Part 75: High in the Sky
High in the Sky
I went on a bit of a farming spree and unlocked a bunch of equipment and items. I also unlocked Medica IIIs, so I went and bought a ton of those.

Now the Volt Gun is needed for that quest, so I buy one. It's a downgrade for Fedot, so I don't buy one for him.

So this is gonna be our party for the rest of the Stratum.

By popular demand, I went and had Pauline equip the postgame bow. She'll be hitting pretty hard until the postgame hits.

It must have met a gruesome end by a monster's claws... The ghastly sight reminds you of the tale Cass told you at the Stickleback Bar... The adventurer who believed what no one else thought possible, and climbed the Labyrinth... It's certainly possible that these are the remains of that courageous soul. You hesitate, wondering if this is where you should leave the Old Coin that Cass gave you.

You place the coin next to the corpse and say a silent prayer for its safe passage. But there are so many corpses littering the Labyrinth... There's no way to be certain this is the same adventurer that Cass once knew. You take your leave, as full of doubts as before...

You hesitate, realizing that the Labyrinth is littered with such corpses. The last thing you want to do is leave Cass's coin with the wrong corpse... You decide against leaving the Old Coin with any corpse for now.
So there's gonna be some spots that you can leave the Old Coin at. Only one of those spots is the correct place. Leaving the coin at the wrong spot won't give you the full reward.

I placed Pauline on the front lines just so the damage spreads out between 3 people. Survivalists can kind of operate on the front, since they do have slightly more VIT than Ronin, and just a little less than Dark Hunters. I wouldn't recommend doing this, since in normal circumstances they have really terrible damage and the front lines are best saved for an actual damage dealer.

Pauline's current damage output. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Remember that Diatrimas are weak to Stab attacks. Pauline's damage output is slightly above Ken's.

He barely reacts as you come near, merely glancing in your direction.

He may be the one wise in the lore of the Labyrinth's monsters... If you believe him to be the one, you may offer the gun and state your case.

He waits for you to speak, then resumes gathering twigs when you remain silent.

Unable to get any advice, you leave the area.

The man accepts the gift with great interest.

You ask about the monster while you are in his favor, and if there's any peaceful resolution.

You thank the man for his help, and decide to return to the Duke's Palace with his advice.
Remember this spot for later. You'll have to come back here a few times.

Now that we've finished that quest, this one pops up.

It stands up from its work of picking up twigs when it notices you approach.

You nod, and he starts to fill in the details of the request.

The man frowns after saying this, then slowly continues.

His request made, the man stoops again to gather his twigs. You tell him you'll be finished before long, and leave the area.

You crouch down to take a look... It doesn't seem that any human could fit through.

A beast may be able to pass, but...
Once again, we need a solo Beast to get past this.

It seems to have been made just for animals to use... You roar in excitement and squeeze into the passage.

You just have to walk down this really long hallway. What captivating map design.
You look down to see a black mushroom growing, just as the strange man said.

You sniff the mushroom and leap back at its horrible stench! You don't know what it's used for, but it doesn't seem tasty. You'd rather eat monster meat! Gagging at the smell, you manage to get the mushroom in the bag. You have obtained the item requested by your client! You give a proud roar before leaving the area.

Increases the party's resistance to all elements. But it's weaker than the specialized mists. It does stack with them, so that's something to keep in mind.

The Voltking to the south of the 18th floor has been getting in my way a lot, so I decided to take it out.

Keep in mind that Voltkings have a resistance to Stab attacks. Pauline's postgame bow lets her deal respectable damage.

And Apollon's damage gets absolutely ridiculous with that bow.

A bit of a damage comparison between our classes.

Okay, no more goofing around. Let's do the 19th floor.

HP: 337
AT: 38
DF: 37
Exp: 2730
Skills: Corrode
Item Drops:
-Drop 1: Gold Quill - 1 needed for Round Helm. 2 needed for Body Aspis. 3 needed for Wing Tunic. 1 needed for the quest The wise King.
--Glowbird feathers that shine brighter than gold.
-Drop 2: Gold Claw - 1 needed for Juzumaru (Katana.) 10 needed for Dark Saker.
--Sharp claws that easily rip through flesh.
-Drop 3: Death Stem - See 3rd Stratum Chop info.
Description: A bird whose sharp beak and high dexterity must be met by a warrior of equal speed.
Weakness: Stab (150%)
Resistance: N/A
Glowbirds are monsters that can make some encounters very deadly. They have very high AGI and LUC (58 and 54) so they're fast and hard to hit. They don't hit too hard, but Corrode lowers your entire party's defenses, which enables enemies that already hit pretty hard to hit even harder.

Oh yeah, Ken? Absolute monster now. He dishes out fantastic single target and AOE damage. Aliara lost her role of mob clearer, but Ken took up that mantle. Keep in mind that this is without buffs.

So the gimmick of this floor is that there's a bunch of islands, and these gold platforms will take you to another one. They all travel in a straight line, and some of them are one way trips. Yeah, this is pretty much EO1's lily pad floor, only under a different aesthetic.

This is when you can properly fight the Wrathbuds by themselves.

It's also when you can actually get their conditional drops, since the game checks to see if they were killed on the first turn, not in one turn.

Here's this floor's Mine point.

The platform to the right is a one-way trip. On the next island, the south platform will take you to some treasure.

There's a new FOE on this island.

Type: Normal
Behavior: Time of day
Aggressive: Yes
HP: 1650
AT: 51
DF: 65
Skills: Petrify
Item Drops:
-Common: Stone Beak - 1 needed for Halberd (Axe.)
--A broken beak that has lost its stoning power.
-Rare: Pale Quill - 1 needed for Gauntlet and Quill Boot. 3 needed for Wing Dress
--Raven feathers with a variety of uses.
-Conditional: N/A
Description: A large, chicken-like creature that lives in the Labyrinth. Its beak turns men to stone.
Weakness: Stab (150%)
Resistance: Cut (75%)
Cocatris aren't really that scary. They can hit fairly hard and petrify your party members, but their petrification skill is single target. They're really easy to take down at this point and shouldn't pose a threat. Carry some Therica Bs, but that's a given at this point.

Some more nice damage from Pauline.

I shudder to think just how much damage she would be doing without that bow. She's matching Fedot and Ken in terms of raw numbers right now.

So this floor has another gimmick. Time sensitive FOEs. There's a total of 15 Cocatris on this floor. There's three different time periods in which they spawn, with 5 spawing in different locations at each time period.
Morning: 5am-9am
Afternoon: 10am-3pm
Night: 6pm-4am
You might have noticed a bit of a gap in their spawn times. From 4 to 6pm, they won't spawn at all. You can use that time to go through the floor (which is 60 steps) without worrying about all the Cocatris. You can also plan out a route to avoid encountering any at specific times. Or you can just kill every single one that gets in your way. Guess which method I'm using to deal with them. Anyways, I'll label the Cocatris with the corresponding letters from now on. One spawns in the afternoon, but two spawn at night on this island.

Some nice treasures. The Therica BX is gonna be really handy for the rest of the Stratum. At this point, I go back to restock.

I just got a new katana for Ken and you're already giving me a better one? Wow, the game insists on making Ken a murder machine.

Now there's a Cocatris on this island.

Here's the spawn times for them.

This time, I'm going up.

This island only hosts a Cocatris at night.

Another thing to note about Cocatris, they never use Petrify at full health or on the 1st turn. So if you're gonna take one down, do it quick.

Cocatris are really nothing to worry about as long as you don't drag out the battle.

A few ways off this island, I take the middle left platform.

There's a Cocatris here in the morning.

I happened to snag the Gold Quill needed for the quest.

Kienzan has a pretty slow activation rate, and tends to go after all the enemies had their turn.

1st Turn completely fixes that problem.


Fedot gets a level up. So yeah, Pauline and Ken can pretty much clear out mobs on their own.

2-Hit now has a 16% chance to proc.

Another incorrect spot for that quest.

On that previous island, I go left.

Nick is working on capping out his STR since I got most of the abilities I wanted on him.

Normally, the island to the south contains nothing. However, it's the destination for the Pride of the gunner quest.

The FOE here is the target.

Type: Normal
Behavior: Patrol
Aggressive: No
HP: 1146
AT: 45
DF: 35
Skills: Evil Cry, Fang
Item Drops: N/A
Description: A violent beast that killed the chief of the Ducal Bombardiers with its sharp fangs.
Weakness: Fire (150%)
Resistance: Ice (75%)
It's just a stronger and far tankier version of the Wolf. You don't need to have the Gunner to get the finishing blow, just having one in your party is enough.

You edge towards the monster to confirm the kill, when a lone guard approaches from behind.

You explain the situation, and the wide-eyed guard nods, his mouth slightly agape.

The guard eagerly shakes each of your hands and bows deeply before taking his leave. Congratulations! You have honored yourself by avenging the Ducal Bombardiers' leader!