and Shimada were waiting. The whole hallway was an absolute bloodbath after what had happened.

How is somebody supposed to handle a situation like this? Why did this have to happen at all?

We all went to the student council room where we met up with Katayama, Shimada and Emi and started cleaning and goofing around. And then when we were done, Emi suggested we all try out this new charm she discovered on the internet. She's nuts for that kind of stuff. She took out this simple, white paper doll, and we were all kind of fascinated.
So we did as we were instructed...and then suddenly, everything went dark. There was a violent shaking...and then we were here, in this old schoolhouse. No explanation.

Still, there was a potential problem with this course of action...

Ohkawa was in a state of absolute panic. He just kept muttering to himself at Katayama's side. The two of them had always been extremely close. It's only natural he'd be worried. Though his concern kind of bordered on obsession...

Sure, he had a pretty face. That's basically all he had, though. People like him pose as models in men's journals, but they're not good for much else. He got a lot of girls, too, but I'm not one of them. I could never get past his awful attitude. It's such a huge turn-off for me when guys act that way. Not that I don't admire speaking with confidence and force. I try to do it myself, whenever I can. But there's a difference between speaking forcefully and speaking in a way that belittles others. Shimada was basically just cold and uncaring.

What a difference. Like night and day! Kind, thoughtful people like him don't make flippant remarks. They just man up and get stuff done. I was crushing on him harder than ever...because now, not only did I think he was both cool and hot, I also gained a ton more respect for him.

Everybody just looked at one another, then looked away as if they were ashamed of themselves.

He was frantically shifting his gaze from one person to another. I'd never seen him so on edge before! Finally, the silence was broken by a loud, shrill male voice. Definitely not whom I would have picked.

Music: None

And as long as I had any willpower left in me, I wasn't about to give up. ...Plus, it didn't hurt that Yuuya was with me. So I knew everything was going to turn out just fine!
Video: Third Floor Hallway ends here.
Music: Tooth

We're put into control, and immediately return to the bathroom.

It's a half-decomposed corpse. Unfortunately, it's too far gone to determine age or gender. But there's still a fully intact student ID name tag lodged between two bones, identifying these as the remains of a teenage girl:
Tomomi Morinaga Age: 18
Komashiro Trade School
Member of school newspaper club; always smiled brightly and put everything she had into club promotion and advertising.

And we exit the bathroom. You can also get this corpse the first time you're in the bathroom, before leaving and triggering the cutscene.

...? What was so funny about that? I thought I was paying him a compliment. Granted, it was largely just to shut him up, but still... Yuuya didn't seem to think it was funny. Actually, he didn't seem to be paying any attention to anything either of us were saying. He just kept walking. Well, whatever. I picked up my pace a little so I'd be closer to Yuuya, and just kept walking myself. No sense dwelling on it...

That last scene was completely optional, and occurs only if you re-enter the third floor hallway before the next major story event.
And on that note, Tohko, Kizami and Shimada set out to explore Heavenly Host in search of an exit...