Part 105: Onward to Agony
Onward to Agony

Here's an exit to the stairs that I won't take just yet.

Meh. The best defense is a good offense.

Another Hexgourd spawn point.

More money is kind of nice since keeping all 12 member's equipment up to date can be costly. I went back down to the 27th floor and explored a bit more of it.

A Riptor patrols the left side of the map.

Here's the other Take Point. I went back and sold stuff to unlock new gear.

We're going back to the passageway I skipped.

Okay, now this Mine point is a bit special. See, the item points on the 28th and 29th floors make it so that you have a 10% chance to be ambushed. But this one has a 40% ambush chance. Also, there's a Hexgourd spawn point nearby. So if you get ambushed, you have one turn to end the fight. Otherwise you'll get boxed in unless you have a Warp Wire. So don't gather from this Mine point.

Slowly but surely, we're filling that map in.

Another Riptor patrols this area.

And there's another one in the middle.

Yeah, this is barely gonna help with all the damage tiles that are on this floor.

This one isn't a Riptor. It's an Asterios waiting to ambush us. Once again, my inventory filled up, so I had to go back and sell everything I had.

The Dragon Axe is actually the Landsknecht's ultimate axe. Although it doesnt provide an extra increase to attack, and the Landsknecht's Force Skill lacks utility. So it's up to you whether you want to use this or the Ygg Axe, since most axes have a 0.1 speed modifier anyways.

Okay, now back to the Labyrinth.

The aroma of the unknown flowers that fill the clearing gets stronger and stronger... You may rest here and enjoy their scent, or walk away.

In all honesty, whenever a choice like this comes up in any EO game, you should always say yes. If something bad happens, most of the time you'll be able to handle it unless your party is low on health. And there's a chance that something good can happen.

You decide to take a brief rest in the garden of sweet-smelling flowers. The warm aroma relaxes our whole body, easing the tension caused by your journey. ......As a result of your temporary respite, your wounds have healed!

Grudgingly, you end your long rest and pick up your belongings to resume your journey.

Here's the Riptor's patrol path for this area.

The other Asterios on this floor.

Here's the last Riptor's patrol path.

And a teleporter back to the entrance. Wait a minute.

So yeah, that big central area I just went through? You don't have to explore any inch of it. It's completely optional. I don't know why the floor was designed that way other than to pad out the game.

But before we do that, more gear unlocks!

The Holy Band is the Beast's ultimate armor. Unfortunately, that huge amount of defense will never come into play if you have Loyalty maxed out, due to how that skill works.

Unfortunately, this happened on the way back to the top right corner.

The exit we want to take. Also there's a Hexgourd spawn point here.

And the way out if needed.

One last Riptor patrols this area.

Now unlike the rest of the floor, there's actually something you need to do here.

Which is not taking this teleporter. That'll just take you to that little indent you see on the map, and you'll havve to walk all the way back here.

This is where we need to go.

The slightest lapse in judgment can lead to death here, as you are aware. You decide to let the pedestal be and proceed with your journey.

A flash of white.
After clearing away some of the roots, you touch the pedestal. A mysterious light emanates from the pedestal, causing all the roots to wither and die! The light eventually fades along with the roots that formerly covered the pedestal. But nothing else seems to have happened. You leave the area in bewilderment...

If you try to check the pedestal again...

You seem to be wasting your time here... Sadly, you take your leave of the area.

And we're completely done with the 27th floor. Yeah, this little side area in the top right corner was the only place you needed to go to.

There is an exit from this part of the floor, so you don't have to take the teleporter.

And from here, we can go back to the central area.

The door no longer bars your path, Open it and proceed into new territory!

Now we can go to the 29th floor, but we're not done with this floor yet. You may notice a few bits missing from the map. Unfortunately, those we can't reach those parts yet unless we're on a certain quest first.

By the way, this is the last time this track plays, so give it a listen if you haven't.

If the chief speaks the truth, then the whole city is in mortal danger! You must head to the forest near the Labyrinth entrance and investigate at once!
Canaan will block your way (and keep saying the exact same thing) until you investigate the first floor. So yeah, by trying to kill the End-Bringer and protect Lagaard, they actually put Lagaard in danger, and possibly the rest of the world. Basically, the party screwed up big time.

Despite his desperate haste, you manage to stop him long enough to ask what happened.

The moment you loosen your grasp, he wriggles free and runs like the wind for the exit. There can be no doubt that the monsters on this floor now are overwhelming the guards! The warning you received on the 29th floor was not in jest! You must ready your weapons and prepare to face these dreadful beasts from on high!

So we've got a couple of FOEs to take down.

HP: 1652
AT: 56
DF: 50
Skills: Binding, Thorn
Item Drops: N/A
Description: This plant feeds on animal flesh to provide nutrients for its turnip buds. Stay far away.
Weakness: Fire (150%)
Resistance: N/A
It's just a stronger version of a monster from the 2nd Stratum. It's also a one time FOE, and can never be fought again after this event. Kill and move on.

They're really not a threat. Let's just skip to what happens after all of them are dead.

The ground shakes as the creature falls to the ground, and silence reigns once more. A second attack of this sort, you grimly realize, would overwhelm the guards... You must hurry to the forest of the gods and settle this matter!

Our cue to go back to the 29th floor. But first, new town dialogue!

Well, time to see what awaits us on the 29th floor.

