Part 32: (Part Three, Chapter 4) In which our choice of General finally bites us in the ass

Emboldened by their success, they move east with amazing speed and capture the northern stronghold, Castle Seliora.

Begnion has now lost a valuable defensive line in the Ribahn River, and the Central Army has been forced to retreat east, taking refuge in Castle Gaddos.

...while the Begnion nobles smolder with resentment at their defeat.


Poor Levail.



He'd do it, too.

Alright! A plan! What do we do, Soren?

Well, let's view the one conversation here.

Aimee has a new victim.


Ike arrives just in time.

Shinon, what the fuck did you d-

Damnit Aimee, that information was supposed to be exclusive to people who got all of Rolf and Shinon's Path of Radiance support conversations!

[Received a Blue Gem!]
Nice. But that's not the only benefit to watching this conversation...

That Blue Gem, plus the White Gem we pilfered from the Senator last mission makes a nice tidy profit for Ike. More importantly...

Look at this goddamn bow. Just look at it. The first time I played through this game I didn't do anything clever like loading down Ilyana with stuff, or stealing from the Senators, and I bought a load of stuff from the shops when I got the Silver Card, and when this came up I had no damn money and I was like

Otherwise, the Bargains aren't really much worth bothering with; you can buy a second Florete if you've somehow managed to involve Mist in so much combat that she needs a spare. I guess it's a pretty good weapon (it does, after all, have ludicrous Mt) but Mist is just too weak to be seeing combat and she's been completely strength-screwed to boot. So no dice. Beyond that, there are two helpings of Olivi Grass... but, spoiler alert, we're going to get one for free anyway.

Know what'll help Rolf with his relatively low defence? Being attacked less.

Nephenee gets her regular injection of BEXP.

Heather is on the brink of levelling up, so for the sake of her training to meet her destiny, we put Blossom on her. We really want her to grow in strength, and Blossom will pump her strength growth from 20% to 36% - that's almost reasonable! It'll do wonders for her other stats too, no doubt.

Supports are strengthened...


And reassigned.
...y'know, in Fire Emblem 7, a Wind Pair would eventually give bonuses of Atk +3, Hit +15, Crit +15 (!), and Dodge +15. Here, it will only lead to Hit +15 and Avoid +15.

If ever there were any doubts about who's carrying this team, let them be hereby put to rest.
Well, that's it for the Base. Let's move out.

Gah! Have you learned nothing? Don't say stuff like th-


It always was a question of when that moron would finally fuck us all over.

Oh, fuck.

(Funfact™: No we can't.)

So this is Kysha. He's at least a bit better than Lyre, what with the whole "being a tiger" thing. He has pretty-okay-for-a-laguz-really growths but is, as ever, held back by their characteristic slow EXP gain and high chance of being RNG-screwed. And, no, being "better than Lyre" doesn't really count for much.

He does bring us the Quickclaw skill, however. This is another one of those laguz "counter" skills - it has a [speed stat]% of dealing [strength stat] damage to any enemy that attacks the bearer indirectly. When you consider that it's a flat amount of damage, this skill actually starts to sound quite useful, but it's difficult to plan around. Could be nice to have though.

Here's Ranulf. Ranulf is pretty good! He, too, has quite acceptable growths, and his bases aren't very far off his caps either, so he has a good chance of reaching some of them. He's actually a tad overpowered for the time being, and, actually, if the RNG isn't kind to him, he can get left behind in later levels. But, on the whole, he tends to turn out quite usable, and he's quite survivable for a cat. Ranulf has no innate skills. He does, however, come with a Satori Sign in his inventory. What's a Satori Sign? ...tell you later.

Haha, no.
Our team will be the same as for the last chapter, plus Ranulf.

Here's the top half of the battlefield. Most of the enemies are concentrated up here, and it's a literal uphill struggle against numbers, ledges and ballistae to get to the boss.

Of course, we still have to get past all the enemies near us first.
We are provided with five Gallian generics for this mission (and they are, of course, entirely outside our command, despite us having Ranulf taking orders directly from Ike) - three tigers, two cats. They will mostly be charging blindly towards the enemy and we will probably not be able to stop them all from dying. This is a shame, since they're worth Bonus EXP.

The boss here is quite dangerous. He's rather well armoured, has a Killing Edge, and can also attack at range to boot. The trick with him is to attack at range, of course - and then rush him when he switches to his Storm Sword. Assuming he survives that long.

Our objective is to have Ike and Ranulf arrive at the two squares currently occupied by the boss and his favourite minion. The mission ends once both Ike and Ranulf are standing on one of these squares.
Let's fight!

As ever, the battle begins with Rolf. He gets to play with his new toy. Heather finishes off the weakened enemy.

That Blossom skill immediately pays off. Heather gains a valuable point of strength - enough that having her fulfil her destiny will require much less material expenditure. She also gets a bunch of other stat-ups. The thing with Blossom is that it's a pain to use it to grind levels - it's best employed when there's a unit on the verge of levelling up while you're in the base to whom you'd be happy giving one really good level each chapter. It's a good way to slowly but reliably train for endgame. A common and effective trick is to give Blossom to someone and use BEXP to bring them to 99 EXP before each fight.

Ranulf starts with a maxed transform gauge, which is pretty useful.

He goes to town on an enemy weakened by Mia.

Haar is even more invaluable in this fight than he is in most. All these ledges are trivial to him. They'd be nearly impossible to attack up with ground units, and the only way to get up there is through the enemies - who won't move. So instead we just have Haar fly up and clear them out.

The combined efforts of Nephenee and Oscar deal with the lone enemy on the ground level.

This is how we end the first turn. What we want is for the enemies on the eastern ledge to either attack Haar or to jump down and attack Nephenee or Oscar. We can't prevent the Gallians from charging into combat but they're not completely helpless - they should survive for a while.

Of course, the enemy isn't going to make it easy for them. Straight away they are targeted by Ballistae.

Our plan is working.

Haar doesn't kill this guy, but there's a tiger right behind him, and failing that, Haar can just kill him on our turn.

The Gallians on the hill come under fire but they hold out.

On their own turn, the Gallians

Some of them are smart and run away to heal.

Our turn. Ranulf bounds up the hill to help his fellow beasts. The surviving guy will either run away or die no matter who he attacks. The point is, we prevent that cat there from being about to die. Never let it be said we don't look out for our friends.

Soren gets a thoroughly mediocre level out of this turn, though at least he got a point in magic.

Normally, we'd be hesitant to send Haar over here because of that thunder mage. The Immunity skill is truly a godsend.

Everyone moves up and we end turn 2.

Survival instincts this guy has not. He dies.

Begnion keeps up the offensive on this one cat over here.

A ballista nearly does for the cat Ranulf so heroically defended last turn.

And the enemy generally wakes up and starts moving towards us.
Now it's Gallia's turn.

He can keep this up all day if he has to.

Over on the ledge, an enemy archer is helpfully weakened for us.

We let Mist poke at him.

Even her combat animations make her look like she's doing more frolicking than fighting.

And her levels continue to be schizophrenic as fuck.
This is the problem, really, with Mist. She's pitched as being able to be either a fighter or a healer, but her growths in both strength and magic are too low to guarantee that she'll be much good at either. In this playthrough, she's at least gotten some magic levels but I don't believe she's had a single point in strength so far. Her growths overall are more suggestive of a pegasus knight (though without the mobility or the range). She is, as a result, quite frustrating to use - though she does at least have more speed than Rhys did.

Anyway, here's a real fighter to take the kill.

Haar continues the fine tradition of crit-cancelling mages he was going to kill in one turn anyway.

Oscar gives Ike a lift to the top of the hill.

Mia attempts to invoke some of her skills against this soldier, but she sadly fails, and takes a hit while doing so.

Ranulf's big drawback, really, is his vulnerability to fire magic. Fortunately, he's quite able to shred this mage to pieces before he gets a chance to do any damage.

We end turn. Note Haar's position; he's going to try and draw some attention away from the beasts near him.

The enemy obliges.

The guy Mia failed to kill is happy to correct her mistake for her.

Very nice, very nice. Mia's well on the way to being the murder-machine she's renowned for being.

Meanwhile, Haar is content to do away with all that finesse rubbish and go for just the bare necessities.

Gatrie is now close enough to provoke the ballista into attacking him. For 1 damage. I love Gatrie.

Another soldier suicides on a tiger. Sure, not complaining.

On their own turn, the Gallians keep up the murder.

Time to pave the way for some progress. Haar effortlessly swats this mage aside...

...and stands in the gap while the rest of Ike's forces mass below the ledge.

Ranulf is out of juice and reverts to human form, but he's got Olivi Grass to speed his return up.

Both enemy ballistae are now attacking this poor cat. I fear he may not survive.

We were unable to get this tiger away from the ledge, and he is summarily hit by magic. He'll survive, though.

For all the fuss I made about them being suicidal, we have to give this cat credit; he dug the fuck in against four turns of ballista harassment and even some enemy attacks. You did your country proud, little cat.

Some people try to threaten Haar. Like this guy. He hits Haar for some damage. Haar responds by hitting him back for half his health. Twice.

Meanwhile, the Gallians are beginning to run out of transform juice. You may notice that this will not stop them from forging ahead.

Case in point - this tiger over here (who has 3 TP left, by the way) could well get himself slaughtered by the general and two fire mages up there if we don't somehow stop him.

Even now, the Gallians are getting in our way.

Rolf, absurd, etc.

With a bit of ranged assistance from Heather, Mia dispatches the pesky ballistaer... the traditional spectacularly overkill fashion we're used to seeing.

The remaining guy on this ledge is dispatched by Ike and his ridiculous crit animation.

Now, will that tiger get himself killed?

Bad start. He takes a Javelin from above, and un-transforms to boot.

Then he takes a ballista bolt to the face.

Fortunetely, he has the good sense to run the hell away on his turn.

Ranulf is back, and gets to softening up enemies for Mia.

Ike needs no such assistance, however.

Ike and Rolf park themselves below the ledge. It's possible that, if someone chooses to attack Rolf (they may not due to shade) that he can use his ridiculously accurate forge bow to retaliate, even up a ledge.

Haar, now healed, rushes forward to see if he can't stop the stupid beasts from charging up this ledge by getting there first.

Between Haar and Oscar, the beasts won't be able to reach the ledge, and thus won't be destroyed by the fire mages up there.

The ballista and the first fire mage immediately round on Haar.

A second also brings Haar to much less HP than he's comfortable with having. Fortunately, that's all for now. The beasts run around doing nothing, which suits me fine.

Two enemy dracoknights appear as reinforcements.

The enemies were fool enough to leave a gap open atop the ledge. So Rolf charges through and begins the slaughter.

Funfact™: Rolf has dodged every attack thrown at him this mission.

Ike, too, makes with the murder.

Mia still has her Wyrmslayer, and it is put to good use against the reinforcements.

We once again put Heather's throwing knives to use so we can soften up this guy for Ranulf.

Haar has had to run away to be healed, so it's possible that we might lose another Gallian if the enemies decide to be clever or if the beasts decide to be suicidal.

Gatrie's Provoke skill remains invaluable.

Ow. Fortunately, there's nothing else other enemies can do besides attack Oscar. So we should be good.

The other dracoknight is distracted too.

Mia is challenged to a Wyrmslayer fight. Such a waste of good weaponry...

She wins.

Time to clean up the top level.

Rolf. Still untouchable.

Gatrie gets a very general-like level-up from killing the last dracoknight.

The Ranulf-Mia combo strikes again, and Mia comes a bit closer to brokenness. She's now capped Speed and HP, for those keeping score.

Now healed, Haar is able to go back to his favourite pastime of mage-slaughter.

He is ably assisted by Nephenee.

End of the eighth turn. We're making very good time. Both the enemy and the Gallians spend their turn doing nothing.
On the start of the ninth turn, Heather goes scavenging.

She strikes gold. Yes, there just so happens to be a spare one of these "unique" weapons lying in the dirt under a ballista. Right. If you know this is here, you can be a lot more liberal with Ike's use of this weapon in the early chapters. 50 uses is a lot for one weapon, but 100 might as well be infinite, given... well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Is Haar being able to destroy people even news anymore? I wonder sometimes.

Rolf begins the boss party.

He suuuure does.

Ike is up next. He is not at all put off by the concept of being critted by this guy.

Oh come on, Ike, it's not like this wasn't all covered in the pre-battle talk. You were listening, right?

Mia takes the honours.

In the traditional fashion.

Well, let's not waste any more time.




Fucking brilliant.

God fucking dammit, Skrimir. In the end, not even Soren's brilliant plan could compete with your sheer idiocy.
(Wait... what was Soren's plan anyway?)

...why is it that the ones with the crudely drawn facial hair are always the assholes?

human! Fight on, brothers!


Fucking hell, Skrimir.


Ain't that just the million gold question right now?

Friggin' sweet. The clear bonus alone is substantial, and we got the maximum turn bonus, and saved all but one of the Gallians. That's quite a haul.
Next time: A very stupid senator tries to besiege Ike.