Part 100: Twin Towers 2
Welcome back!
Honestly, Justin hasn't thought this far ahead.
Thankfully, Grunt B is there to bail us out.
So let's blow it.

Huh?! Well, actually, we uh....
Dammit, Feena, I'm trying to make this difficult.

: Oh, yeah!

: That's right! Tell him we're guides and he'll let us in, Justin.
At least Gadwin is being a bad influence.

: What?! Hol... hold on there, Gadwin!

: What's all the chatter about?! I asked you, are you or are you not our guides?!
At which point we loop back to the choices.

Yes! Yes, we're guides! Our boss told us to, uh, guide you folks around here.

: Oh, well then. We've been waiting for you. We're having trouble finding the entrance to these ruins.
I guess that's why we couldn't kill these guys? Vicks here needed to open the door?

: OK, let's get in there quickly. We can get into the details after we're inside.

: I don't know how we did it, but we got inside without making a fuss, eh Justin?!

: Shhhh! They'll hear you, Sue!

: Come on, slowpokes. Go on inside!
A lot of soldiers milling about the vestibule.
Hey, we found the entrance! We're good at this whole "guide" thing!
Oh fuck, the Medusa Dancers followed us?!

: What's the matter, Sue? What...?

: Shhh! Everyone just hide, quickly!
Oh, crap.
... How many other towers are there to study, anyway?

: If we hadn't messed up so bad in the Misty Forest, my dream of becoming Herr Mullen's aide-de-camp....

: That was one miserable experience. The train wouldn't stop and we wasted half a day. Herr Mullen was mad.

: Wasn't his name Justin, the one who broke the brake? He'll pay the next time I see him.
Oh dear.
They got out of that situation in only half a day? That's pretty impressive.

: Hmm, they're gone now. Sounds like they remember me.

: Looks like you've got women trouble. And you know a few tricks, eh Justin?

: Hey, Justin. Those three women, they were talking about a Herr Mullen.

: Oh, him... I don't know if I can handle him.

: Anyway, it looks like there's a door over there. Let's get into the tower before we run into Herr Mullen!
Creepy place.

: It must mean something, but I don't know what. It looks like the Magic Circle.
Oh, goodie. Time to get this dungeon started. Maybe we'll get a difficult boss again.
Oooooor not.

: You're right, there's a wall there.

: But if this isn't an entrance, where can we enter from?
Hmm. Well, maybe there's something out in the vestibule area.

: The latest report only said that the entrance is very likely to be somewhere in this room.

: The way to get ejected from the Twin Towers is described in detail. It's a very helpful report.

: Hey! That voice...!

: What the...? Why, it's Justin!

: Feena?!

: Leen?!




: What are you doing here, Justin?! How in the... you must've gotten over the wall at the End of the World!

: You bet we did! We walked and climbed over it!
Ordinarily, I'd just transcribe lines like this, but I know a lot of you were waiting to see the look on Mullen's face when he got this dropped on him.

: Ha ha ha ha! That's amazing! You kids are really something!

: Yeah, what's so funny?! Don't make fun of us, you jerk!

: Ha ha ha. No, no, you've got it all wrong, Justin. I'm just pleased, that's all. These days, it's wonderful to meet someone who's so artless and daring.

: Enough with the confusing chatter!
Now we fight like men. And ladies. And invincible little girls. Move, Mullen! Let us pass through or we'll do it by force!
Yeah, let us leave these ancient ruins that we haven't had a chance to explore and/or loot yet!
... Wait, what?
While I like that Justin's portrait isn't the usual one here, all three of the choices do the exact same thing. No unique text for any of them.
Can't blame Mullen for fact-checking here, though, seeing how often Leen's bumped into Justin without her Spirit Stone-dar going off.
... Unless by "sense its presence" Mullen meant "you're the only one of my troops who's smart enough to not overlook important shiny things"?

: ......!
Mullen menaces everyone up onto the mystic mound.

: No! Ya got that? N! O!

And you have my bow!

And my axe!

No fair, you three.
I am so glad the voting went the way it needed to for this joke to work.

: Feena! Justin! Just hand over the Spirit Stone! Don't risk your lives over it!

: Stand back, Leen. If the stone must be taken by force, I will take it in my own way!

: Let's get him! Gadwin!

: OK!
That's a little odd, that they've got just Justin and Gadwin on this boss fight. Guess they've auto-equipped a sword on Justin, and we're gonna do some silly gimmick fi-
Oh fuck you, Mullen.

: Justin!

: Ugh...! That creep!
Justin climbs to his feet while Gadwin stays down.

: Well... on your feet already, eh? Looks like this adventure trip has provided you with good training.
Once again, it doesn't matter what we say here.
Both in terms of "all three choices go to the same text box", and "there is really only one option to choose".

No way, Jose!

: Heh heh. That's just what I'd expect to hear from someone like you. OK, come give me all you got. You shouldn't take any regrets with you to the next world.
Ha, joke's on you, Mullen! All my regrets are in the Stashing Place! I'm already prepared for world 2!

: Stop, Herr Mullen! We already know who'll win!

: Nonsense! The winner has yet to be decided!

: Stop! Stop, Justin! You're gonna get killed!

: The Spirit Stone in my pocket...! It's starting to glow...!
In case the screen shaking and flashing wasn't enough of a hint that something big is happening, Justin and Mullen directly state it.

: Aaaaaack!
Oh dear.

: Wh... what?! Oh no! Gadwin! Justin and Feena, they're gone...!
She's moving around the room during this part. Right now, she's hidden behind her portrait.
One is an invincible little girl. The other is permanently dead.
Together, they fight crime!