The Let's Play Archive

King of Dragon Pass

by Mystic Mongol

Part 338: 1356: Yinkin Rituals

We kick off the year with some heavy duty sacrificing to Uralda, in preparation for our great heroquest.

Devotees of the cult of Yinkin, the god of alynxes, have an offer to make you. "We have noticed that the woods around your tula are infested with many types of rodents, including a type which is verys usceptivle to spirits of disease. If you want to give us something in return, we can perform a ritual which will improve the hunting abilities of your alynxes. They will kill these forest-dwelling rats, freeing you from the risk of disease."

Let them share in your clan magic.

Offer them alynx kittens.

Offer them goods or livestock.

Refuse their offer.

"We'll owe you a favor."

The cult of Yinkin is small, and has little influence.

Although he is a cat, Yinkin is Orlanth's brother, and a son of the mountain goddess Kero Fin.

Their magic will last for many seasons.

Alynxes are disloyal; Eurmal was a better companion to Orlanth than Yinkin ever was.