The Let's Play Archive


by Edward_Tohr

Part 58: Luc Village 3

Welcome back!

I... I'm not sure if I quite remember how to start an update without Mullen doing a recap.

: Yes sir. There's no mistaking it. That light could not have come from the statue. It was Justin.

: Please Colonel! Give me one more chance! This time I won't fail!

: It's too late. The mist of the forest has begun to close again.

: But Colonel! I could... I could get it in time!

: That is an ORDER, Lieutenant!

That long pause at the beginning was a very necessary inclusion, yes.

: You sacrifice yourself too much. Be more cautious.

: Yes, Colonel Mullen. I understand.

I dunno, man, last time you tried to deal with Justin, you didn't know how to work a room that has one button right in the middle of it.

Speaking of Justin...

Looking pretty good for having fallen off of a goddamn cliff.

: Justiiiin!

: Heh heh... I'm fine! My rear's just a little sore.

: But I wonder...? Did I break the God of Light?

: Looks like most of it was taken away.

: I promised I would protect it. I'm afraid I've let down the village. .... Better gather up the pieces.

: I'll help you, Justin. We'll make a sincere apology to the Village Chief.

: I must apologize, Chief. I tried to retrieve the statue, but as you can see, it was broken.

: Not even half of it remains. The God of Light statue is a broken mess now.

: No, it's not. It's OK the way it is. No matter how it ended, the fact is that you fought for Luc Village. For that, you have our utmost thanks. As a thank-you gift, please accept this.

Oh hey, that's useful.

: Huh, really?! Are you sure we can have this, Chief?

: But Chief, sir... you said that mist-clearing nuts are very valuable, and are not to be given to outsiders.

: For a long, long, time... we've hidden behind a wall of mist in this forest, cut off from the world. However, by doing that, we've not had contact with great people like you. That has not been a wise policy. Now, when I think about it, the mist has enshrouded both Luc Village and the hearts of us villages. We must learn to turn our eyes outward to the outside world, as you do. It may take a while for us to do it. By the time Rem and the other children become adults, I'm sure we will come to know and understand outsiders.

: Hey, I understand them even now! Justin and I have already made a friend-to-friend promise, eh Justin?

: Ah! Yes. Yes, we did!

: My, that's good to hear. Justin... I want you and your friends to know you'll always be welcome here.

And we regain control back on top of the mountain. But before we head back...

The mist-clearing nut has a unique icon.

Anyway, the dudes up here all pretty much say the same thing. In fact, we even manage to avoid having the requisite ungrateful NPC.

On the downside, the monsters have respawned. On the plus side, we got another full heal after the statue incident.

You can see how well Justin's vit has improved with the extra mace levels. And dang, Sue, if you could get that +3 wit more often, you wouldn't need to spend your accessory slot on improving it.

While healing up after the battle, Sue hits Water 5 and picks up Alheal, which is pretty much Heal, but for all allies. Handy in a pinch, but it's a level 2 spell, and therefore shares the same MP pool with Burnflame. Plus, Sue already has Rah-Rah, which does the same thing, only slightly weaker.

Justin also hits Wind 6, giving him the ever-useful Howlslash. What's Howlslash do?

Unlike Tremor or Burnflame, Howlslash hits all enemies, regardless of positioning.

Oh, did I say "hits" all enemies? I meant "blasts everyone with fucking TORNADO LASERS".

It also costs enough level 2 MP that Justin only gets one shot of it. Still, though, something to pull out in an emergency.

Even if you stick to maces, Justin's natural level growths will mean his str and wit will never fall too far behind.

See the previous bit about when Sue learned this, but remove the "has Rah-Rah" part, making it marginally more useful.

Apparently the theme of God of Light Mountain here is "redundancy". On the other hand, having characters able to cover each others niches is never a bad thing.

Anyway, I've wasted enough of an update on the trip back to town.

So time to waste some more farting around in the village!

Apparently that one dinner is the only time Rem's mom will cook for us.

And before we head on, there's one particular tidbit of info buried away in an NPC's dialog that is kind of important.

So. Not only is the End of the World an impossibly high wall, but it's one that is getting taller by the day.

Which means there's no time like the present. Let's go!

Great directions, guy. "Oh, you're heading to that place? Yeah, man, just head toward that place, you can't miss it. Unless you get lost, like we do sometimes."

... Huh, we're back at the world map. We can't go back to anywhere before Luc Village, though.

You can, however, see a bit of land on the other side of the End of the World. It's much more visible from the Dom Ruins, which is why I was very careful with my screenshot from that update.

... You can also see that the wall looks way lower down by the Dom Ruins. You'd think we could climb up there.

Anyway, the east misty for- wait, didn't we leave to the south? Eh, fuck it.

The nut even looks like its item icon. Maybe the nuts from Luc were originally going to play a bigger part? Or be consumable items?


: Way to go, Justin!

Feena gets some choice lines here and there, but she can't compete with the snark queen.

: Heh, heh! There's no question about that, eh Sue?

: A ha ha! OK, you two, let's go!

And go we shall.

Next time.