The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 33: Update XXX.I - Witch's mark

Update XXX.I - Witch's mark

Another week,

Another thrown match just to see if anything interesting happens.

One hit.


That's actually lower damage than Robin, now that I think about it.


Although Rhyme might have bottom tier Agility.


And dead.

Music: Game Over

Every death cutscene has started with this so far.

Nope, we can't. You can only play with the same person once—that's the rules! Time for the next Master.

Yup! Alice belongs to Alice. Together forever.

The twins run off.

But Alice turns back for a moment.

Only to keep on running, conveniently keeping her from seeing us actually die.

But, she turns away quickly, bored. Their innocent laughter echoes as the two girls disappear. It's the end. After that, all fades into nothing—