The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 131: The Epic of Gilgaluf - Chapter 4

I wish I could put my procrastination behind me for this LP...

The Epic of Gilgaluf - Chapter 4

So, last time we were next to the library. First order of business: Get Galuf (and ONLY Galuf) up to level 21.

One of Goblin Punch's more surprising uses in this game: An efficient method of suicide for when you don't want a character gaining experience for whatever reason (in this case, Level 5 Death).

Hadn't realized Mythril Dragons knew this until I saw them using it as I fought them. Thus, I equipped !Control to learn it. This is from the last fight I need to reach 21 for Galuf, by the way.

Okay, ready to go learn one of the best instakills in the game (if you know how to game the system). Also, I was right in my assumptions of a Tent's effects: They restore 1000 HP and 100 MP, plus remove all status changes (presumably not in that order). I had to use a couple Hi-Potions to survive long enough, but hey- that's what they're there for, and I've still got like a dozen of the things sitting around.

Incidentally, I forgot to screenshot it, but I got overly brave once and got Tailed to death. Other Deaths: 3

...Okay, my memory's not perfect. I REALLY should've remembered this... but then, I've been known to forget my own name at times. My family has TERRIBLE memory...

Pick this up on the roof. Kinda surprised that I only saw two monsters in there...

And I grab this worthless little spell immediately on entering the basement.

Vs. Ifrit.
Here's the first boss I beat with a completely ineffective weapon.
: The stick, it does nothing!
: Then punch him!

Boss Deaths: 0
Total Boss Deaths: 4
Weapons Used On Boss: Thunder Rod
Other Deaths: 3

And now I can summon Ifrit, should the mood ever strike me.

Always handy to have at this point. I also take the trouble to steal a second one from Page 256 (which is, unfortunately, the same one that Moon Flutes you, with the situation being aggravated by the fact that it's a rare steal), since it's equal in defence to Mythril Armor, lighter, and even gives a stat boost.

Just before Byblos. The enemies here are worth TERRIBLE experience... (And don't you guys find it almost comical how far behind the characters you don't use are in limited-character runs?)

Vs. Byblos.
Now we've got a boss I fight with an actively detrimental weapon! (Oh, and for once Dischord's a non-issue, since pretty much my only reasonable offensive option is Vampire.)
: ...I don't think this is helping any.
: Punch him.
: That doesn't seem to work, either.
Note: Galuf doesn't actually use Goblin Punch in the video; however, I tested it in a previous attempt and did 0 damage.

Boss Deaths: 0
Total Boss Deaths: 4
Weapons Used On Boss: Healing Staff
Other Deaths: 3
Recording Attempts: 10 (At first, it wouldn't even let me open the result; when I managed to get past that, it started with unacceptable sound desyncs. At about this point I decided to give up and just go with what I had)

Oh, and I learned the spell that plagued my attempts so badly that I actually had to use an Ether in the final "I give up, just go with what I get" run, too. I can see uses for THIS down the line.

: ...Who are you again?

: Naw, really? And here I thought I followed you through a teleporter that would take us underground to some sort of subterranean sun sort of place!

: Oh, get up. I KNOW you can take a hit better than that!

After getting lost and winding up in Jachol, Gilgaluf decides to update his weapons, and gets Enkidu a Coral Sword as well (element irrelevant because I'll just punch everything). The other items here are an Ashura (which I already have because I looted Tycoon) and a Silver Bow, which is outclassed by the Flame Bow I got from Liquid Flame.

...I hadn't realized Skull Eaters summoned reinforcements when targetted with magic... Anyway, future attempts at Jachol Cave involve putting !Rapid Fire on Enkidu.

Other Deaths: 5

Here's the reason I came here: Another whip, this one equal in power to the Ashura.

Getting lost again nets me another kick-ass Blue Magic spell. This'll let me exploit the level-based spells to their limits.

: Did you forget the anchor when we were getting off?
: ...What's an anchor?

Now I've got a full set of elemental bows, plus a harp for kicks.

And since I'm in the area, I follow Zerky!'s example (partially, at least) and farm up one of these from the Harvesters. You can also steal Silver Bows from them, which I do solely to supplement my income.

...Now it's just mocking me.

Off to the black chocobo's forest. I'd like to think that this shard is specifically Mozart after finishing his run.

Just a reminder that, yes, I am Omni, and will thus be gathering all the abilities I can.

A bit more farming back at Crescent Island, and I can afford one of these. Fortunately, my bills on this front will be a LOT lower than Mozart's were, since I don't need 4 of each type of ring.

I don't feel up to doing Ramuh today, though, so I'll stop a little early.

Current weapon list: Knife, Mage Masher, Main Gauche, Coral Sword, Trident, Ogre Killer, Death Sickle, Ashura, Flame Rod, Frost Rod, Thunder Rod, Healing Staff, Flail, Flame Bow, Frost Bow, Thunder Bow, Silver Harp, Whip, Blitz Whip, Diamond Bell, Moonring Blade
Current weapon total: 21

Next time: Flying ships and lightning (not necessarily in that order)!
: ...Why don't I just jump to get around?
: Because you can't carry me and jump that well at the same time.
: I could teach you how to jump, though.