The Let's Play Archive

Front Mission 3

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 13: Mission #12: The Berserker Goes to Prom!

Mission #12: The Berserker Goes to Prom!

: Those bastards! This must mean they'll start moving up north. Tell the headquarters that the enemy invasion has started!
: Yes, sir!
: They won't take over the Negros Fortress so easily!

: So they're as good as they said they'd be.
: They were just lucky.
Yeah, that wanzer tripped onto Kazuki's axe...several times.
: Luck is part of the game. How is the squad to Negros doing?
: They're ready!
: What are you going to do, Pham?
: ...I know! Let's go Pierre!
: Yes, my lady!
: We'll begin moving north! Tell the attack squad we're starting the mission.
: Yes, sir!
: We're going to be busy. We'll need their help.

Meanwhile, in our submarine...

: They're getting serious.
: I bet the snotty girl is green with envy now!
You fool! Every time you talk about a character, the chances of her becoming a party member rise!
: Ryogo, that's mean.
: She needs to learn the harshness of reality.
: You too.
: There's no time to fool around! We'll land from the other side of the island and attack the fortress from behind. Prepare to land! We don't have much time.

And here we go!

And the beach is littered with pits and obstructions. Great.

: It's an order. We have to!
: We can relax; this place is great.
: But I want to fight!
Well, if you insist...
: What, a raid!? Enemy attack!
: Contact Command!
: This is sector E23, the enemy has landed! Requesting immediate backup! Dammit, I can't get through!
Don't worry, friend, I'll make sure that your commander gets the message that her base is being invaded. I guarantee it.

Er...Liu? You're communicating by radio, you don't actually have to face your troops to talk to them.
: Don't rush me, man.
: Wait a minute.
: Whatever, talk while you're moving...

Miho gets the day off because I'm trying to use all of the wanzers relatively evenly. This, as in all communist endeavors, goes horribly, horribly wrong.

The Berserker gets damaged by an enemy. This is the mission where the Berserker's flaws become all too obvious. It's tough, but not invincible, and doesn't have a shield to avoid missile of cannon fire.

Plus, Kazuki has no ranged weapons, meaning he has to get really close to the enemy to do any damage. I send him to destroy the fixed cannons at the far edge of the map. Dangerous? Yeah, but it's a mission he's suited for.

Kazuki makes it to the cannons by turn 2, but he's taken a ton of hits along the way. But, hey, as long as he's got one good arm...

He's living on borrowed time by this point...and it's still only turn 2.

Meanwhile, Ryogo and Liu are trying to get in close to the tanks so as to avoid their damaging cannon fire. Alisa takes out the enemy's only missile wanzer all by herself.

And then the inexplicable happens. Ryogo damages an enemy Jinyo and forces the pilot to eject, as happens from time to time. Usually, they get back in on their next turn. Not this guy, though. Not only did he refuse to get back into his wanzer, but he decided to try and kill Ryogo with his pistol. Liu puts him out of his misery, but, since the pilot died outside of his wanzer, I get to keep the Jinyo.

The clock strikes midnight for the Berserker. It was luck more than anything. If you'll look closely, he's still got plenty of HP in one arm and his legs, he just took one too many cannon shots to the torso.

Ryogo swears revenge for his abusive best friend.

Elsewhere, Alisa and a tank trade shots at a distance of roughly ten feet. Alisa misses with her rifle. Being the sporting guy I am, I won't blame Lotish for this latest disaster. Indeed, I totally absolve him of all fault in this matter, even if the wanzer was his design. But seriously, this sort of shit happens to rifles occasionally no matter what you do.

Ryogo poses after clearly out the left-hand side of the map basically single-handed...then again, at this point, everything the Ultragunner does is single-handed.

And then, it happens. For so long, Liu has been by far the weakest wanzer on the squad. No longer. Double Shot II lets him fire away with both of his weapons for the AP cost of a single attack. And it can chain, with itself and with things like ROF I.

And he kills the last cannon and finally ends the mission.

You have all failed me!

: This is attack squad, HQ respond!
: This is HQ. Everything looks good.
: We've reached the party hall. Has the dance begun?
: Not yet. Just waiting for the climax. Head inside, the dance hall's right there!
Man, the enemy's never going to break that secret code!
: All right, we're heading for the band. Just have them hang on!
: Yes, sir!
: Liu, how's the HQ?
: Not good, the attack is not proceeding. We have to delay the enemy.
: Looks that way.
: There's an entrance to the fortress somewhere in the jungle.
: It'd be good if we found it and got inside.
Uh...thanks, Ryogo. Real helpful.
: Yeah, but it's not that easy.
: I know, but it's our only choice. Let's go!

Into the jungles...

Next Time: Platoon meets Robot Jox!