Part 11: R-09 - Rhapsody in Blue (Part 2)

Welcome back. Now we have to walk to the diner to meet Mati...

Unfortunately, while Ken has his bike, we have to walk. I really can't describe how ridiculous this is. To give you an indication, we walk more steps in this day than we did in all of the previous days combined. And it's only going to get worse.

Mr. Mondo... Mati still isn't here. She's normally here by now. I'm a bit worried about her, actually.

It is a bit worrying, isn't it?

You know, Mati is kinda...

Special to you? Oh boy...

I need to open the place up. So, please, Mr. Mondo.

Me again?

Go to the Hotel.

That's... pretty far away, you know?

I'm counting on you, Mr. Mondo.

What about the free meal you promised me...?

When I said it was going to get worse, I wasn't lying. We have to walk all the way back from the diner, to the hotel.

Someone is having a bit of fun with me, I'm sure.

Ah, Mr. Mondo! Don't worry about me, what about you, Mr. Mondo?

I'm fine. You're not hurt?

No, I'm still in one piece. Sorry to have worried you. But... there's no way past the sign, now.

Yeah... that's a problem.

What are the chances of the sign falling and falling here...! Anyway, Mati, Ken was looking for you. But you aren't going to make it to the diner any time soon, are you?

I've been fixing a problem with the Hotel's electrical supply. I don't know what to do about it, honestly...

Come on then. Details.

We don't know the cause, but... The manager believes it to be the work of the terrorists.

Edo does love to exaggerate things.

We don't have concrete proof... But the problem is most likely over on Eleki Island. If that is the case, then this could be a real problem...

I see. And I have to take care of this? Guessing from the pattern here, right?

I'm sure that you can solve the problem, Mr. Mondo.

I see... So I need to visit Eleki Island, do I?

That seems the only way.

And how would I go about doing that?

Follow the road from the diner.

Go back there again...?

I'm very sorry, Mr. Mondo.

Oh, don't worry about it.

It reads... "Power Beach." Follow along the coast and you'll come to a jetty. The boat there can be used to cross to Eleki Island. It's a small, desolate island. But all of Lospass Island's electricity comes from there.

Sounds like quite a boring place.

Oh yes. There's nothing fun to do there at all.

They could at least build a casino or something.

That's right, you're absolutely right.

You wait here until the Hotel is fixed up, then, Mati...

Thank you...

See you later.

Take care, Mr. Mondo.

Now we have to walk all the way back to the beach...

And down this unnecessarily long jetty.

Now we can take this little dingy across the sea to Eleki Island.

Here we are!

They certainly have a way with words in these parts. Eleki as in electric guitar, perhaps? Still... Going this far out of my way, I really am a nice guy. It's just like that dumb kid said...

This island is pretty small, there's a huge warehouse here, but we can't enter it at the moment. Our interest is the six electricity pylons further on.

Look at the force of that discharge...! I guess this is what sent the sign into orbit. What mystery lies ahead this time, then? Psychological warfare, from the look of it!

What we have to do here is check each pylon individually, and solve the puzzle associated with it.

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Take care of this pylon!
There are two pages on Eleki Island in the guidebook:

Basically, each pylon has a fairly simple math problem, and we have to enter the answer into each one. I won't bother explaining the answers, as I'm sure you can work them out.

After entering the correct answer, the pylon shuts down and stops shooting out electricity. Now to do the other five:

Now that we've sorted out the island's electricity problems...
R-09 Ending: