The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 105: Mozart's #13 Dance Tune

I won't call it the home stretch yet, but it is at least the last lap (to use a racing metaphor).

Mozart's #13 Dance Tune

Time to investigate this patchwork world!

: What does that shortsighted fool want now...?
: What do you mean shortsighted? He's the chancellor, so doesn't that mean he helps plan the kingdom's future?
: Last time we were here he tried to convince Lenna to stay so she could help rebuild the kingdom.
: That doesn't sound too bad...
: Not unless you consider how we're fighting to save the world, and with no world there's no kingdom.
: I see... Have you explained that?
: Lenna did, last time we were here.
: It still took some convincing to get him to let her go.

Okay, how the hell did he find out about Faris, and why does he seem to think this is her home when she's been missing for like sixteen years?
: Errr... Are you sure you aren't confusing me with someone else?
: Nonsense! One of the servants overheard your conversation, but she was unable to report it until you left.
: Wait, what conversation is this?
: Nothing important.

: Who is "we?"
: What he said.

: I suppose, in a manner of speaking, you were right...
: Yes, she insists she isn't Sarisa anymore.
: 'Cause I'm not.

: I'm still not sure that things're over yet, so we've gotta go double-check!
: Oh, surely you can spare a moment for a celebration, at least!

: She's reacting even worse than when I stuck her in that dancing outfit.
: I'm not sure why she never changed out of it, to be honest.
: Well, I'm willing to bet that she's taking whatever they're stuffing her into off first chance she gets.
: I feel like "taking it off" might be a bit weak for her reaction...
: Good point. She'll probably shred it so she never has to wear it again.

: ...Okay, that's actually quite impressive, but... well... it's just not her, you know?
: What do you mean? It suits her perfectly.
: No, he's right. It feels like she's pretending to be something she isn't.
: Yeah, part of fashion is to express yourself, not try to cover it up. She doesn't have the bearing to pull that dress off.
: Bit surprising that you know about fashion, though...
: You mean because of my clothes, right? I wear these because they're durable and resist stains pretty well. Aesthetics are completely beside the point. Dancers, on the other hand... It's part of the job description to dress up, so I've gotta know how to do that.
: Seems you mostly focus on women's fashion.
: In my defense, most of my peacetime income comes from men, so I've gotta cater to the customers.

If you walk behind one of the dancers after this, they'll just step on you and force you back.
: ...I hate waltzing. What do you say we ditch this place and head over to the next town?
: What about Lenna and Faris?
: Let's discuss that outside, where the guards won't overhear.

: Okay, so what were you about to say?
: I can guarantee that Faris'll be sneaking out as soon as they stop looking, so we'll wait for her in... I'm tempted to say Tule, but I'm not sure if that's still the next town over.
: And Lenna?
: Knowing her, she'll get guilt tripped into a bit of administrative work before she goes, but I'm expecting her to find us as soon as she catches up on that some.
: ...All right, let's go. But you have to promise you'll wait for them in the next town we get to!
: Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to try to take on Exdeath's troops without all of you for backup, let alone the tree himself if he made it too.

: Well, at least you were polite enough to help us up after knocking us over.

: Who's Boko?
: One of my best friends. He's a chocobo.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a bridge. Anyway, melodramatics aside, there are currently no random encounters on the world map. That will change soon enough, though.

Hey, remember this place? Bet you never expected you'd need to come back your first time through.

Of course, in order to avoid forcing you to wade through a bunch of early-game weaklings with a near-endgame party they have Boko greet you at the entrance.

: He's a friendly one, isn't he?
: He certainly is! Oh, and he says he wants to introduce someone to you.
: Oh really? Well, go ahead and bring them out, Boko.

: ...I never knew you were even dating. If I'd known I wouldn't've dragged you all over the place.
: Actually, they apparently only met recently.
: Huh. Whirlwind romance much? Just... try to make sure things work out between you two, okay?

: Huh? No, I couldn't. I mean, you've got a family now, you know?
: Wait, you understand him too?
: Well enough, at least. Seriously, you can't go gallivanting about like this anymore, alright?

: ...Okay, I can get what he's saying when he's talking to me, but I don't get inter-chocobo conversations...
: Basically, he's asking her to take care of herself and their kids.
: Okay, that's starting to sound like they're taking things TOO fast...

: Well, at least he's got permission... I'll try to make sure he gets back to you soon, okay, Koko?

: Well, of COURSE I'll try to keep him safe, but this isn't exactly a safe world, so unfortunately I can't make any guarantees.
: Mozart! *whack*
: Ow! Er, I mean of course I'll make sure he gets back safe.

You remember way back in Update #3 when I said Boko could cross rivers? That's actually relevant now, because there are rivers to cross.

Specifically this river, north of Tycoon.

Note: Tule is exactly the same as in World 1, functionally speaking, and thus we have no need to go there at all.
: I'm honestly a little surprised that Tule's still here, considering how screwed up the geography is now.

Suspicious chokepoints: Apparently a requirement in every world.


In this case, Gratuitous Chokepoint means Gratuitous Boss.

Gratuitous Antlion! ...wait, first turn Discord on Krile? God dammit... Anyway, he's immune to my shenanigans, so I just have Mozart sing Swift Song while Krile Dances at him.

Not again... This is gonna take forever. At least he doesn't do too much damage- I still haven't had a chance to resupply since I entered Exdeath's Castle.

I SHOULD be doing something like twice this. Frickin' Discord spam...

...Seriously, would you STOP THAT?!

Good riddance.

: What's great about it?!
: I take it you're not familiar with the concept of "sarcasm."

After yet another mandatory waiting period, the music changes and a rope drops down.

But when we try to climb it, it's pulled out of reach.
: Oh, come on! What's your problem?!
: I'm not pulling you out until you apologize for leaving me behind!
: Would it help any if I mentioned that I was planning on waiting for you?
: No, not really.

: Like I said, I wasn't TRYING to ditch you, I just couldn't see any way to... rescue's probably a bad word to say to you, but you know what I mean, right?
: Actually, I think "rescue" is perfectly appropriate in this case.
: But anyway, assuming you don't get dragged back to Tycoon somehow I don't see any reason for us to get separated again until we finish up.

Apparently Faris is satisfied with that. (Incidentally, I don't get why it doesn't identify the speaker here, since you'd think Mozart/Bartz/whatever-the-heck-you-named-him would recognize the voice of one of his comrades-in-arms.)

First Mozart ties the rope to Boko so he can be hauled out.
: You next, Krile. I'm not sure the rope can support both of us, and even if it can Faris might have trouble.
: You aren't one of those guys who like "younger" women, are you?
: Nah, just trying to be chivalrous, or whatever.

: So how'd you get over here, anyway?
: I can swim, you know.
: How long did it take you to ditch the guards?
: Couple hours. I looked for you in Tule, but you weren't there.
: Guess we just missed each other, then. We spent the night there last night.

: Oh, I'll worry alright. Where is it?
: I'm okay, really.
: Splinters can get infected as easily as any other injury. Now show me where it is.
: Well, if you insist...
: Hmmm... It's in too deep for me to get it out without tools and time. I'd have to dig in a bit, too, it looks like... We'd better hurry to an inn.
: Too bad this hole's here- we can't head back to Tule with that in the way.
: I'd say Boko could just jump it, but I don't trust the ground not to collapse again.

We got our pirate back!
: Lemme guess, the chancellor's got Lenna hung up on princess-ing?
: Far as I know.

: This cave's new here...

: What's wrong?
: This looks like Ghido's cave.
: But it sank in Galuf's world, didn't it?
: Apparently it's not underwater anymore, and the worlds got welded together or something.

: Looks like I was right. Here, lemme give you a hand there, Ghido.

: Uup... you go!
: Well, upRIGHT at least...

: Yeah, whatever. We don't really have time for that, do we?
: What's going on, anyway?
: The worlds merged, obviously. Question is, WHY did they merge?

: Oookay, why were they separated?

: That... doesn't really tell me much.

: How is he relevant?

: Okay, and I guess this Void is some sort of hole in reality or something?
: Close enough.

: And you think Exdeath's working on starting that mess all over again, huh?
: Exactly.

: Okay, how does that even work?
: Not sure, really. That's just what my grandparents told me.

: Problem being, there ARE no more crystals, so the worlds have re-merged...
: Revealing the door to the Rift. On top of which...

: ...right? Guess I'm out of a job...
: Nor will that of the earth, fire, or water. So it's more than a job that you'll be losing.

: ...Wait a minute. Exdeath was originally a tree, right? So would he be able to turn himself back into a piece of wood if he felt the need? Say, a splinter that gets stuck in someone's leg?
: Most likely, yes.
: Aw, hell...

Krile's splinter digs itself out, then transforms (back) into Exdeath!
: Haven't we been through this already?

: Void or no Void, you can still die.
: Are you sure about that, BOY?

And Tycoon gets Voided. Only real loss is Lenna, really.

: Are you sure you can control it? Or will you be controlled by it?
: What nonsense is this?
: The poetic kind. You know, stuff like "man obtains vast power, but is driven mad by it" and so on.
: Not that you're sane to begin with, considering you're literally made of evil.
: I wouldn't go that far. He's actually made of wood ANIMATED by evil. There's a difference.

Rather than try to figure out Mozart's tangents, Exdeath goes back to his old standby of "blow up anything that offends me."

: ...Have you ever considered a less violent career...?
: You'd be good at playing the villain in a play or stage show or something...
: Maybe opera?
: No, his voice is all wrong.

: You're not very good at originality, are you?
: Yeah, that's exactly what you said in the Guardian Tree.

Ghido to the rescue! He leaps out of the water he got knocked into while Exdeath was blasting everyone to tackle the tree, thus starting a rivalry that lasts all the way into Dissidia.

: Yup, I'm a turtle. So what?

: ...Is it a bad thing that I'm envying a turtle's combat ability right now?
: Considering the turtle in question, not really.

: ...Dammit, now I'm hungry.
: Not the time!

Exdeath gets so frustrated by the non sequiturs that he reds at us until we fly away.

: Back?
: Head?
: Everything?
: Mozart got it...

After getting flipped upright again, Ghido starts on an enraged rant against possessed trees, but gets sidetracked by a building he sees.
: What's that over there?
: The Library of the Ancients. Why?

: How could I know when the world's been split in half for like fifty times as long as I've been alive? All I know is that it's a really big collection of books.
: Explain. Now.

: That's not really an explanation.

: Is it that one that's split in half? 'Cause I don't think it'll do any good like that.
: Wait, you saw the book in Xezat's castle?
: No, I was referring to a book that they al.rea.dy... had... there... huh. Maybe half the book wound up in each world.
: So maybe they can fix it now?
: Possible. We'll see when we get there.

: Looks like I was right. They WERE the same book.

Ghido takes us to the second floor, then switches the stairs to the roof for a meeting table.
: Wait, where'd the stairs go?

: Well, at least that makes SOME sense...
: More than sealing Exdeath with the crystals did.

Ghido seems to be underestimating the cheese that Bards are capable of. I did too, once upon a time, but I've learned better by now.

: I can't help feeling like you should be addressing someone named Watson with that line...

: Look, if you keep being so condescending I might just let the tree win to spite you. Would you like that?
: You wouldn't dare.
: Try me. I'm sure the Rift connects to more worlds than just this one, so I bet I could find somewhere else to live.

: Alright then... Hey, Book, how do we stop Exdeath?

: So, powerful weapons, huh?

: And where are we supposed to find these tablets?

: Great... riddles. Why can't you be straightforward instead of cryptic-ing at us?

: Hey Krile, you know of any island shrines? 'Cause the only real shrine in our world was the one they kept the Wind Crystal in, and that wasn't on an island.
: Ummm... no, I don't think so...
: Actually, I think I saw a small shrine surrounded by mountains while we were flying around trying to recharge the meteorites.
: Okay, so how do we get in?
: No idea.

: Well, at least that one's straightforward. Now we just gotta get a submarine.
: An undersea volcano, huh? That sounds painful...
: I dunno, if North Mountain hasn't changed we might be able to put on a concert for the cats so they'll help us fly over the magma.
: You mean like the time we fought Titan, right?
: Wait, what was that about cats and flying?
: You'd have to see it to understand.

: Errr... somewhere along a river, I think.
: That waterfall we saw before going to Galuf's world, maybe?
: Could be. It's worth a look, at least.

: Great, so they'll be guarded...

: I don't know magic.

: I don't know how to summon either.

: Hopefully the weapons will be something I have a clue how to use...
: There's a knife and an enchanted harp among them. The knife's simple, and you're wearing the clothes of a travelling musician so I expect you can play a harp.
: Harp, huh? What's it do?
: According to legend, its tune is the bane of both dragons and the walking dead.
: ...I want that.
: Wait, what if we run into an undead dragon and he uses that harp?
: Presumably, it dies horribly.

: I'm not entirely sure it won't be the other way around, to be honest.
: You mean you're expecting to finish after Exdeath acquires the power of the Void?!
: No, it's got more to do with that whole "controlling versus being controlled" thing I was talking about back in your cave.

: How'd you even know about that? The Desert landed in our half, too.

THIS is the song I thought you got during the first visit. I can see why you don't get it until World 3, too- by this point a majority of a normal team's offense will consist of magic, which will do ridiculous damage with the boost from Mana's Paean. Now I've just got the Strength and Level ones to learn, then Bard will hit maximum .
: A song to heighten magical power, huh? That'd be a lot more useful if any of us had any to begin with.
: Well, it's a song. We'll take it even if we don't have a use for it.

I stop off at Surgate Castle for some much-needed shopping (and sell off a bunch of stuff I'll never be able to use while I'm at it). I also pick up a Cottage I couldn't reach in World 2 because an old man was in the way.
: Oh, hey, Surgate's right next to the Library. Bet Xezat would've flipped if he found out about that.

: Yeah, that's the thing about forests- as long as one tree's still there, it'll eventually regrow.
: And the Guardian Tree's a tough one.

After taking a moment to reflect on everything we've lost, our team psych themselves up for the battles to come.

Mozart tested this by walking into some of the formerly-moving sand and jumping a couple times. Krile blames it on the now-complete lack of crystals, but whatever- we can explore the desert now!

Of course, it doesn't take much exploring to find our destination, which I will enter next time because this update had excessive .

Next time: Tablets, Part 1 (of however many)!