The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 110: Mozart's Final Dance Tune

Time to finish this run up. It was a pretty fun change of pace, but it's gotta end sometime.

Mozart's Final Dance Tune

Okay, got through Twintania last time, so this time I'm expecting to go all the way!

As you might expect, stepping in the center of this platform brings you to the final area.
: Err, where do we go from here?
: Let's keep going as far as we can- there might be another portal.
: Hopefully it's not as bad as those warps Galuf's side used.
: Yeah, Grandpa never had a problem, but they made me queasy for a while.

: ...Okay, not feeling queasy for a change- just dizzy...
: Me too...
: Ugh... Which way's up again?
: ...Funny- for once I feel fine.

This is as useless to me as you'd expect... but I think I see an old rival up on the next portal.

This time the music doesn't even change. As you may have noticed, though, I've switched my Dancers over to Mirage Vests and Hide for the moment; the latter will stick until endgame, I expect.

Sadly, that's all the damage I need to do to finish this fight, all in one go. Kind of an anticlimactic end.

: Yup, that's me. Didn't expect to run into you again.
: Neither did I, but I gotta admit- I'm glad to see you!

: I'm pretty sure that's unanimous.

: They're actually pretty easy to kill if you know how to handle them.
: What, really? How?
: Confusion works wonders.

: Head to the circle on the ground over there and keep going. If the terrain changes, you're getting closer.
: Thanks! How'd you know?
: We just came from there.

: Sorry, we've still got business here. Go on ahead- we'll catch up when we're finished.

: spectacular adventures, just us five?
: Honestly, I'm not really the adventuring type. Sorry, man.
: Then what're you doing here?
: Man's gotta do what needs to be done, right? Can't let the fact that I'm not into this questing thing stop me.

: saving the world thing....phooey.
: Look at it this way: If the world isn't saved, where am I gonna play my music, and where will your epic adventures take place?
: Point taken.

: Later.
: Take care of yourself, okay?

Boss Deaths: ...Okay, I'm having trouble considering this a boss, since you don't even need to do 10,000 damage. Thus, I won't count this.
Total Gilgamesh Deaths: 0

Stepping on the circle Gil was just standing on teleports you here.
: Everything... spinning...

Another one? Meh. There's also an Elixir near the next circle.

Pretty sure I know what's in that chest, so I'll hold off for the moment and head to the next circle.

...after grabbing another of these.

Here we are, the Necrophobe screen.

There's a green sparkly here.

Checking it starts a fight with Necrophobe.
: ...Are those... severed heads he's carrying...?
: Looks that way, yeah.

I start off with Mass Hide, since the barriers alternate between Flare (or Holy) bounced off their permanent Reflect and tier 3 elemental spells to your whole party.
: That's nice, let us know when you run out of power.
: ...God dammit...

Fortunately, they only have 300 MP each- nowhere NEAR enough to sustain the high-level spells they throw around. No, that's not a typo- they only have 3-digit MP. Disappointing for an endgame boss; I've seen trash mobs with more.

Their HP suck, too- this is from a single CKSD. Granted, there's not a whole lot that can survive THAT kind of damage, but still- oneshotting ANYTHING at this point is noteworthy, regardless of circumstances.

Lenna and Krile bring a second one down to critical HP, where Mozart, of all people, finishes it off.
: ...Your barriers are kinda flimsy.
: Yeah, I wouldn't call this "invincible."

The two in the back are SLIGHTLY more durable, due solely to being in the back row.

This one still goes down effortlessly, though.

The last one, though, I'll refrain from killing for the time being. This is strategic: So long as even a single barrier is intact, Necrophobe will do nothing... and since I've already exhausted its MP, this leaves me plenty of time to buff myself. I'll skip to when I decide I'm ready.

Speed's hit critical mass, time to boost power (just to make sure).
: ...Ow.

...after I set this so Mozart can heal up after Faris slapped him out of Swift Song with a Man-Eater. Fortunately, you, personally, don't count as humanoid for its purposes.
: Huh. Guess that thing's keyed to things that LOOK human, but AREN'T.

Krile's regular attack after waiting for Mozart to heal up. Yeah, Sinewy Etude makes quite a difference.

Unfortunately, Necro's still not actually vulnerable until he starts complaining about you breaking through his barriers. Incidentally: He casts Flash, but between my dancers being immune to Blind and Mozart just not attacking period I have no reason to care.

To kick things off? CKSD.

Faris does almost as much with her Man-Eater. Note that Necrophobe doesn't count as humanoid; this is PURE POWER.

After two more Sword Dances from the sisters (Krile tried to Jitterbug him), Gil crashes the party, and this time he brings his music with him.

: I'd look like a jerk for all of history!

Note that Necrophobe never actually did anything before Gil showed up. Such is the power of preparation. Also: Now that Gil's in the way, you can no longer damage Necro.


Anyway, Gil turns around just in time to eat a Firaga. He doesn't care.

Then he starts addressing us. This one's for Krile; I didn't bother with shots of him just saying names.
: ...he was a pretty strong guy!
: I still know "final speech" when I hear it.

In reverse recruitment order, apparently. He's addressing Faris now.
: and try acting a little like a woman- if you still know how!
: Don't do anything stupid now...

Lenna could stand to be less so, actually. She'd live longer.
: Never lose that pure heart!
: Gil? Stop it... please!
: That's the first time I've heard him say that...
: Yeah, I don't hear it often either. At least, not in a sincere tone.

Last up on the "farewell speech" agenda is Mozart.
: mano-a-mano.
: You don't have to do this, you know!
: What's he up to?
: He's gathering power to blow himself up in that guy's face!

: C'mon, you don't have to do this! Just stop charging up, help us stab this guy NORMALLY, and we can all go kill Exdeath. Okay?

Necrophobe Flares Gil, to little more effect than his Firaga earlier...

...but Gil retaliates... SELF-DESTRUCTING.

The fact that this kills Necrophobe is little-to-no consolation.

Boss Deaths: 0
Total Boss Deaths: 7
Other Deaths: 2
Rift Bosses Stomped: 8
Friends Suicided: 3 (counting King Tycoon for this, because Lenna and Faris)

On death, Necrophobe gives you the final save point of the game. I use this, then head back to the box I skipped.

Yes, I remembered to equip my Coral Rings beforehand.

Hello, Shinryu. I don't have any way to cheese this fight like I did with Omega, so I'll just have to rely on hitting harder- no easy task when fighting a superboss.
: ...Our greed has undone us.
: Is it really that bad?
: That book had a physical description of Shinryu. This thing matches it.

Yes, that's an 8000 damage Tidal Wave. This is why Coral Rings are mandatory for this fight.

Then he hit me with a Maelstrom. He has yet to take any damage, because the Dancers decided to use two Jitterbugs (which he is immune to due to ridiculous MDef) and a Mystery Waltz (completely irrelevant).

Just for maximum "screw you" he hit me with Lightning before I even got another turn.

Starting with the second run, I take to having Mozart Hide while the Dancers do their thing, since I never survive long enough for Swift Song to matter.

I can't believe how much RNG screw I'm getting right now- this is my first Sword Dance, and thus the first time I've even damaged him. On the FOURTH ATTEMPT.

I could SWEAR they're wearing Rainbow Dresses... Why am I going so long between Sword Dances?! I mean, I could understand if I'd switched to Mirage Vests, but how do you miss a 50% chance this often?!

Believe it or not, this happens even less often than CKSD.

Least likely to contribute, believe it or not, is Faris.

On my 35th attempt, I take to making a save state before inputting each action, since a bit of delay seems to change what actually happens. I will FORCE you girls to use Sword Dance if I have to.

When I hit 50, I give up and have Mozart start attacking. He does a LOT more damage than anticipated, though. Maybe I should give this a few more tries without Hiding...

On a whim after Mozart got hit with Roulette on Attempt #52, I give him Equip Ribbons. Let's see if that helps. Here's his equipment setup for all future attempts at Shinryu, since I've decided to stop Hiding. (Note: The first one fails because the asshole decides to use Ice Storm, which invariably one-shots me.)

He's got Mighty Guard up this time, so I don't think I'll make it (the Maelstrom he hit me with is actually irrelevant, since he can one-shot me regardless of my HP, so I just treat them as free turns). I'll still keep swinging, though.

Even the mighty Chicken Knife is barely breaking 5000.

Yet somehow, this is actually the attempt that succeeds, since Shinryu spams Maelstroms and Atomic Rays, both of which are actually free turns against him, with the times he decides to kill someone being (thankfully) his single-target normal attack instead of, say, Lightning.
: ...meeediiiic...

Boss Deaths: 20 (rough estimate)
Total Boss Deaths: 27
Other Deaths: 2
Rift Bosses Stomped: 9
Retreats Due To Dancer Wipes: 48
Resets Due To Running Out Of Phoenix Downs: 1
Deaths By RNG Screw: 1
Superbosses Slain: 2

: Lenna, do you think you can pry a scale off as a trophy or something? I don't think Faris and I can stand up right now...
: I'll try...
: Here, let me help...

What else would Shinryu be guarding but the strongest sword in the game (with the possible exception of the Brave Blade)?

I think they've earned this. (The fact that I got in a few fights and Mozart and Krile died on the way is irrelevant; the Shinryu aftermath, on the other hand...)

As I predicted a while ago, the difference between Tents and Cottages is that Tents only heal 1000 HP. Not sure about MP, since I never use them, but I'm expecting something like 100 from a Tent. Anyway, I Tent again, then save. It would've been nice to finish the game Floating (for bragging rights, if nothing else), but oh well. I'm done with it anyway.

Time for the main event- Exdeath himself.

...after remembering to prime the Magic Lamp for NED.
: So THAT'S what that thing does!

: You sure 'bout that? Because Enuo was presumably at least as powerful as you are, and he still died.

: Ummm... no, the Void is nothing but the power of destruction.

Why does Exdeath turn into a tree for the final confrontation, anyway?

Anyway, at this point Exdeath proceeds to Void Bal...

...the Pirate Cave...

...and the Airship Dock, for the sole purpose of trolling the party.

Then he Voids us.

: ...That went so much better in my head.

Random ghosts from nowhere!

How ghosts can manage that I'm not sure.

Anyway, the ghosts proceed to un-Void us.

Exdeath tries to re-Void us, but King Tycoon's ghost is having none of that, and blues at it until it closes.

Final battle, part 1: Treedeath.

Treedeath, meet CKSD.

...Wait, why does TREEDEATH count as humanoid?!

Anyway, Treedeath responds with a Holy that one-shots Faris.

After reviving her, I resurrect a tried-and true strategy... and run off to let Treedeath exhaust his MP.
: ...Not again...

30,000 MP goes surprisingly fast when you spend them 99 at a time.

Two more Sword Dances and I once again stop to buff. I'm sure I'll need all the power (and, more importantly, speed) I can get for Phase 2.

This is my chosen buff time because, below 10,000 HP, Treedeath has a 1/3 chance to do nothing, a 1/3 chance to try to cast Meteor like this (which he doesn't have the MP to do after my latest Mass Hide), and a 1/3 chance of a regular attack; thus, this is the safest time to do it for me.

After a few Phoenix Downs I realize I should put the girls in the back row, since while Treedeath's attack doesn't interrupt Singing, it DOES factor in your rows (Mozart was taking about 7-800 while the girls were dying in one hit).

Speaking of interrupting, though, time to switch songs. I want everyone doing 9999 damage from the back row with their Sword Dances, if possible.

I think by this image I'm as strong as I'm getting. Time for final preparations- I think I should have max HP (and Regen) before killing Treedeath.

Bet you never expected me to use regular Potions on the last boss.

Now that that's all done with, time for Phase 2!

: The Void's not something you can control so easily- it constantly tries to consume all around it. If you aren't paying enough attention... that means YOU.

...did my game bug out, or is it supposed to stay white for this?
: All memories...dimensions...existence... All that is shall be returned to nothing. Then I, too, can disappear... forever!!!
: Great, the Void's nihilistic.
: Naw, REALLY?
: Not even the GOOD kind of nihilism, either.
: There's a good kind?
: Sure- the kind who disbelieve in the afterlife, and thus resolve to make things as good for everyone as possible in THIS life.

THERE we go! Now, you may have noticed that Mozart isn't in the last few screenshots.
: Eesh. Did Exdeath split open or something?
: Wait, you think that those're all the evils sealed into the tree?
: If so, they've obviously merged, at least partly.
: I think they're independent enough to fight individually, though...

This is because of Mass Hide's final iteration: I'm going to run NED's magic part out before starting.
: ...God dammit.

Obviously, since Mass Hide actually works on, essentially, Void Incarnate.
: Have any sevens?
: Go fish. Sixes?
: *gives card*
: Ha! Full house!
: Royal flush. I win.

Before anyone says anything about how I should've just used Odin, I would like to mention that this is Almagest. Yes, it takes MP to use. That said, it takes FOREVER to get to this point, because 65,000 MP takes a long time to drain, especially when it's only 50 MP every four turns (though at least it isn't Comet). In other words, I pretty much completely neutralize TWO parts as threats by wandering off for a few hours like this. Of course, I have to deal with the "punch you in the face" part and Grand Cross normally, but that's a lot more manageable when that's all I have to fight. Ladies and gentlemen, don't try this at home.

I've divided NED's parts into three tiers of targetting priority; Grand Cross, which is getting hit here, is priority "KILL IT NOW."

It counts as a Dragon, though, so Mozart can pitch in on it pretty well.

Since Faris retargetted, I'd say it's safe to say that Grand Cross is dead now.

Mozart's got nothing better to do now than boost people's levels.

The part that uses physical attacks and Vacuum Wave is my next target, which I've dubbed "credible threat" priority.

Mass Sword Dancing tends to make things die fast.

Now that he's dead, time to target Almagest, which I have labelled as "oh yeah, you still exist" priority. I've pretty much won by now; killing the other two parts is basically a formality by now.

After finishing that off, I deal with the magic part in the usual fashion.


I was curious what would happen if you did that at the END of the fight instead of the beginning, but it turns out NED just puts himself back together for the sole purpose of crumbling as normal. Booooriiiing.

Last Boss Deaths: 0
Final Boss Death Total: 27
Other Deaths: 2 (For those who've forgotten, I failed the Karnak Escape once and tried to fight a Shield Dragon when I was picking up the Assassin's Dagger and Apollo's Harp)
Rift Bosses Stomped: 10.5 (Exdeath counts 1.5 times because he turns into NED)
Bosses With Far Too Many MP Exhausted: 5
Returns Cast By Omniscient: Far too many
Gilgamesh Total Deaths: 0
Shinryu Retreats Due To Dancer Wipes: 48
Shinryu Resets Due To Running Out Of Phoenix Downs: 1
Total Deaths By RNG Screw: 2
Superbosses Slain: 2
Wave Cannons Eaten Due To Bad Timing During Soul Cannon: About 6
Meteor Bosses Cheesed: 3
Undead Bosses Cheesed: 2
Requiems Sung To Three Little Corpses: 8
Friends Suicided: 3
Bosses Skipped: 0 (I've decided not to count Gil Turtle, since it isn't even unique)

I have no idea how I missed it before, but the crystals reform where you find the tablets.

Oh, and everyone gets un-Voided because what's ontological inertia?

So, uh, did they summon Krile's wind drake, create a new one, or what?

If you want to see Krile's letter, go find the "everyone lives" ending on Youtube or beat the game yourself- I'm not gonna screenshot everything!

I'll just skip to this scene for one last bit of party interaction, Mozart-style.

: Maybe it's because I can't find my old clothes...

: Lolwut.

: I mean, you've got friends, right? Long as you've got some of us, you're never alone.
: Exactly!
: How'd you get away from the chancellor, anyway?
: I told him I was visiting a friend's grave.

: Where'd you three come from?! Where were you?!
: We came from the tree, and we were in its branches.
: Always a smartass, even now...

: We what? We're idiots?
: We kind of are, actually...

: What is this, frickin' Final Fantasy 7?
: Mozart, stop breaking the fourth wall.
: Who cares? It's the ending anyway!

As has been previously mentioned, you guys have saved a grand total of ZERO of the eight crystals the first time around; while one of the Wind Crystals was already broken when you found it, that's compensated for by the fact that you BROKE ONE OF THE SECOND SET YOURSELVES! Personally, I'm not confident in your chances (to put it lightly), and would thus recommend walling them in or something (preferably with some kind of warning that amplification will break them).

: Say, I heard that there's a Spoon Festival taking place in Istory. You up for it?
: I'm in.
: Did someone say SPOONS?!
: Why is everyone I travel with obsessed with spoons? And why is there a spoon festival at all?
: Lenna? Maybe YOU'RE the weird one for not liking spoons.

: Wait, since when do you two have chocobos? I mean, there's no way Boko's kids're grown up yet.
: Tycoon actually has a chocobo stable behind the castle.
: I stole one from there on my way out.
: Huh. Shoulda guessed it was something like that.

And they lived spoonily ever after. Lenna never did get the whole "spoons" thing though.

I dunno about you guys, but to me Krile will always be, first and foremost, an inferior substitute for Galuf.

I'll admit, I was caught off-guard by Faris being female on my first playthrough. I've got a surprisingly good memory for inconsequential details, though, so I've never forgotten since. She's probably my favorite permanent party member.

Lenna... I'll be honest, she's never been very high on my list of favorite characters in this game. I dunno, I guess I just don't really like the whole "completely, suicidally selfless" kind of character.

Mozart, as I wrote him, is pretty much completely different from Bartz as characterized in-game, but where's the fun in watching the same character go through the game over and over again if you don't add new twists to him (or just completely reinvent him) every so often? I, for one, don't really like how clueless Bartz gets from time to time, so I pretty much took it upon myself to replace most of that with constant snark, a degree of assholishness, all of Lenna's missing pragmatism and self-preservation, and a bit of "failure to read the mood." I may not have entirely succeeded at how I was attempting to write him, but I know Mozart's at least a completely different character than Bartz. Hope he entertained you guys!

Anyway, assessments of the challenge's jobs: Dancers are DAMN good early on (as in, before you're supposed to have them), and reasonable until you can get a Bard going, but you probably shouldn't ever rely on them since they're so random. I'd give them about a 3 out of 10; they seem to be more for fanservice than practical usage. Their abilities... seem to be more trash than treasure- !Dance is random and thus unreliable, requiring Dancer-exclusive equipment to outperform the Attack command (it doesn't help that it occassionally seemed weighted towards the most useless result possible in the situation), though there are, at least, times where any possible result could be handy; !Flirt's just wrong and won't earn you much more than the occasional delay in an enemy's turn, for which you've got MUCH better options (such as Romeo's Ballad, Alluring Air, or any of a number of actual spells which I never bothered picking up)... Equip Ribbons is pretty much the only vaguely useful ability Dancer teaches. I don't plan on using them again in any meaningful capacity if I can help it.

Bards, on the other hand, are INCREDIBLY useful- infinitely more so than I gave them credit for in my first playthrough. My main issue with them was their equipment restrictions, though their squishiness was pretty bad too. Regardless, I think this class actually merits something like a 7.5/10 if you factor in their physical weakness, and I can actually see myself making use of their abilities in normal runs now that I've actually tried them out (rating those more along the lines of an 8.5 or even 9 out of 10- in other words, the only thing holding !Sing back is that it's on the Bard), with the only hiccup in their set being Equip Harps (and that solely because of how utterly, indescribably BAD Harps are in this game).

Anyway, with this, I have officially finished the Entertainer Themed Job Challenge . No, I am not attempting the Sealed Temple with this team, and nothing you could possibly say will change my mind. Up next: