The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 23: Unit Overview: Rocket

Part 23: Unit Overview: Rocket

Basic Info:
Cost		13000 G
Movement	4
Move Type	Vehicle
Fuel		50
Ammo		5
Ammo Cost	7 G
Range		3-5
Special		Cannot attack and move in same turn; cannot counterattack
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		4.5			0.5
 Mech			3.5			3.5
 Medium Tank		5.5			8.5
 Tank			6.5			5.5
 APC			6.5			3.5
 Rocket			4.5			4.5
 Artillery		5.5			3.5
 Supply			6.5			N/A
 AA Missile		5.5			N/A
 AA Tank		6.5			N/A
 Fighter		N/A			1.5
 Scout			N/A			0.5
 Bomber			N/A			6.5
 Copter			N/A			0.5
 Battleship		1.5			8.5
 Lander			2.5			2.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Rockets are the ranged companion to medium tanks - expensive and worth it. They've got massive range, able to strike across mountain ranges or through a chokepoint behind multiple protectors. They hit hard against all vehicles, but are relatively weak against footsoldiers and can't do much against naval units. They even have a healthy supply of ammo. Their main drawback is a lack of mobility, making it a bit harder to get them into the perfect position, especially in forests. Try not to let any tanks or medium tanks get near them, either.