The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 754: Maribelle C

Now, repeat after me: "My name is Brady. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."


Did you hear me? "My name is Brady. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

...The name's Brady. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

"My name IS," Brady. Not "The name's." Now, "My mother's name is Maribelle." Go ahead, darling. Try it.

My ma... Er, my mother. Aw, nuts Ma! Yer crazy if you think I'm puttin' up with this crap!

Don't you dare walk out on me, young man!

Ma, we're at war here. Ya know? With killin' and all that malarkey? If you want to teach me something, teach me some tricks with a staff.

I'll teach nothing of the sort to a boor who scoffs at the value of proper language!

Why not?

A person's words reflect their character.

So anyone who speaks a little rough is some kinda knuckle dragger? Ain't that a little simplistic?

Unrefined language shows a lack of concern for how one comes across to others. It demonstrates a lack of respect and is ample cause to judge someone.

Why ya always gotta be so hardheaded about everything?

Better a hard head than a brain full of mush!I'd sooner choose my words carefully than speak rashly and regret it.

Sounds like somebody screwed up in the past, yeah? Who'd ya piss off?

Really, must your EVERY phrase be vulgar? It should be "WHOM did you piss off," Brady. ...Go on, repeat it for yourself.

Uh, something tells me that still ain't entirely proper speech...