Part 47: Evil Seru Magic
Update 47: Evil Seru Magic
Music: The Genesis Tree
Well, here we are, just about ready to get the ultimate magic of the game.

In case anyone is curious, here are everyone's level 99 stats with the ultimate equipment. Note that Agility caps at 280 (which equates to a bar long enough to fit nine attack slots).

Remember this room? This is where Noa nearly got sacrificed to Juggernaut before. The soldiers won't let us back through, not that we have any reason to go back there...right?

Hmm, the soldiers are gone now that we have this key. What could be waiting for us inside?

Here it is. The accessory that allows our party to use the most powerful attack in the game.
Before we get started, I made a video of Mushura's magic by itself because I love Mushura.
And now...

And finally, I am proud to present...

And there you have it. The elusive ultimate magic, Juggernaut.
Join me next time as we beat this game.

>None of the above!