The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 116: Update CII - Bare-knuckle Rin

Update CII - Bare-knuckle Rin

This update covers the events of Update XLV to XLIX.

Music: Duel of Fate

Hi Rin.

Archer snaps into position.

Get the doodad.

Though my appearance may not be imposing, it is my duty to see that you survive until the end.

I was planning on entering the Arena alone, but Archer would have noticed immediately. ...It's obvious that my Servant is in no condition to fight effectively, if at all. However, I have no choice but to have them join me. The fact is that if I entered the Arena alone, I wouldn't last a minute. The fifth round has arrived and Archer said that they would fight, injuries and all. Knowing the consequences of my actions, I ask that you fight alongside me anyway. Of course, you probably expected nothing less from one you've fought alongside with.

You have grown, Master. Before, you didn't have the gravitas to make such a hard decision. Now that our path is set, let's go. I will defeat anyone foolish enough to stand in our way.

And off to go fix Archer.

By which I mean walk out because you can just do that today.

Music: School III

Music: School I

Archer cannot languish like this. It's haphazard, but I would like to try a different method.

Different? I wonder what she's got in mind.

We're going to link together, and with our excess magic, we'll make magic circuits for Archer. It'll be a strain on us, and the recovery won't be complete, but magic will flow again.

I see. Although I don't mind shouldering the burden for my Servant, it seems too much to ask of Rani. Is it dangerous?

Not very, but it also might not restore much of your Servant's magic. Do you wanna try it?

Might as well grab Rin's version of this scene while I'm here.

What in the...? How can you be so open to this?! Wait a second, how in the hell do you know so much about thaumaturgy in the first place?!

Music: Down to Dawn

Go get Archer.

Just like the terminal said, when I reach the first floor, Rani is waiting for me. My Servant is behind her.

Oh, you got here early.

...? What's going on? Archer seems... a little off. I mean, he isn't a foreigner to sarcasm, but... Maybe something happened during the "healing" process.

Ah. There is no longer any obstacle preventing us from fighting. I'm sorry I worried you, Master. As you can see, my magic circulates correctly again. It took a lot of skill to perform that procedure.

The nurse's office smells sweet. Maybe I should ask what they did in there, for future reference.

What....? Hmm, interesting. If you want to know so much, why not ask Archer himself?

Now I'm really curious. I'm curious, but more clueless than before.

...And we will prove them very, very wrong.

In our first fight, I noticed you used a Liuhe Quan technique to release an energy blast. That energy release flips one's yin and yang energy. It was originally a breathing exercise for healing. You could say it's a fatal influx of chi. Which is the calling card of a certain famous kenpo artist.

You've been tempted by blood and pulled from status of Master to lowly assassin...

Haha, you've landed a blow below the belt. It is true, I have very much strayed off my path. The dark side is seductive, as any martial arts instructor knows. Like a snake eating its tail, death leads to blood leads to death leads to blood.

This blatant bloodlust... Master, he's going to start something. Are you ready?

Music: Down to Dawn

But first I want to thank you, Master. I didn't think I'd be able to come back after what happened to me.

As you can see, I'm back to full strength so it's time for retribution. Of course, I'll help in any way I can.

Chat with Archer.

And off to the Arena.

Music: Fear

As it turns out, Rin mentioning that she wouldn't be able to fully heal your Servant after skipping the bypass was a bit more serious than I thought.

By which I mean it locks Archer into his crippled state for the rest of the week.

He'll heal up on his own in time for the Elimination Battle, sure, but good luck lasting that long on NG when you've just gotten MP recovery and have no enemy data.

But here in the land of 'lol just use cheats fuck it' it means nothing.

We need to know how we measure up to you in battle!

Gain a level.

Sorry, Master... I'm glad we were able to get the cipher key... No thanks to me this time.

Get the Trigger.


Music: School III

Now, if we could only see the stupid guy, period. If we can make the invisible Servant visible, we might have a chance of winning. We'll find a way, Master.

Music: School I

Go talk to Rin and get the traps.

Archer makes his presence known with a slightly mocking remark somewhat tinged with concern.

...As a fellow string of ones and zeroes who has no business being here, I know how you feel. But... You are an individual being, while us Servants are drawn from a shared data source. The difference is significant. I wonder if you could be— No, this isn't the time for conjecture... But for now, nothing changes between us. As for the future, it will take care of itself. Until then, just live as you want. To make futile your fight up until now, would be considered a wasted effort.

Spend SP.

And off to the underwater jungle.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor




Music: School III

Talk to Rin.

Now that the traps are set, there is nothing to do but wait and see if it was worth the effort.


Music: Fear

Don't worry, the girl isn't dead. She did what she had to do, and now it's our turn to do the same.

Trap 1.

And trap 3.

That's something you don't see everyday... I wonder if he's a genuine martial arts master?

When I originally looked as I do now, I distanced myself from the world, though I was excitable even then. However, I look back on my mistakes and because of them chose not to take the role of master, but of assassin! I bear too much shame to ever face the master that trained me— It's as if no one ever truly trained me. All things considered, there's no more fitting title for such a man as I!

But this isn't the time to complain about one's enemy. Let's go— You'll have eternity to talk to yourself!


We managed to grab both Triggers and uncovered his true appearance. Our revenge will come in the Coliseum.




Music: School III

Next time: Say the line, Archer!