Part 155: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 5
Welcome back.
Are you tired of Zil Padon NPCs yet? Because the game's writers sure as hell weren't. To the Rafane section!

: They would touch your body and take money. What's with them? I truly don't understand those Alqada guys.

: How do you like the new song written by me, Rafane's most exalted music composer?

: Reminds me of the warbling of an old man. Of course, an old man's song.

: Only worse.

: Wherever I look, there's something entirely different than in my village. It's wonderfully fun. Also, the Alqada territory, it's amazing. I've never seen so many people. You can buy this ant that, it is always so bustling. Then, floating in the air right in the middle of the city is an odd face with water flowing from it. What's that?

: If things could talk, could you throw them away so easily? But the Rafane simply throw things away. So wasteful.

: I never knew that such kind people were in the cities. We still can't give up hope in the city. In our village, when children become 10 years old, we say that they will live 10 times longer to become 100. Everyone in the village would then eat eel, king of the river fish. I remember that now my son will soon become 10. I long for such peacefulness. We can't have eel for my son's tenth birthday, but I would like him to eat his fill. We've never had a full meal since we arrived in this city. We always feel hungry.

: I want to be a mademoiselle, and unless I buy rings, bracelets and necklaces from them, none of the Alqada could make a living! It feels good after I do something good. Ah. Tomorrow I will buy stylish jars from all the merchants. What a good person I am! This itself marks a true mademoiselle.

: Once I sold them a jar that couldn't be used, but they wouldn't buy a practical jar. All they talk about is art. I don't get it. Don't you think a useful one is better? Today I sold a bandana. I had blown my nose in it, and yet they liked the pattern.

: What? What are you saying? I don't understand a word. Use words I understand.

: OK. I meant your fashion is just so kitsch and with a progressive sensibility.

: Are you looking for a fight? I don't understand at all!

: Ha ha. I get it. Those pants you're wearing! Those pants are an active element.

: Who-who are you? Watch where you're touching! It feels like I'll end up naked here.

: Say, those pants are nice. Will you part with them?
That... that sure was a thing that just happened.

: when you look at the desert, you can find a solitary dark spot. Although it is day all around, only that part is compltely dark. It's very strange. That dark shadow is numbered among the seven wonders of Zil Padon.

Um... about that....

: doesn't work! I need a better script to please the ladies. There's not much time left until the play opens. If I don't hurry, I won't be on time. I thought I'd come here to relax, but the coffee is making me jittery.

: Moreover, the atmosphere is great! This relaxed atmosphere is an extension of the master's personality. My most recent pleasure is coming upon this cafe. Indeed, this shop is like an oasis that calms the heart.

: WHat in the world is the master thinking? Even if he doesn't hire those guys, he'll let them come here, and the atmosphere of the shop will be spoiled. I've been a patron here a long time, but I'll probably stop coming.

: Despite that, the masters here have hired my sister, Shelly. We are truly happy about that.

: That's great! They are good people. ♪ There are good servants in this world, like me!

: The residents on this street don't seem to get along.

: That isn't so!

: No, the master is a good person. He just hired me. I have to work hard to repay the favor.

: Quarrels come up between people. Zil Padon is no exception. There are a lot of people on this street. They have their quarrels. Still, don't you find it sad people living on the same street can't get along? Oh, this is just no good. You shouldn't complain to customers. You'll lost master qualifications.

: Should you worry? I've heard that the Mogay Elder is a stickler about time and promises. Since the Elder is a person with such strong character, it will be OK. TH emedicine will be properly delivered.

: I am glad the Mogay are here. I truly... (cough, cough) want to thank the Mogay from the bottom of my heart. I am glad the Mogay are here. I am... (cough, cough)

: Mogay culture. There were many mysterious poems in this book. The Mogay tribe is full of mysterious poems. I don't understand them at all. "Oh the sky. Listen to the Spirits back home. Where are the lights? The land quietly speaks to the heart." Don't you think that this is totally mysterious? Yet, I can't compose a good song that does justice to this wonderful atmosphere. There are other mysterious poems written in the book on Mogay culture. Well. For example, how about this? "Lights of hope that keep the world turning are carved in the heart. Staring at the sky spreading yonder." Aren't the poems of the Mogay mysterious? I want to make the poems into songs, but the mood is illusive.

: I just can't find good work. That's it! May I draw your portraits? It would be good practice.

Maybe next time.

: Yes, it's unfortunate. Come again if you like.

Sure, draw us.

: Really? Well then, whom shall I draw?

How about you, Feena?

: Me...? But... I don't really feel like it....

: Oh, com' on. I haven't seen you smiling very much lately! How about it? Let's get you drawn.

: Ready? SMile. Yes.... Bigger smile. Yes... look far away. Hold that... hm. ... Hmm. That's it. Finishing touches... hm.... Done! What's it look like?

: Yes, yes. That's it! As you'd expect, Feena looks best when she smiles!

: Maybe so. Then, I'll never fret again.

: Thank you, Justin!

Have yours drawn, Rapp!

: What... me? All right then.

: How about this pose?

: Ha ha. Really? OK, then. Well, just like that. Good. Yes... like this. Hmm. ... Finished! Look! What do you think of this?

: Ta ha ha! Great! But didn't it hurt having your finger in your nose all that time?

: What are you saying? My nose is not so bad!

Draw me! Sure! Give it a man's bearing!

: Ha ha. All right! There now. This is the feel... yes. Like this... uh huh. Hmm. ... Good. I'm finished! Look! What do you think of this?

: Hey, the Juss we know has a more playful face, don't you think?

: What! No way. This is how I always look! Thank you, Ms. Artist.
zzz... Wha? It's over?
Right. See you next time.