The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 155: The Omnithief Chronicles, Part 1

Air Jordan. I love it.

Not to detract from that, but Omnithief is ready to roll! Since we're getting to a good number of these on one page, I'm going to start the SSLP test poster train with this one.

The Omnithief Chronicles, Part 1

Bufuman posted:

You know, I'm starting to understand why some people can go months without an LP update. Between playing the game, resetting occasionally to screenshot stuff I forgot to capture, and deciding what images to post, formatting and writing my post, I spent just under 4 freaking hours. And that's just on the first leg of the game! I... I may have leaped before I looked.

Well, nothing to do but try and keep up.

Make multiple saves. Make a new save state before every boss. If your emulator has a rewind key, map it and love it. If you run out of slots before making an update, back them all up before you start rewriting. Never work with screenshots while writing an update using the same directory you save screenshots into: you will overwrite your best shot.

Of course, the Pro Stratz, as I understand them, is to record the whole ensemble and grab screenshots from there.

The real Pro Stratz is just to know what you're going to say and what pictures you want before you even start playing.