The Let's Play Archive

Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue

by Epee Em, giver336

Part 83: Eternal Rivals. Eternally AntiSword.

Overview: ProtoMan's entire AI is designed to rattle you. He moves fast and jumps in your face a lot. Your ability to handle him relies solely on your ability to control your emotions. He warps up and down the back column, sending out massive SonicBooms to cover the majority of your area. After 1 or 3 of these, he will then follow up with a WideSword, or HeroSword. ProtoMan warps into your area to swing WideSword, so make sure you don't camp the back columb too much. It's much easier to avoid this move by backing up once from the middle column.

When you shoot ProtoMan with your buster, or any sort of projectile, he will typically dash in for a WideSword. Use this to predict his next action. Personally, I like to use Slasher at this point. If you tend to hover around the first two columns, he'll use DeltaRay, a multi-hit paralyzing combo. This is shown in the video, but he did not use all 3 slashes. ProtoMan's AI is very reactive, as well. If he sees you perform a throwing animation, he'll love to just walk up and punish you.

Top Tier

: Not again. Holes mess up ProtoMan really bad.

: His SonicBooms cover everywhere. This will most definitely deal sizable damage.

: ProtoMan has 3 AreaGrabs, so that's an instant 300 damage.

: Can aim from anywhere, and makes holes.

: Utterly. Shut. Down.

: Obvious

: When ProtoMan can't move, his mobility means nothing.

Average-High Tier

: Because of the way ProtoMan attacks in your face, KingMan's attack range is potent.

: Fast and hits him when he gets close. I could see these being useful.

: I like these chips on ProtoMan. Fast, and deals acceptable damage.

: ProtoMan loves your area, so you should love this chip.

: I can see this being useful since ProtoMan uses HeroSword quite a bit, putting him in range.

: Hits everywhere and doesn't flinch, but you may find the code options lacking.

Suck Tier

: Only good with AreaGrab, which aren't good here at all.

: Putting down delicate obstacles like these is a risky move, since ProtoMan's SonicBoom can easily destroy these.

: Kinda risky, even if he does come close to you a lot.

: Good luck using this on anything that isn't his HeroSword.

: Extremely high damage potential, but you'll have to make sure ProtoMan is stunned first.

Social Justice Warriors Tier

: ProtoMan's AreaGrabs will just counter any attempts to Arealock him. Don't waste your time.

: This is just stupid.

: If you make a move to throw a chip, ProtoMan will detect this and go in to strike. Basically, ANY throwing chip here is a bad decision.

: Same deal as throwing chips.

: Why are you even bothering?

: Too slow.

: Your choices in Battle Chips is oppressing me.

: Commence the triggering.

We shall relive epic battles.

AntiSword Y is from Chip Trader NPC, while AntiSword K is from Higsby's Chip Order. I show off a small trick in the video to use Slasher effectively. JapanMan was mainly for stacking Atk+ and the command code. Magnums are useful just for restricting use of his SonicBooms.

Only one folder since the game gives V2 for free.