Part 54: Bloody Battlefield
Bloody Battlefield

We reached a new floor, you know what this means.

Going back to town and getting all the dialogue and new quests!

We've got the White Chips and Death Stems, but we need to get the Blue Cores from some monsters on the 14th floor, so we can't complete this yet.

You really want to do this quest because the reward is very good. But you need to complete To the bitter end to unlock this.

Right, so that quest needs a Troubadour to complete. Getting the extra rewards is also another skill check, but this time the required skills have to be at level 5, which can throw some people off. You get 600en for having a level 5 Shelter, but 1200en for having a level 5 Stamina.

A group of explorers seeks a troubadour with a beautiful voice... The troubadour currently in your party would be perfect for their needs! Return to the bar once you have a spare moment.

Cass leaves and comes back.

Fade to black.

Oh boy. This is possibly one of the strongest consumable items in the game.

Oh, and the extra reward. Whatever.

These can only be used in battle, but what they do is boost a party member's Force by 30 points. These were in EO1, but they were a lot weaker, only restoring 10 Boost points. And Boost was much weaker than Force. Considering that the main things preventing Force Skills from completely tearing the game apart are how slowly the meter builds up, and that it's impossible to use them more than once in battle thanks to the slow gain, this item is really strong. Instead of being forced to wait 50 turns for your party to get full Force meters for a boss battle, you can just stock up on these and have everyone fill up. Theoretically anyway. Axcelas are really rare at this point. We can't buy these until the 5th Stratum. And the problem is that we can't actually spam Force Skills that well with these. You'd have to have 4 of your party members doing nothing but using these on the guy that's gonna use their Force Skills. It's still a really strong item, and it was too strong to the point that this is the last game it appeared in, other than EOU. EO3 reworked how the special moves worked, and Atlus thought these items were a bad idea that messed up the balance.

There's a shortcut nearby. There's also a path to the right.

Which leads nowhere. There's no big ice puzzle like that frozen lake on the 12th floor, but there are a bunch of dead ends on this floor.

HP: 278
AT: 33
DF: 26
Exp: 1387
Skills: Shell, Counter
Item Drops:
-Common: Shell Chip - 1 needed for Sallet. 5 needed for Luck Staff (Staff.)
--Shattered fragments of a crab shell.
-Rare: N/A
-Conditional: Whole Hull (Don't kill with physical. 1 needed for Volt Axe (Axe.)
--An intact shell of a Hugecrab.
Description: A forest crab, evolved to the size of a large dog. It now seeks bigger prey to match...
Weakness: Volt (150%)
Resistance: Stab (50%)
These things aren't too deadly if you can take them out quick. If you get blindsided by them, they'll use Shell. Shell increases their defense, making them a bit harder to take out. If you damage them, but don't kill them, they'll have a chance to start using Counter. When they take damage and don't die, they'll counter with a really powerful attack that's very likely to kill your party members at this point. Indirect methods of damage like Poison won't activate Counter.

Now that Bellamy has Analysis, the game will tell us if we hit a weakness by saying that the spell was a crit.

I should also probably mention that I went ahead and relocated Aliara's points in Torpor to Curses, so she has Dampen unlocked, she just doesn't have any points in it yet.

Just demonstrating that you need to be careful around them. Also I got two level ups, but I forgot to make use of them. The reason being...

After few seconds spent restocking and reviving everyone, I go back.

Taking the right path up, there's a branching path here. We can go up or right. I go right since it leads to an event.

You take off your backpacks for a well-deserved rest. But the chill that soon creeps into your bones is so awful that you jump right back up! You have a terrible feeling about resting here... You leave the area as soon as possible!

This event is a pretty big dick move. You can recover from HP loss easily. We can't do that with TP loss just yet.

Before I go take on that FOE, I'm gonna use up my skill points first.

Bellamy's weakness damage got boosted to 10%.

Pauline mastered Bows, so she unlocked Apollon.

Nick's one point away from unlocking the Bait skills.

Here's an FOE returning from the first game, the Killclaw. They don't appear on the field normally. If you get into a random battle near their spawn point, they'll appear on the map and try to join in on your battle. If you're not paying attention to the bottom screen, it can be a nasty surprise when one suddenly joins in and decides to bisect your Hexer or whatever.

One of the reasons I had my Alchemist take the Volt skills was so I could fry this thing instantly.

Type: Normal
Behavior: Ambush
Aggressive: Yes
HP: 1215
AT: 41
DF: 41
Skills: Claws
Item Drops:
-Drop 1: Red Blade - 1 needed for Goliath (axe.)
--Crab scissors whose tips are covered in blood.
-Drop 2: Carapace - 1 needed for Hauberk.
--Steel-hard carapace with a brilliant luster.
-Drop 3: Space Husk - See Clawbug bio.
Description: A denizen of the upper reaches of the forest. Its tremendous claws can cut a man in two.
Weakness: Volt (150%)
Resistance: Physical (50%)
Do not fight these things if you don't have an Alchemist. It will wreck you. Heavy resistance to physical attacks means that you're gonna have to spend more than 2 turns dealing with it, which is what you don't want. Claws is a heavy hitting attack that hits twice. On top of that, it has a chance to inflict instant death, which means that your frontline will turn into crab food fast.

If you do have a way of dealing heavy damage, they're not too much of a problem.

Of course I miss out on one of their drops, even with Scavenge. Oh well, at least that ability makes drop hunting much less annoying.

Walking all the way around nets us some money.

HP: 285
AT: 34
DF: 26
Exp: 1809
Skills: Evil Cry, Fang
Item Drops:
-Common: Snow Fang - 1 needed for Wolf Pain (Whip.) and Landanum. 10 needed for Nikkari (Katana.)
--Sharp fangs, used in high-quality weapons.
-Rare: White Hide - 1 needed for Pure Beads and Hauberk. 3 needed for Snow Coat.
--The thin hide beneath a wolf's pelt.
-Conditional: N/A
Description: A white-furred wolf that hunts in packs through the forest's center. Stay well clear.
Weakness: Fire (150%)
Resistance: Ice (75%)
Wolves have a very simple AI. First they'll use Evil Cry, which boosts their attack. Then they just use Fang over and over to kill you. Don't let it get to that point and they're not a problem. If you get blindsided, you may just want to run so your party doesn't die.

Unfortunately I let it get to that point.

Of course it's only just one Wolf, so it goes down easily. Now if you were facing multiple Wolves, that would be problematic.

Another shortcut we can't access yet.

By the way, ambush FOEs respawn indefinitely. Don't think you're safe if you killed one in the area. Because of this, they're really not worth killing aside from their drops.

Of course if you want to fight them, have to make sure they're next to you when you finish the battle, because they'll disappear after you take one step. A strategy you can use to deal with them is to set up in a random battle, and wait for them to join in so you kind of have a head start of sorts. You actually have to do this in EO3, because unlike the FOEs in 1 and 2, the ambush FOEs in that game despawn immediately after you finish a battle.

There's another Killclaw in this area.

Okay, I walked straight into the FOE, with the intent to get into a fight. So why the fuck does my party get blindsided even though they were looking right at it?

And that is why you should avoid Killclaws. At least I managed to get all of its drops this time.

There's a Killclaw right around here.

And Ken gets a level up!

Kienzan is maxed out, dealing 170% fire damage to everything. Ken can clear mobs pretty easily now.

There's a new FOE patrolling the area down here. And the first Take point is here.
Common: Strawberry - 1 needed for Stonard. 3 needed for Amrita. 5 needed for Therica AX.
-Sweet berries that restore some HP.
Uncommon: Icy Flower - 1 needed for Beast Bell. 3 needed for Landanum. 5 needed for Sleep Gas.
-Snow-like flower that restores some TP.
Rare: Narcissus - 1 needed for Cut Mist, Bash Mist, Stab Mist, Fire Mist, Ice Mist, Volt Mist, Phys Mist, and Evil Mist.
-Carnivorous flower with its own water supply.
This is a really important Take Point. Getting a Narcissus will unlock most of the Mist items in the store. And we can buy Amritas and Therica AXs once we have enough Strawberries. Well, we can buy Therica AXs at least. We also need a drop from an enemy on the 15th floor before we can buy Amritas. You'll want to stock up on Therica AXs through, especially if your party doesn't have a Medic.

Type: Normal
Behavior: Patrol
Aggressive: No
HP: 1230
AT: 42
DF: 42
Skills: Charge, Bullrush
Item Drops:
-FOE: Red Jaw - 1 needed for Rune Gage.
--Teeth so large that one man cannot carry them.
-Encounter: Metal Horn - 1 needed for Brio Wrist, Kotsujiki (Katana.), Fin Bow (Bow.) 3 needed for Iron Saker (Gun.)
--Broken animal horn, made of various metals.
-Conditional: N/A
Description: A large, extremely territorial elephant that adapts to its environment.
Weakness: Fire (125%)
Resistance: Ice (0%), Volt (0%)
Metal Horns can be found on some monsters on the 15th floor. Armoths will almost always spend their first turn charging, and then hit your front row with Bullrush. After that, they'll do whatever. Fire is their only weakness, which I forgot at the time.

Fortunately, we still have Ken, who is an absolute monster at this point.

And I don't even get their FOE drop.

Going up and crossing over that ice is the only path we can take that doesn't lead us to a dead end.

And we can skip over all that on future trips.

You look around and spy an animal cub under attack from a forest monster! There is no reason or reward for rescuing the cub, but you feel compelled to act...

You rush in to protect the cub by moving between the monster and its prey!

Quickly understanding, the cub escapes into the forest. The monster, however, is furious at losing its prey, and will not let you go without a fight!

Oh hell no.

There's no additional text out of this. The game was right, there's no reward for doing this, unless you count the exp and drops as a reward.

I noticed Aliara was close to a level up, so I got into another fight.

Oh yes! YES!

Ha ha ha. Dampen is very expensive, is a single target debuff unlike Frailty which is an AOE debuff, requires 25 skill points to even unlock, and has a speed modifier of 1% at level 1. All of which I assume was a half-assed attempt to balance it. As for what it does, let's take a look.

Remember that Clawbugs have a 25% resistance to physical attacks.

What Dampen does, is nullify every single resistance on an enemy. It doesn't even matter how resistant they are to an attack. Whether they only take 75% or even 0% damage from an element, a level 1 Dampen will make it so that they take 100% damage from all attacks they aren't weak to. A level 5 Dampen makes them take 120% damage, and even affects enemies that take the standard 100% damage from elements. Levels 4 and 5 of the skill can create an artificial weakness for the Alchemist to exploit. Dampen does not affect weaknesses. If an enemy takes 150% damage from Fire, Dampen won't mess with that weakness in any way.
Dampen is a middle finger to the very concept of resistances. It is so broken that it never made a reappearance in any of the other EO games including the remake. There wasn't even an attempt to nerf the skill, it was fundamentally broken. Revenge didn't even have that honor. Remember how Salamox's conditional drop was to kill it with Fire and it took 0% damage from that? Dampen makes those kinds of conditional drops very easy to get. What makes this skill even more broken is that there is a disproportionate amount of enemies in this game that are resistant to physical attacks. This skill is why you can get away with not using too many elemental skills in this game. For parties that have a lot of physical attackers, Dampen is one of the best support skills in the game. And this is a debuff, not a status effect, so it works on FOEs and bosses.
There are a few downsides to this skill. It's slow, very expensive, and only targets a single enemy. And since it only affects resistances, skills that deal untyped damage don't benefit from it. The Hexer has access to a defense debuff, Frailty. Unlike Dampen, which just sets resistances to a given value, Frailty is a multiplier. It causes all enemies, not one, to take an extra 132% damage at level 10. Unfortunately both skills do not stack so you can't make enemies ridiculously weak to everything. If you have a party that's heavily reliant on elemental attacks, Frailty is the superior option. It actually affects weaknesses, and not too many enemies are resistant to elements. Oh and just because you can use Dampen on everything, doesn't mean you should. Some bosses have a special reaction to being hit with Dampen. You do not want to see those special reactions. Still aside from all that, Dampen is one of the most powerful skills in the game. It makes getting certain conditional drops much easier, so it's worth the investment.
With that aside, let's see how the rest of the guild is doing.

These five are the same.

Frederik hasn't changed much. He's working towards Cursecut, but that's it.

Fedot has maxed out his strength stat, so he's gonna be hitting slightly harder than Ken at this point. I've started putting a few points into TP so he can use his skills more.

Aegis is just working towards survivability. He's maxed out En Garde.

Now Emilia's skillset took a more interesting turn. She has both Blazer and Shocker maxed out, which are her chaser skills. They deal elemental damage to any enemies that got hit by the selected element. Theoretically, these are the Landsknecht's best damage skills. The problem is that she can't actually hit anyone with these unless she has party members that have elemental attacks in the first place.

Maverick has maxed out Purity and has one point in Freedom. He also has some points in Patch Up, which should help with sustain and prevent us from having to use up too many resources while in the Labyrinth.

Gilbert hasn't changed much, he has 5 points in Stamina, but 3 points in Health. Health is a really good skill that reduces the party's chances of being hit by a status effect. At level 3, Status Effects only have a 48% chance to hit. This doesn't affect binds, unfortunately.

Now Ling has maxed out Loyalty. Which is gonna give him a 75% chance to block attacks that come for other party members. Not really a good deal, but I did that so he could max out Rampage, which randomly hits enemies 3/4/5/6 times 160% damage. The proc chances for the amount of hits it can do are 45%/25%/20%/10%. It's basically Ricochet on steroids, but the accuracy of each hit is 75%. Despite all that, on average this deals out more damage than Midareba and Ricochet, so it's the best damage skill in the game.