The Let's Play Archive

Legend of Legaia

by Overrated Sage

Part 5: Caruban

Update 5: Caruban

Music: Mt. Rikuroa

Climbing Mt. Rikuroa isn't terribly difficult for now. We're still in control of Noa, approaching from the north. The path is mostly unremarkable, and this is basically the only thing of note until we enter a cave path.

The enemies here are theoretically tough, but with Terra on my team, there's not much to worry about. The worms are about as useless as the Green Slimes from before. Vera, on the other hand, is kind of a jerk.

I'm not a hundred percent sure of this, but...well, you know how using Spirit reduces the damage you take? Well, Bloodsucker seems to do MORE damage if you Spirited that turn. It can do upwards of 60 damage. Again, it's manageable with Terra around, but I don't know if I'm going to like fighting these things as Vahn later.

This cave path periodically rumbles as we walk through it, usually with some debris falling and blocking off the path backward. Oh well, there's not really anything left back there for Noa anyway..

This accessory increases Upper Defense by 20% (which on Noa is a whopping three points)...

...And Waters are consumables that permanently raise a characters stat by four. I'd normally dump most of these into Noa but I'm willing to distribute them differently if you guys want.

This guy is a mini-boss of sorts. Which is to say, he's theoretically dangerous, but like all battles during this time, he's utterly trivialized by Terra's presence.

I mean...yeah, there's maybe some super tiny chance that Noa could be on the threshold between “Terra won't heal” and “boss will kill” when he uses this attack on Noa, but that's a pretty narrow going on nonexistent margin.

Still got close, though.

Noa always looks so happy when she wins. I always thought it was cute/charming, but I have to admit there's something a little scary about a girl who beats the shit out of monsters and then giggles and claps her hands and runs in place over the monster's body.

Speaking of which, the characters have multiple win poses. I think that's kinda cool, and something I can't recall seeing since then. Multiple win quotes, sure, but not poses/animations.

The cave collapses entirely after Noa and Terra leave.

I envy you – always so full of energy! I'm sorry, but I'm a little fatigued. Let me rest here a while.

Even in this horrible environment, you've grown into a fine woman. I'm very proud of you. Now I must tell you something important. Listen well. You may not know, but wolves like me do not normally speak. I am actually a Seru, a Seru attached to the head of this old wolf. I, Terra, who saved you from the Mist when you were all alone and raised you. I'm a Seru!

But don't confuse me with those common Seru, driven mad by the Mist. I may look like a Seru, but I am a Ra-Seru! I am impervious to the Mist. I wanted to watch over you until you were a little older. But that's not possible anymore. This wolf has reached the end of its life. And if I stay attached to it, I will die with it. That is why I brought you here, to this mountain. With the power of the Genesis Tree at the summit, I can transfer from the wolf to you! Then I won't have to leave you alone. That is my plan. I have decided to stay by your side until you find your real parents! Now this mean old wolf is fully rested! On to the summit!

Phew! I forgot how chatty the Ra-Seru can get. Anyway, there's not much left to the summit. Just another linear path, and...

Our first revival item! Nice. I have a suspicion I'll end up using a few of these.

This brings back memories! This is the tree through which I came to the human world. I was sleeping inside the tree, when suddenly...I was awakened by the sound of a baby's cry. That baby was you, Noa. Your body was too small for me to attach myself to you. So instead, I chose this wolf. That's enough talk of the past. Come on, Noa! There's nothing to fear. Come this way!

Music: Henchmen of the Mist

What eyesores they are. I will show them the consequences of helping those pitiful humans...It was I, Zeto, who destroyed your pitiful little camp! Had you submitted peacefully to the Mist and the Seru, your suffering would have ended. So be it! If you insist on struggling so miserably, then I will finish you off now! Attack, Caruban! Rib them to shreds with your fangs!

You, Seru slave of evil! Be smart and go away now! This world is for human beings of compassion!

The monster rushes through Terra, knocking her to the ground.

Ha ha ha! That was too easy! You don't fight as tough as you talk! Caruban! The girl is yours! Do with her as you please! Ah ha ha ha!

Well, things are looking a bit grim for Noa, so...

Time for Vahn to save the day!

...Well, almost. We still have to scale his section of Mt. Rikuroa.

Oh, Elixirs are in-battle-only versions of Waters. I'm going to try and hoard them until the boss fight that ruined me on my last run(s).

Vahn fights the same enemies that Noa did, only he lacks Terra. Thankfully, with his gear and Meta, things still aren't especially challenging. I made it to the summit without even needing to heal up.

Speaking of healing up, this is a full-party heal for 200 HP. Pretty nice, I have to say.

This is the last screen before the summit. However, something very important has not happened yet. So I dashed up and down this path to trigger a fight, and...


Yes! I've learned the Vera magic, which is the first healing spell.

As healing spells level, they start curing status effects as well. Even when Vera is obsoleted as a healing sell, I usually try to get it to level 9 on somebody so they can cure all status ailments with it (besides KO I think). Again, though, that's more something I've trained myself to do rather than something that's necessarily as useful as I think it is. For now, though, it's just a decently potent and quite cheap heal at 6 MP (out of Vahn's 61).

Meta, I'm glad you found yourself a nice child, too. Vahn? His name is Vahn? Vahn, please, help this child...Help Noa.

Vahn! Let's go!

Music: Boss fight!

This song is the standard to which child me has held all boss songs – and found them all wanting.

...Oh yeah, I should probably talk about the boss.

While this boss fight can be challenging, especially by first boss standards, it's also somewhat simple. Noa's job is to constantly alternate between Spirit and Tempest Break, only breaking the pattern if things get really desperate to help heal.

Vahn's job is to heal, and occasionally attack if he gets a chance.

I want to reemphasize that Caruban is surprisingly difficult. His regular attack strings can rip Noa up pretty bad if she fails to block any of the hits...

...and he can also nail both characters for 60-160 damage (depending on if they've Spirited). Noa juuuust managed to survive this on one HP. Yikes.

With that said, I really like the nature of this fight because it makes Noa and Vahn fit nicely into two different roles. They aren't the roles they'll necessarily stay with through the game, but for now Noa's job is to kill Caruban and Vahn's job is to make sure Noa doesn't get killed in return. It's simple, and it works, and I like it a lot.

Noa...You have done well. Now, please take me to the Genesis Tree.

Vahn and Noa carry the wolf over next to the tree.

Alright, Vahn. Let's give our strength to the Genesis Tree!

Music: Reviving a Genesis Tree

Terra disengages from the wolf and fuses onto Noa's arm.

Music: The Ra-Seru Speak

You now possess magnificent powers. You and Vahn must go on a journey to search out the Genesis Trees. The journey may be difficult, but remember that I will always be with you.

Music: Mt. Rikuroa After Mist

As I understand it, everyone gains a small boost in attack power as their Ra-Seru level up (i.e. as you revive Genesis trees). But perhaps there's another secret meaning to the levels?...

The wolf walks away from the group.

Noa! You must not follow her! The wolf is a proud animal. She's going to find a place where she can die alone. So, Vahn...

Noa turns away and shuffles her foot a little, before finally turning to face Vahn.

Good. So I won't be alone. I'll be with you, Vahn.

And with that, Vahn and Noa are officially a team, out to destroy evil and save the world!

On the way back down, I took a detour and found this. I don't know if it would have been better to get earlier, but I figure Vahn spent more time healing than not so it's better to get this while the fights are easier to handle.

And here we are, back at Drake Castle's back entrance! We'll check it out next time. See you then!