The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 148: Hundred Years War

Hundred Years War
Today begins the chronicle of one so set forth on blasting things down with cannon fire, he can't be without one. This is the Solo cannoneer run and here we love the bombshell. Once the party comes together, they'll stay down together. While I can't promise that I'll stay close to Walter and Zerky's adventures, this ball is finally rolling along. All ai script and algorithms come from the FF5 algorithms FAQ and FF5A algorithms FAQ

As our little friend here sets up camp, he will don the clothing of his ancestors. The powerful and mighty Cannoneer.

Now while he has the clothes, he has yet to find the prized cannon. His journey won't truly begin til he has one to call his own.

Cannoneer is a strange little blighter, being a physical class that has both magic and physical options. The !Open Fire command does a physical attack with a chance of a status effect that has the ability to slam for full power from the back row. Their damage output isn't exactly easy to increase, but for most of the game it's a stable amount. One guide says that the confuse shell can bypass Confuse immunity, but I'll need to test that to be sure later.
Open Fire
104/256  Black shot   Darkness  115
62 /256  Purple shot  Poison    115
60 /256  Red shot     Confuse   175
30 /256  X shot       Death     215 (can kill undead)

Our trusty sword makes quick work of the scurvy gobs, keeping them away from the fainted lass.
speaking of her, she's wondering what our name is now that we've saved her from being goblin stew.

Yeah any idea where we might find ourselves a cannon? That old man isn't helping much.

Time to sneak right in, and nab myself a cannon from those pirates!

Alright old man, you need to stop the sass right now or I'm leaving you here after stealing your idea.

We're promptly captured when trying to find out how to steer this ship, luckily the captain freaked out when he saw the princess whip out some pendant. Turns out these guys are all heading to the wind shrine, might as well tag along for the ride. At least 1812 can't crash this ship.

Guess we gotta go check on the king as well. Time to climb the shrine!

Unlike our friends Zerky and Walter, 1812 needs not to shop for pharmaceuticals before this venture. These free ones should hold juust fine.
Now what I hadn't prepared for, was Aero. As our Oracle Mimir has shown, Aero can be deadly during a jaunt through the Wind Shrine. While not directly killing me, White Serpents cast Entangle, which usually gives the accompanying Moldwynd to blast our poor hero with Aero, resulting in a trip to the healing jar before trekking anew.
Aero and Entangle related injuries:4

At the start of each boss, I'll be showing off their code, stats and
Now, the wing raptor has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Wing Raptor (Heavy)
HP: 250
Vulnerable to Death, Poison, Blind, Old, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Slow.

{Breath Wing,Fight,Breath Wing}
{Breath Wing,Fight,Breath Wing}
Unhide Monster: WingRaptor (2nd form)

Breath Wing has a nasty habit of hitting for max hp/4 every time it runs through the party. Even though some solo runs have a little issue with this attack, I for one just need to open fire and all my problems melt away in the beginning of this venture.

Well once the raptor heads into his wings, you better watch out, for he'll counter any attacks that actually land on him with Claw, which does quite a bit of damage for this stage of the game. Boasting 20 defense and 40% evade, it's somewhat tough to hit him during this phase. Those are quite a step up from his regular 0/0 values.
Wing Raptor (Heavy)
Vulnerable to Death, Poison, Blind, Old, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Slow.

No Interrupt{
     Unhide Monster: WingRaptor (1st form)
     Breath Wing
React:Fight & V00=01{
     Display Text: Attack when its wings are closed,
     Display Text: and it'll respond with its claws!!
     Set V00=01
(I apologize for how loud this is, but you really will want to turn your volume down before watching. Future videos won't be as loud.)

Guess we should hunt down those other crystals like Tycoon asked, and see if they've shattered. It's quite ominous indeed.

Levels: 6
Deaths: 1
Magical Mishaps: 4

Next update we try and find a way out of this continent, warn Karnak, and fight Karl Marx.