The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 28: Post 3 - Lithium

Post 3 - Lithium

Walter's home planet needs him. Walter's home planet is a place with green plains, vast forests full of dogs that will get butchered for money, and these.

Grass Turtles! An otherwise not-noteworthy enemy, these are important for a very, very specific reason.

These are the primary source of Turtle Shells. Turtle Shells are one of the most prolific tools in the Chemist arsenal, and the very first mix of them is one that Walter will be using oodles of.

Succubus Kiss. Turtle Shell + Maiden's Kiss. The results?

Succubus Kiss functions pretty much identical to the spell Drain. However, the black magic spell Drain has a spell power of 45. Succubus Kiss? Oh no, it has no such trivialities. Succubus Kiss has two hundred and fifty-five magical attack power. Nearly six times more powerful than Drain. Over a thousand damage at level 13 with no magic-boosting gear.

What can Walter achieve when he can drink himself up to level 255? Prepare your body.

I do some farming for Turtle Shells - 30 in all, this is for both Liquiflame and the following Karnak 500 - and this gets me up to level 20. I also farm the Fire-Powered Ship for something special for Liquiflame.

And speak of the devil.

Liquid Flame-Humanoid
HP: 3000
Weak to Ice.
Absorbs Fire, Air.
Vulnerable to Death, Confuse.

React:HP Damage{
     No Interrupt{
          Unhide Monster: LiquiFlame (Randomly Hand or Whirlwind form)
Liquid Flame-Hand (Heavy)
HP: 3000
MP: 30
Absorbs Fire.
Immune to Water, Air, Earth, Holy, Poison, Lightning, Ice.
Vulnerable to Death, Confuse.

AI Script:
React:HP Damage{
     No Interrupt{
          Unhide Monster: LiquiFlame (Randomly Human or Whirlwind form)
Liquid Flame-Tornado
HP: 3000
MP: 50
Weak to Ice.
Absorbs Fire, Air.
Immune to Water, Poison.
Vulnerable to Death, Confuse.

AI Script:
Change Target:Self
React:HP Damage{
     No Interrupt{
          Unhide Monster: LiquiFlame (Randomly Human or Hand form)

I go through all three at once because, in my screenshots, you only see one, and in the video you only see two. But you do see the newest tool in my arsenal - that Drink command that I've been ignoring? Time to crack open a cold one!

Speed Shake is Haste in a bottle. I can replicate this with a mix too (Turtle Shell + Eye Drops makes Hasty-Ade), but I am saving my shells for offense. POWERFUL offense.




Seriously, who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Who. Tell me.

That is a real ten minute timer. Respect it. And yet, be aware that I'm still getting every elixir and the main treasure here for a Chemist.

That said, I am rescuing the Ribbon. I always rescue the Ribbon. The Ribbon is Precious. The Ribbon Is Your Friend. Do Not Doubt Equip Ribbons, Lest You Be A Heathen.

Fuck Sorcerers. They like to cast Toad. I Succubus Kissed one while still a toad (pro tip - you can use !Mix as a Frog. This is how all those low level, everyone's a frog challenge runs work.) and got this amusing image.

Gigases are much nicer because A) they die to one Succubus Kiss, B) they drop these. Goliath Tonics, when drunk, double your max HP. They're rad as hell and I have no source of them until world 2.

Finally, the prize for Walter. Between this and the Healing Staff, they will form the bulk of his non-mix offense for this world. It also layers with the Elven Mantle to make him even harder to hit.

You're not even a boss in my eyes. Off to the Library of the Ancients, where two new mixes will show themselves against our next boss...

Ifrit (Heavy)
HP: 3000
MP: 1000
Weak to Water, Ice.
Absorbs Fire.
Immune to Poison.
Vulnerable to Death, Stone, Poison, Blind, Old, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Slow.

AI Script:
     Display Text: Ifrit:  You are strong...!
     Display Text: 'I have decided to grant my
     Display Text: 'powers to you...
Ifrit was scary to Zerky!. Walter doesn't give a damn. Why? Because Walter has the power of science.

Resist Fire is a blend of Eye Drops and an Ether. They do not do what they say on the tin, though - instead of "resisting" (or being immune to, I guess) Fire-elemental damage, it's even better: Walter is healed by fire-elemental damage. Look at all those Flames and Firas in the AI routine - those all HEAL Walter for a good 200+ HP each.

To rub Ifrit's nose in it even harder, Walter takes another dosing - Hasty-Ade is a Turtle Shell and Eye Drops, and grants Haste, just like a Speed Shake. With speed on his side, he then proceeds to just... poke Ifrit with that new dagger he got. Poke poke poke.


He obviously gets tired of this shit. The AP I get from this gives me...

!Recover removes a lot of status effects from the whole party at once. This is more useful than !Mix because

Call me when you have 255 magical power.

After Ifrit, that asshole bookcase gets out of our way and we quickly make our way to our next boss.

Byblos (Creature)
HP: 3600
MP: 1000
Weak to Fire.
Absorbs Water, Air, Earth, Holy, Poison, Lightning, Ice.
Vulnerable to Poison, Blind, Paralyze, Berserk, Slow.

AI Script:
{Fight,Charm,Wind Slash}
{Sonic Wave,Wind Slash,Fight}
React:Death  &  React:Magic:Ifrit{
     No Interrupt{
          Display Text: Byblos:  I, Ifrit...
          Display Text: 'You fools!  The seal...
          Display Text: 'But the seal of my master
          Display Text: 'Still lives!!!
     No Interrupt{
          Display Text: Byblos:  Uggh!!!
          Display Text: 'This is the end....
          Display Text: 'But the seal of my master
          Display Text: 'Still lives!!!
React:HP < 800  &  HP Damage{

Ah, Byblos. Bane of Fiesta runners without Fire-elemental damage everywhere. He's big, he's bad, he likes to steal your HP, cut your levels, prolong the encounter with Protect, and holy fuck is he an asshole.

Unless you have Mix. Then he goes down faster than hot pockets in a WoW raid.


We get our first "boss fades into mist" effect!

I like you, Mid. You get to live once Walter becomes unto a god.

Abuse of the elderly!


And we have a boat! We then turn right around and go back to farm some turtle shells because Grass Turtles are mostly around Karnak.

Close, but it needs something else...

Ah, good.

Scientifically fastest way to ruin a boat? Whirlpools. Fuck.

You're on the list.

Next time: Sandworm Sans Suffering.