Part 71: Artelind's Request
Artelind's Request

Expect to see this a lot.

Another Sonicker patrols this area. It should be noted that any tiles the FOEs step on and damage tiles are completely safe.

In retrospect, that one was kind of obvious.

I'm severely tempted to link to what I call pitfallhell.png, but I won't.

Here's the Sonicker's patrol path.

It goes down easily.

So here's another Sonicker. Just follow it or pay attention to where it walks over.

That pitfall lead us to some treasure. Better than the last one at least.

The other Sonicker's patrol path.

Thankfully that was the last of the pitfalls.

And we get a decent consumable out of that treasure chest we saw earlier.

And we're done with this floor, aside from that section Ling needs to go through.

Just a short little passageway here. We're completely done with the 8th floor now.

At this point I realized I needed Nick for something.

So I went back and-

Today, we're going to observe the hunting habits of the explorer panda.

The grass here looks to be well-trod. You can tell the path continues to the other side. You use your keen senses to determine whether the opening is large enough to fit through. You slobber happily, discovering that you can fit. The question now is, should you?

The panda spots its prey. A creature, known as the Kilohorn. The two lock eyes, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Type: Normal
Behavior: Proximity
Aggressive: Yes
HP: 1635
AT: 54
DF: 55
Skills: Deathorn, Neigh
Item Drops:
-Common: Steel Horn - See Actaeon bio.
-Rare: N/A
-Conditional: Kilo Horn - Kill while head bound. 3 needed for Ill Wind (Bow.)
--Complex horn resembling a many-branched tree.
Description: Chief of the Actaeon family. Its enchanting horn is the last thing many will ever see.
Weakness: Fire (125%)
Resistance: N/A
The Kilohorn is a powerful creature, considered to be a higher form of the Actaeon. As such, it shares the same attacks as they do.

The panda is the one to initiate. Using tricks that it learned from living with humans, it uses a bell to put the Kilohorn to sleep, so that it can get the first strike.

It uses the extra time it gained to apply a protective mist to itself.

This dulls the effectiveness of the Kilohorn's attacks.

The two creatures wrestle, biting and thrashing about in an attempt to subdue the other.

Look at that utter display of brutality! Pandas can be very dangerous creatures when provoked.

The panda is tired, being forced to use medicine to heal its wounds.

Seeing this display of weakness, the Kilohorn believes it has won. And bellows at the panda to asert its dominance.

However, the panda isn't cowed, and instead takes advantage of the Kilohorn's arrogance to strike the final blows.

And now-
Well that was a bit of a tricky fight, but it's one I got through just fine.

Oh, now this will come in handy. The Vigor Belt is an upgrade from the Life Belt. Adds some extra defense, but more importantly, it can be used as Revenge fuel. Unfortunately these can't be bought until the 5th Stratum, but one will suit my purposes for now.

And now the 9th floor is completely finished. There's nothing more for us here. Oh right, I was about to explore the rest of the secret areas.

So here's another Sonicker. It patrols the lower part of this room.

1st Turn is a bit situational, but it's a godsend for slower party members, and slow parties in general. While this does eat up the Survivalist's turn, they're not really good for much in this game.

Unlike EO1, which had the Dark Hunter dish out a weaker blow if an adjacent party member got hit, the Bait skills deal full damage no matter who gets attacked. Oh, and it can proc for AOEs as well. It's pretty powerful.

The gimmick of this secret area is that there's a lot of doors.

All but three of them don't lead anywhere.

The doors to the far right don't take us further in, but we need to go here. There's treasure for one thing.

Oh, and these two doors lead to the same place. But more importantly...

This is where we can find Artelind.

It is the lady you seek... She address your party, surprised to see you.

You recoil slightly at her intense, hostile stare... You are unsure how to answer the question...

The other two options don't do anything, and we'd have to talk to her again. The middle choice is the right one.

Your words seem to have been the last thing the black-haired witch expected.

She responds to you, a dubious tone in her voice.

Artelind wears a mournful expression, continuing to speak while facing downward.

Artelind looks at you, desperately awaiting a reply. What should you say...?

Artelind's face lights up as she hears your response.

Her tone softens as she expresses her gratitude for your kindness.

She reaches into her bag and begins walking away from you.

She walks away, vanishing from your sight. The quest is complete! Report your success to the bar when you return to Lagaard!
So while we needed to go here to complete that quest, that wasn't the way forward.

To get further into this secret area, you need to go through this door.

I should note that the attack textbox came up before the blindside notice. Also there was no monster appearance notice. The starting battle text seems to have a bunch of weird bugs that pop up from time to time.

To the right, there's some treasure.

But aside from that, we're completely done with this floor.

This floor? This part of it is damage tile heaven.

Now I say heaven because we finally reached that shortcut we couldn't access for a long time. Which is near the Geomagnetic Field. In fact, it's very easy to set up a Revenge Hexer since you can just send one to the 6th floor, and have them

Here's the actual gimmick for this secret area, one way passages. Several of them.

The other Kilohorn also dies pretty fast.

Some mediocre treasures, but we broke even on that Tree Key.

Unloading all my Force Skills onto this poor FOE, because why not?

Can you say, overkill?

Here's the last of the locked doors.

And now we're completely done with the 10th floor, and all the locked doors in the game.

And we'll resume exploring the 4th Stratum in the next update.