Part 9: Now Returning To Your Scheduled Plot
Brother Band Updates
The true ninja walks over water.
I'm actually a pirate!
dereku has replaced Lynkericious as my primary Ninja brother,

I'm good at video games!
I'm actually terrible at them.
and even though I said I wouldn't, I decided to replace myself with Minus Green. He also wanted to be a ninja, and while that normally means shunting dereku aside after one update I don't want to do that after this drought of submissions.

So I just cheated and replaced Sillyman with myself. Sorry Sillyman.

Set the world on fire!
Don't do that I like the world
Finally, Magnus Ragnar has replaced Senerio as my Saurian brother. Sadly there is only one thing in the game that is both sharp and on fire.
It's the day after Luna got kidnapped,

and Geo has reset back to default. Aside from a line about how yesterday sucked, the game basically pretends the last update never happened.

Hell, this update has Geo doing the same thing he did in the last one. Only sans the drama.
But before I advance the plot, I've got some stuff to do in the menu.

Now that Geo's mastered the power of the OOPArt, he can equip it as an Ability. It costs 30 LP, which is conveniently the exact amount Luna's BB went up.
I don't need to equip it yet though.

Because the next battle I get into is another tutorial. Now that I've officially unlocked Fire Saurian, I can access the game's six Double Tribes.

All I have to do is select a Brother card from a different tribe,

and voila.
Cosmetically, Double Tribe is just MegaMan changing his colors and his arms to match the new tribe. Mechanically, however, it's somewhat complicated.
To elaborate, MegaMan's status looks like this as Fire Saurian:
Element: Fire
Charge Shot: Dino Cannon
Card Charge: Attack +
Passive Abilities: Fire +30, Super Armor
Link Force Big Bang: Genocide Blazer
Element: Wood
Charge Shot: Shinobi Star
Card Charge: Auto lock-on
Passive Abilities: Wood +20, AntiDamage
Link Force Big Bang: Demon Flurry

But as Saurian Ninja, it's
Element: Wood
Charge Shot: Shinobi Star
Card Charge: Attack +
Passive Abilities: Fire +30, Super Armor, Wood +20, AntiDamage
Link Force Big Bang: Enma Gale
As you can see, MegaMan gains the new tribe's element, charge shot, and passive abilities. Where things get confusing, though, is what happens when he tries to charge cards. Just looking at that above quote probably makes you think he just keeps his old tribe's, but actually no. For some odd reason, only the base Ninja tribe can use the Auto lock-on. Every fusion involving it will just use the other tribe's card charge instead.

Here's Enma Gale. It's pretty

Luna's undaunted by this poor start, and assures Geo they'll find Bud, Zack, and Sonia. Some sort of clue would be nice though, so Mega suggests looking for Solo.

Luna takes Geo's muttering into his Star Carrier as a sign that he's got an idea.

So Geo thinks fast.

Luna praises Geo for actually doing some smart thinking for once, and Geo decides to just take the compliment.

The first show the duo see is entirely in Netopian, so they can't understand it. Luna sheepishly explains her dad likes international programs.

Geo's amazed, but Luna doesn't care that much about it because she clearly has never had to deal with online streaming.

Also, a reminder that this is the future.

The show's called World Mysteries, which catches Geo's interest. This week it's investigating "Messie", the "ancient dragon of the Loch Mess".

(The show has only been on for maybe 20 seconds at this point.)

Geo's selfishness overruling his responsibility doesn't turn out to be an issue,

because guess who shows up. Zack claims to have seen a giant shadow swimming around, and is certain that it's Messie.

Because he's an asshole. I'm not joking, Zack is actually kind of a terrible person.

Luna is pissed off and decides to immediately fly to Loch Mess. And of course Geo will come with her, right?


Geo's fine with the idea, but there's one problem: neither Geo nor Luna actually know where Loch Mess is.

Luna says it's worth a shot.

As soon as Geo leaves the house, the game focuses on this satellite just to remind me that it will be important.

Instead of giving a straight answer, Ken segues into a long story about his past.

And while it was a cool story, it wasn't very helpful. Luna suggests splitting up to research.

And immediately after that, some weirdo sends Geo an order to come to Grizzly Peak. This sounds ominous!
Oh, and before I leave the e-mail screen...

have I mentioned Brothers can send e-mail to each other? Because they can.

And more importantly they can attach cards as presents. If I had wanted, I could have just sent myself an endgame folder in the second update.

But back to the anonymous message. It's from my Auto-Brother!

If you don't remember who that is, he's a mechanic I skipped over in the first update.

It's simple enough; input a name and choose a generic NPC type.

The thing with Auto-Brothers is that they come from the other game on the cartridge. So if I Brother with him, he'll count as a Zerker Brother and allow me to activate Double Tribe.

In case you thought this was just going to be a silly throwaway scene, nope! The Auto-Brother is the one who explains where Loch Mess is. Inter-dimensional travel is canon in SF2 I guess?

Our destination is Netopia, a mashup of various western countries.

I get an option to form a BB with Auto, but I reject since he's terrible. Auto-Brothers increase their LP boost as the game goes by, but can never reach +150 so there's no point to befriending them.

Now that she knows where to go, Luna's raring to start.

Luna groans and asks if Geo has a passport. He doesn't.

Geo offers to just go get one, but Luna shoots that plan down; even in the future, getting a passport takes forever.

Mega cuts in with another plan, only this one is actually good. He reminds Geo about the antenna on Luna's house, and how it can receive EM waves from overseas.

All Geo has to do is transform into MegaMan and follow the waves.

Luna leaves to pack her bags.

With that, Geo's clear to go to sleep.

But Cancer Bubble's hit EX form, so I might as well go over him now.

If you were curious, yes it's possible to do x4 damage.

Cancer Bubble looks incredibly ridiculous. What is that grill on his chest supposed to do?

His main attack is firing bubbles. These things are as frail as you don't expect, but they move fast. If I don't shoot them/throw up my shield immediately, I'll probably get hit.

Adding to the complexity is this crab bomb he usually hides in one of the bubbles. The crab is destructible too, but it's much more durable than the bubbles.

The last thing of note about these bubbles is that they are magic and somehow cause my shuriken to impale themselves in thin air.

After two waves of bubbles, Cancer will either fires his claws like so,

Or form a tidal wave. The claws are by far the deadlier attack, as they're unblockable and will eventually start moving like greased lightning.

Now for tonight's (brief) ominous cutscene. Hyde whines that he can't show his face to Vega after such a humiliating failure, and resolves to succeed at something else to make up for it.

Cut to next morning, with Geo and Mega getting ready to head to Netopia.

Music: Sky Wave

Eventually Geo takes the leap.

Mega muses that they're basically standing on an EM highway.

This door is blocking a shortcut to the end of the Sky Wave. Because obviously the structure that connects the world should force EM waves to take a longer route.

This Sky Hertz helpfully tells Geo to just follow the road. It also gives some background information about Loch Mess: it was practically a ghost town before news of Messie came out.

The Sky Wave features two new viruses.

Flits move around rapidly two times, then shoot a needle at MegaMan. They drop Needle Attack cards, which I have never used.

Puffs drop some... things on a random panel in front of MegaMan. These guys aren't very dangerous by themselves, they're meant to assist other viruses by blocking off the player's movement.

To aid in this, they have a piss-off ability where they'll split apart after being hit once. Like this, they're invincible until they reform. You need to kill these things in one hit (helpfully, Wind attribute cards instantly kill Puffs), or paralyze them. Puffs drop Puff Blast cards, which emulates the virus' attack.

Across the Sky Wave are purple dash panels. When MegaMan steps on one, he'll zoom off in a straight line.

I like these. It's a cool way to emphasize that this is the Sky Wave, not some random EM road that happens to be high up.

Also around is my first Purple Mystery Wave. I need an Unlocker to open any of these, and at 4000 Z a pop that can get expensive fast.

They usually give great rewards in exchange though.

And of course, I can get a free Unlocker from Cipher Mail.

Not coincidentally, a couple steps away from the PMW is this Sky Hertz. If your LP is high enough (I'm pretty sure it'll always be), he'll give you the Unlocker code.

At the end of Echo Ridge's Sky Wave is this teleporter.

Entering it sends MegaMan streaking across the world,

and onto Mess Village's Sky Wave.

And Mess Village itself.
Music: Loch Mess

Geo's excited to be in a new country at first, but after pulsing out he starts to freak out. Mega tells him to calm down.

In the future, planes are really fucking fast.
Luna strolls over, and seeing a familiar face calms Geo down.

And so Geo would never have trouble going to new places ever again.

Anyways, priorities.

Luna sighs that she can't communicate with anyone. Such a shame she's not carrying some sort of handheld device that she could use to call her father, who knows how to speak Netopian.
Geo recommends looking around for somebody else from Electopia.

But first, a display of the beautiful Netopian language.

Geo's man is standing around in the middle of town.

Yeah, just look at that custom sprite.
Geo apologizes for bothering the man.

This gets a reaction.

The man asks what Geo and Luna want. When he hears their plight, he explains that he knows Electopian because his mother was born there.

yes luna
get angry at someone for refusing to act as a translator for two complete strangers

What was that you were just saying about acting dignified?

A lightbulb's gone off in Gerry's head. He offers to help the duo out after all.

Because it'd be great PR.

Geo has no idea what's going on.

After a couple more lines, Gerry hands over a translator.

Gerry declares that he must go now and, with a parting "Be strong!!", strolls away.

Then comes rushing back.

Now that's he's done with them, Gerry shoos the heroes away.

Luna's disgusted with Gerry and the impromptu recording. Geo agrees it was uncomfortable, but they got what they needed so they shouldn't complain.

Geo tries to pacify Luna, and reminds her they need to look for Zack.

This means talking to everyone. Mess Village is running the recent wave of attention right into the ground.

Also around is good old Bob. Geo assumes he's here to investigate Messie, and Bob confirms.

I am totally going to be stealing that thing later.

Luna bets Zack is just wandering around. She suggests going to some place they haven't looked yet.

And somehow misses the unexplored third of Mess Village to her left.

In any case, it's not as simple as crossing the bridge. Luna swears she hears humming from the bridge, and decides it isn't stable. Geo thinks she's worrying too much.

I guess all that hair would make her fall like a rock.

As usual, Mega cuts into the conversation. He says that Luna's kind of right, and orders Geo to Wave Change and examine the bridge.

Geo can't just flip on his Visualizer and check because reasons.

Hell, Luna's fine with Geo running to the other side of the village to pulse in.

The problem is this morbidly obese Hertz. Geo explains the situation, and the Hertz apologizes. Turns out the bloat is the result of a HP+100 ability it equipped, and even though the Hertz unequipped it it's still too heavy to move.

The Hertz recommends getting a FloatShoes ability.

This guy in the center of the lake has one. Unlike that merchant from earlier, he instantly believes Geo and hands over the ability.

And that is that.

Zack isn't here either, but I still need to talk to everyone

in order to get a cutscene telling me Zack isn't here. Luna spews a ton of ellipses then orders Geo to go back to the town.

Doing so brings me to another scene on Gerry's show. Geo idly wonders if this is the show they saw Zack on, and he gets his answer when Zack walks up.

The two wait for the show to finish shooting before confronting Zack.

Zack has a Star Carrier. He could have easily called up Luna, Geo, or I dunno his parents.

Seriously, Zack is a dick. This was true in SF1 (where he was directly responsible for sending Sonia off the deep end), and it's true here.

That's not necessarily a bad thing though.

A legitimate jerk is certainly a lot more interesting than a boring yes-man.

Zack explains that after he got sucked in by that black hole, he got dropped off at Loch Mess.

Zack wanted to spread the word, and Gerry's show just happened to be nearby. You can connect the dots from there.

Aside from being an exposition machine, Zack's main character trait is his inferiority complex. He's a two-faced smartass who only gets around because he's friends with better people, and he knows it.

He's desperate to accomplish something by himself.

And naturally, he's making an ass of himself in the process. Are you picking up the moral here?

Luna: still Luna.


Zack backs away a bit, but still refuses to leave.

Poor Geo. He really deserves having better friends than these chumps.
This is a good point to stop, so even though i haven't reached the usual 100 image benchmark I'll cut the update off here. Before I post the usual artbook stuff, though, I'd like to note something: in SF1, Zack was the only person Geo did not form a BB with over the course of the story. He could do it as a sidequest (and SF1's ending even assumes you did that quest), but the fact is that Geo and Zack have a pretty weak bond. This is something you can pick up even in SF2; by the time the party is split up, Zack is the only one to not form a BB with Geo.
This scenario is Geo's first real opportunity to connect with Zack, for their friendship to become something more than "friend of a friend". As you've probably come to expect, SF2 drops the ball.

Concept art of Mess Village. Seems they hadn't quite nailed down Messy's name yet.

Early designs of Ken Suther. Seems he was originally supposed to be really nerdy, like his predecessors.

Early designs of Bob Copper. Man, look at that hair.