Part 19
Well, I imagine some people are only reading the isolated links via the table of contents. Just as a heads-up, you should check the end of the previous update again for the first real co-op video. I'd like to hear if you think we did well or not. But anyway...

I got some level 2 homing missiles, repair packs, and of course my lovely new laser before starting this mission.
In the future, everything will be done with "data". At least in Japan
Well you don't need to yell.

If you think about it, this part is like Shadow of the Colossus. You have to climb the gigantic enemy...

Then stab (shoot) it in it's magical weak point (hatch).

It's a regular maze down here...
It's more than a regular maze, it's a teleporter maze. Well, doors instead of teleports, but there might as well not be a difference in this case.

Seriously. Look at this shit.

I'm pretty sure the container it was stored in was worth more than that.

The little walking turret is the only new enemy here. Other than that you have the regular enemy Wanzer(pictured) as well as some foot soldiers and turrets.

If you see this, then congratulations! You made it!

"Really sucks. I wish I had a better one."
Well maybe if you actually gave them some of that intel you gathered we wouldn't have to!

Boom! Blowing the door triggers the alarm, which is hilarious because it wasn't on before. Before when you were blowing up everything in sight.
I'm hoping he didn't get caught while sneaking in.

out. Catch you on the outside!
But I went with him to his Wanzer because I don't trust his ability to escape.

What about you?
Oh, that Luven is such a wiseracker. Wearing sunglasses all the time and blowing things up and getting caught.

For fuck's sake who's idea was it to make me walk all the way back out?

At least I'm finally out now. This was one hell of a mission.

Oh, for the love of...

Since Albert is an overachieving bastard, you have to walk to the far left of the deck, dodging bombs dropped by these guys and also some flea-like Wanzers from before.

Here's another 'boss' of sorts, though not a very interesting one. The lower turret shoots lasers straight ahead. The upper one shoots homing shots. All of this can be blocked and both of them have separate life bars. In the shot, you can see me shooting my homing missiles at them. The thing that makes this fight hard is the bombing things that come by once in awhile. You just have to take them out before they get over you.


I guess they really weren't paying me to destroy it.

Look at that kill count! Seriously.

Thanks. You took a hell of a risk there, buddy. I'm deeply indebted to you as well, Miss...?
Nice to also perform the most thorough rescue operation ever.
Not quite as much, but still much obliged.
"I was PISSED! What kind of a shitty codename is that?"
I think this is Albert's low point in terms of intelligence.
AHAHAHHAHA no we don't.
But, having said that, maybe you want me to use him anyway. I'll show off Luven in some capacity, but should I change my primary partner to him or anyone else? The level after next is another boss, so maybe you should vote and I'll get Glazius to do a video with me in which I force him to use that character. I mean, I haven't discussed it with him or anything.