The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 128: Week 3 Information Matrix - Caster

Information Matrix - Caster (True Name Revealed)

Maxwell's Demon - Maiden's Empire: Queens Glass Game posted:

"A story without end,
A child-like finger returns to the first line,
A tiny hand reaches out for the second volume,
For as long as the reader denies reality."

Jabberwock posted:

"Names to be uncovered and places still unknown.
Fire breathing dragons and cloud spouting giants,
and magicks that are monsters in the shadows.
Maybe, just maybe, the words of adults are lies.
The truth of all is in Professor Dodgson's mind."

Nameless Forest posted:

"Ackroyd and Celluloid,
Sadistic acrostic,
No one is especially special here,
Birds are birds and people are people,
Entropy suits me to a tittle,
In the end, your name is mine."

Transformation (A+) posted:

"I will change, I have changed.
I am you, while you are me.
I'm going to change, I will have changed.
I am you and you are me."

Metamorphosis (A) posted:

"This is the ability to merge one's own body with the body parts of others. The higher the ranking of this skill, the further away one becomes from being considered a true hero. But it do-do-doesn't matter doesn't matter that kind of stuff doesn't matter at all!

Whatever you say needs to be done I will do as you order me to!"

Territory Creation (A) posted:

"The smallest door, the maddest tea party,
The checkered board in the rainbow meadow,
the riddles of the chatty twins,
But my favorite of all can only be this one,
The invitation to the nameless forest,
where all can be forgotten!"

Character Background posted:

"A nursery rhyme is a children's refrain.
Tom Thumb's charming picture book.
The first glimpse of Mother Goose's awakening.
The sorrowful me to the lonely you,
Your final wish, let's make it true."

Nursery Rhyme posted:

Nursery Rhyme is not a hero in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a general term for any picture book that has managed to manifest itself into a corporeal existence.

The genre itself, deeply loved by the children of England, came into being as a reaction to the half-voiced dreams of the young and eventually emerged as a Servant who became a champion of the innocent. It formed the foundation for perhaps the best known work from the author known as Lewis Carroll. His book "Alice in Wonderland" began as a series of simple rhymes told to the daughters of a family friend while rowing down the River Thames on a warm summer's day.

The Servant Nursery Rhyme is actually a type of Reality Marble. It projects the true feelings of its Master and creates a pseudo-servant in a form imagined by the one who summoned it.

Battle lines

Battle start

I'll let you play with us just this once!


Command select

Haha, this is fun, right Alice?

Yup! Very fun! Let's have even more fun! (High health)


Please don't disappear right away. (High health)


Well then, bye bye! (High health)


Aww, the sun's going away...

Don't worry, Alice. Even if it gets dark, we'll be eternal. (Low health)


[Mister/Miss], are you angry? Are you angry? (Low health)


[Mister/Miss], do you hate me? Do you hate me? (Low health)


Don't say such mean things to us! (Low health)


I don't like pain! (Low health)


It's nearly time for the tea party, Alice!

You're right, Alice! Let's seal this [boy/girl] in eternity! (NP ready)


Now, welcome to Alice's Tea Party! ahahAHAHAHA!! (NP survived)


Round start

I'll chop it off! (Commands confirmed)


Normal attacks

Well? (Attack)


That hurts... (Guard)


I did it! (Counter)


Disappear! (Break)


This is fun, Alice! (Extra Turn)


Do you hate being hurt? (Extra Attack)


Now we can keep playing! (Healed)


Hit reactions

Ow! (Damaged)


How scary.

I... hate adults! (Enemy Extra Attack)


Aha, they got us.

Why are you getting in our way!? (Consecutive enemy Extra Attack)


Will we disappear...? (Defeated)



Alice is fine as long as Alice is here. (White Queen's Enigma)


I think some kids would be happier turned into pigs. (Frenzied March Hare)


I want to chase you like you're a rabbit! (Plains of Winter)


Cooked nice and delicious! (Dragon Skillet)


Forever... forever... happiness! (March of the Black Tea)


Through rainbow fields in a gator's gait, king without a checker's mate, lost in the mirror's maze on a sunny day, blow the rabbit faraway! (Maiden's Empire)