Part 7: Confontation
Chapter 6: Confontation

Welcome back, children. I know I left you in suspense last time, so today I shall finish the tale of our first mission.

Man, you guys had to put up with way more crap than we did starting out.

Yeah, all we had to deal with was a guy with a fake accent who didn't know when to quit.

I am totally, completely, resoundingly uninterested. Shut up and let me finish already.

After we found the Count's brother's diary, we continued on to the castle's throne room. There, we were sure, we would discover the source of the zombies.
Montblanc: Now you shall die!!

Are you the Count?!
We aren't Imperial soldiers! The war is over!
Montblanc: Enough of your lies! You don't fool me, not for one second.
Collier: Darling!
Montblanc: Wha--?
Colonne: Father!
Collier: Darling... They aren't imperial soldiers.
They're telling the truth. The war is over.
You don't need to fight anymore.

I get it!
The zombies used to be the soldiers protecting the castle!
Even in death, they kept on guarding it.
Montblanc: ...The war... is over...?
I see... Over...
Collier: Darling... We don't belong here anymore.
Come with us.
Oseille: You're trying to steal Collier from me again!
Big brother!
Montblanc: That voice...!
Oseille? Is that you, Oseille, my brother?
Oseille: She's my beautiful songbird!!
I won't let you have her!!!
I won't let you have her!!!

And so, we did battle with Oseille, the Count's brother who poisoned the castle and locked his brother's family away. His hatred had twisted him into an undead monster. The ghostly creature also had several zombies, bats, and wisps to aid him.

Now this is getting interesting.

What did you do?

We advanced together and pushed through several walls of enemies before we finally reached the villain.

Oseille was powerful, but we were stronger still and cast the villain down with a mighty combined effort.
Oseille: What's happening to me?

It's not about you! Look at the grief you selfishness has caused.

Even after your death, the jealousy in your heart envelops those around you.
Oseille: No...
Y-you don't understand!
You blame ME?
What do you know?!
My wonderful brother...
My perfect brother!
He had everything I didn't!!
And he took the love of my life!!
Is it any wonder that my heart is filled with darkness?
Don't you understand, Collier?
Collier, my beautiful songbird...
Come back to me...

How'd you kick a ghost?

Wasn't easy.

Cut this "my songbird" crap and move on!
Just get out there and snag yourself a new woman!
And speaking of crap, stop being jealous of your brother!
You can compare yourself to him all you want, but it's pointless! You're different people!
Use some of that energy to find a gift that only you have, and work hard to polish it.

Um, Prier... Maybe you're being a little too frank with him...
Oseille: My brother...
I guess...
I was wrong...

Is it just me or does it look like she's the main character again?


She DID just whip out some incredibly impressive miracle and saved the day.

Look, she's totally not the main character. How many times do I have to say this? And I'm not done the story yet.

I've never seen anything like it!

Yes... Amazing...
W-wait! Hmph! That's nothing special!
I could do that if I wanted...

Dream on.


Hold on a second. Now, maybe I'll accept the asides from other characters on your side. But a bunch of stuff from someone who's clearly a villain? How the hell do you explain that?

Like I said before, you could assume I interviewed all involved parties some time after the fact.

You interviewed the villain some time after the fact? You really expect us to buy that?

You do realize I'm an Overlord, right? Maybe I interviewed the demons after I became one. Ever think of that?

If I keep this up I'm assuming you'll hit me again, right?


Fine, then I accept your explanation, lame as it is.


So, we got the Good Ending for this Chapter. Chapters have a variety of possible endings depending on what you do during them. There're other endings to Chapter 1, which can be triggered if we activate fewer of the event panels. If we haven't freed Collier and Colonne, we end up having to fight the Count.

Well children, that's all for today's tale. Next time I'll discuss our next mission, the investigation of a series of murders.

Oooh, murders.

Yes, they're most awful. You surely won't want to miss it!