Part 33: Volume 1: Standard Chip ID: #001 - #091
Volume 1: Standard Chip ID: #001 - #091Typical User posted:
Everything looks the same!!
Blaze Dragon posted:
Game bad.
When it comes to Battle Network, the hardest task is not trying to beat any of the bosses, but finding BattleChips. I've preached being methodical, I've repeatedy shown the usefulness of Untrap, I've broken down formulas for S-ranking, but even with all of that, you'll likely get stuck if you're trying to complete your Chip Library. Even worse, there doesn't seem to be any comprehensive lists regarding this. Why? Because 90% of players abuse Chip Traders all day. This is not a consistent method, and too much Chip Trader abuse can actually limit what folders you can build!
Battle Network makes it really worth your time if you decide to acquire all the BattleChips, but the problem still remains: where are they? Fear not, because GameFAQs will now be beaten at their own game. Here's a complete list of every chip, what codes they come in, and where to find them. Many chip codes are impossible to get outside of Chip Trader, or trading with the opposite version, so I would ignore those.
I'll be using the in-game OSS names. Internet Area 16 = Undernet 12, then you just work your way back from that Do note that in OSS, the busting levels and statistics for chips were changed slightly. In order to prevent a huge redundant wall of information, I'll stick to the OSS updated information.
Remember instead of blues, greens and purples having different drops, they are instead categorized by non-fixed and fixed datas. I won't be mentioning the Clock Comps or Clock Dungeons since those are temporary.
Trying to find a chip? Hit Ctrl+F and type in the Standard ID. The Standard ID comes in 3 digits, so, say I was missing No. 50 in my library, just search "050" If you want to reach the end of any of these posts for some reason, search for "---"
Standard ID: 001

Name: Cannon
Damage: 40
Virus: Canodumb
Location: Internet Area 1; School Comp 1-5; Traffic Comp 4 (Rare); Internet Area 9 (Rare); Look, this thing is everywhere
Notes: A beginner chip. Simply a vehicle you ride until you acquire better things. If you cannot find this chip, then I don't know what you're doing.
Cannon A: Starter folder; Rank 5-7
Cannon B: Starter folder; Rank 7-10
Cannon C: Internet Area 1 Shop; Internet Area 2 non-fixed data; School Comp 5 non-fixed data
Cannon D: Rank 8-S
Cannon E: Undernet 5 non-fixed data; Higsby's Chip Shop (Early)
Standard ID: 002

Name: HiCannon
Damage: 80
Virus: Canodumb2
Location: Internet Area 3; Waterworks Comp 5 (Rare); Power Plant Comp 1-3; Undernet Area 9 (Rare)
Notes: A beginner chip. Simply a vehicle you ride until you acquire better things. If you cannot find this chip, then I don't know what you're doing.
HiCannon F: Rank 5-7
HiCannon G: Rank 7-S
HiCannon H: Rank 8-S
HiCannon I: School Comp 2 fixed data; Internet Area 6 non-fixed data
HiCannon J: Big Monitor Comp; Undernet 5 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 003

Name: M-Cannon
Damage: 120
Virus: Canodumb3
Location: Traffic Comp 5 (Rare); Power Plant Comp 4; Internet Area 9
Notes: A beginner chip. Simply a vehicle you ride until you acquire better things. If you cannot find this chip, then I don't know what you're doing.
M-Cannon K: Rank 5-7
M-Cannon L: Internet Area 3 Shop; Waterworks Comp 4; Undernet 7 shop; Undernet 8 non-fixed data
M-Cannon M: Rank 8-S
M-Cannon N: Undernet 7 non-fixed data; Undernet 10 non-fixed data
M-Cannon O: Rank 7-S
What's with the lopsided M-Cannon L distribution?
Standard ID: 004

Name: Shotgun
Damage: 30
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Broken chip.
Shotgun K: Starter Folder; Doghouse Comp non-fixed data; Trade 3 Invisibles in the Infirmary
Shotgun M: Chip Trader
Shotgun N: Chip Trader
Shotgun R: Chip Trader
Shotgun *: Internet Area 1 non-fixed data; Oven Comp 1 fixed data; Oven Comp 2 fixed data
Standard ID: 005

Name: Crossgun
Damage: 30
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Broken chipX.
Crossgun E: Chip Trader
Crossgun F: Undernet 6 non-fixed data
Crossgun J: Starter Folder
Crossgun K: Internet Area 2 non-fixed data
Crossgun *: Dad's E-mail at the start of the game
Standard ID: 006

Name: Spreader
Damage: 30
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Broken chip+X.
Spreader H: Internet Area 3 non-fixed data; School Comp 3 fixed data
Spreader I: Present from Glide; Internet Area 1 shop; Undernet 2 non-fixed data
Spreader J: Waterwork's Vending Machine Comp; Internet Area 3 non-fixed data
Spreader K: Undernet 3 non-fixed data
Spreader L: Higsby's Chip Shop (Early); Undernet 5 non-fixed data
...No Spreader *?
Standard ID: 007

Name: Bubspread
Damage: 50
Virus: Puffy
Location: Waterworks Vending Machine Comp; Waterworks Comp 3-5; Traffic Comp 1
Notes: Aqua-elemental spreader
BubSpread A: Rank 7-S
BubSpread K: Traffic Comp 1 fixed data
BubSpread P: Rank 5-7
BubSpread S: Rank 8-S
BubSpread *: Chip Trader
Why give me an * if I can't get to it normally. It isn't a strong chip, you know.
Standard ID: 008

Name: Heatspread
Damage: 70
Virus: Buffy
Location: Waterworks Vending Machine Comp; Waterworks Comp 3-5; Traffic Comp 1
Notes: Fire-elemental spreader
HeatSpread F: Rank 5-7
HeatSpread G: Rank 7-S
HeatSpread K: Rank 8-S
HeatSpread O: Traffic Comp 3 fixed data
HeatSpread *: Chip Trader
Why give me an * if I can't get to it normally. It isn't a strong chip, you know.
Standard ID: 009

Name: MiniBomb
Damage: 50
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Best Chip in the game.
MiniBomb C: Starter Folder
MiniBomb E: Chip Trader
MiniBomb J: Chip Trader
MiniBomb L: Starter Folder
MiniBomb *: Internet Area 2 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 010

Name: LilBomb
Damage: 80
Virus: BeeTank1
Location: Dex's PC; School Comp 1-5
Notes: Decent throwing chip series.
LilBomb B: Rank 7-S
LilBomb D: Rank 8-S
LilBomb G: Internet Area 4 non-fixed data
LilBomb O: Rank 5-7
LilBomb T: Oven Comp 2 fixed data
Standard ID: 011

Name: CrosBomb
Damage: 80
Virus: BeeTank2
Location: Internet Area 3
Notes: Decent throwing chip series.
CrosBomb B: Rank 8-S
CrosBomb D: Rank 7-S
CrosBomb H: Rank 5-7
CrosBomb J: Star Colo shop
CrosBomb L: Undernet 8 fixed data
Standard ID: 012

Name: BigBomb
Damage: 80
Virus: BeeTank3
Location: WWW Comp 3; Rocket Comp1; Undernet 1; Undernet 2; Undernet 3; Undernet 4; Undernet 9
Notes: Decent throwing chip series.
BigBomb B: Rank 8-S
BigBomb G: Chip Trader Only
BigBomb O: Rank 7-S
BigBomb S: Chip Trader Only
BigBomb T: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 013

Name: Sword
Damage: 80
Virus: Swordy
Location: Datas and Shops. Can't find this chip? What are you even doing
Notes: Who use- ah, fuck it. SWORD SWORD SWORD
Sword B: Undernet 9 non-fixed data
Sword K: Undernet 9 non-fixed data; Swordy2 Rank 5-7
Sword P: Swordy3 Rank 7-10
Sword L: Undernet 9 non-fixed data; Swordy3 Rank 5-7
Sword S: Starter Folder
Standard ID: 014

Name: WideSword
Damage: 80
Virus: Swordy2; Swordy3
Location: Datas and Shops. Can't find this chip? What are you even doing
WideSword C: Waterworks 3 fixed data;
WideSword K: Internet Area 1 Shop
WideSword M: Chip Trader Only
WideSword N: Chip Trader Only
WideSword S: Starter Folder
Standard ID: 015

Name: LongSword
Damage: 100
Virus: Swordy1
Location: Datas and Shops. Can't find this chip? What are you even doing
LongSword C: Waterworks 3 fixed data
LongSword K: Internet Area 1 shop
LongSword M: Chip Trader
LongSword N: Chip Trader
LongSword S: Starter Folder; Internet Area 3 shop; Swordy1 Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 016

Name: FighterSword
Damage: 100
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: God-tier chip series...for Battle Network 1
FighterSword B: Internet Area 3 fixed data (WWW)
FighterSword K: Chip Trader
FighterSword L: Undernet 9 non-fixed data
FighterSword P: WWW Comp 2 fixed data
FighterSword S: Higsby's Chip Shop (Late)
Standard ID: 017

Name: KnightSword
Damage: 150
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: God-tier chip series...for Battle Network 1
KnightSword B: Undernet 8 fixed data (guarded by PharoahMan)
KnightSword C: Undernet 12 non-fixed data
KnightSword E: Chip Trader
KnightSword G: ACDC Old Man trader NPC. Requires 1 of every code of Escape BattleChip
KnightSword H: Chip Trader
Standard ID: 018

Name: HeroSword
Damage: 200
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: God-tier chip series...for Battle Network 1
HeroSword B: Star Coliseum Shop; Waterworks trader NPC. Requires WoodMan3, SkullMan3, SharkMan3, Dropdown B and IronBody C.
HeroSword D: Chip Trader
HeroSword F: Chip Trader
HeroSword I: Undernet 16 fixed data
HeroSword G: Chip Trader
Standard ID: 019

Name: FireSword
Damage: 120
Virus: Swordy2
Location: Internet Area 2; Undernet 9 (Rare); Traffic Comp 3; Traffic Comp 5
Notes: It's alright.
FireSword B: Rank 7-s
FireSword F: Chip Trader
FireSword G: Chip Trader
FireSword N: Rank 8-S
FireSword P: WWW Comp 1 fixed data
Standard ID: 020

Name: AquaSword
Damage: 150
Virus: Swordy3
Location: Undernet 9; Waterworks Comp 5-6; Traffic Comp 3; Traffic Comp 5
Notes: Decent damage.
AquaSword A: Internet 4 fixed data
AquaSword M: Chip Trader
AquaSword N: Rank 8-S
AquaSword O: Chip Trader
AquaSword P: Rank 7-S
Standard ID: 021

Name: ElecSword
Damage: 130
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: What, no special effect?
ElecSword E: Higsby's Chip Shop (Late)
ElecSword G: Chip Trader
ElecSword L: Chip Trader
ElecSword O: Chip Trader
ElecSword S: Undernet 6 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 022

Name: Muramasa
Damage: ???
Virus: N/A (ShadowMan SP)
Location: Undernet 11
Notes: Not good in this game due to HP restoring after every fight.
Muramasa C: Chip Trader
Muramasa E: Chip Trader
Muramasa G: Chip Trader
Muramasa J: Chip Trader
Muramasa K: Rank 8-S on ShadowMan SP
My precious C-code is Chip Trader exclusive.

Standard ID: 023

Name: Shokwave
Damage: 60
Virus: Mettaur
Location: Do you really need to know?
Notes: Overall a fine chip.
Shokwave C: Rank 8-S
Shokwave K: Rank 7-S
Shokwave L: School Comp 1 fixed data
Shokwave M: Chip Trader
Shokwave P: Internet Area 3 non-fixed
Standard ID: 024

Name: Sonicwave
Damage: 80
Virus: Mettaur2
Location: Do you really need to know?
Notes: Overall a fine chip.
Sonicwave C: Rank 8-S
Sonicwave D: Rank 7-S
Sonicwave J: Waterworks Comp 1 fixed data
Sonicwave M: Rank 5-7
Sonicwave S: Undernet 2 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 025

Name: Dynawave
Damage: 100
Virus: Mettaur3
Location: Do you really need to know?
Notes: Overall a fine chip
Dynawave C: Rank 8-S
Dynawave E: Chip Trader
Dynawave M: Rank 5-7
Dynawave R: Trade outside Mayl's House. Requires FlameTower F
Dynawave S: Rank 7-S
Standard ID: 026

Name: FireTower
Damage: 100
Virus: Volgear1
Location: Oven Comp2; Internet Area 2; Undernet 6; Traffic Light Comp 1-5;
Notes: Would be better if it executed faster. Otherwise, it's only very "OK".
FireTower E: Rank 7-10
FireTower F: Rank 5-7
FireTower M: Rank 8-S
FireTower T: Traffic Comp 3 fixed data
FireTower *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 027

Name: AquaTower
Damage: 120
Virus: Volgear2
Location: OvenComp 2; Internet Area 2; Undernet 6; Traffic Light Comp 1-5;
Notes: Would be better if it executed faster. Otherwise, it's only very "OK".
AquaTower C: Traffic Comp 5 fixed data
AquaTower G: Rank 8-S
AquaTower H: Rank 7-10
AquaTower R: Rank 5-7
AquaTower *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 028

Name: WoodTower
Damage: 140
Virus: Popper1
Location: Sal's Lunch Stand; Undernet 1-5;
Notes: Would be better if it executed faster. Otherwise, it's only very "OK".
WoodTower B: Rank 8-S
WoodTower C: Rank 7-10
WoodTower K: Rank 5-7
WoodTower N: Chip Trader Only
WoodTower *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 029

Name: Quake1
Damage: 90
Virus: Powie
Location: Lan's PC; Mayl's Piano; Mayl's Servbot; SchoolComp 1-5
Notes: Quake is rarely worth it. Level 3, however...
Quake1 A: Rank 7-10; School Comp 4 fixed data
Quake1 E: Internet 4 non-fixed data
Quake1 H: Rank 5-7
Quake1 K: Rank 8-S
Quake1 Q: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 030

Name: Quake2
Damage: 120
Virus: Powie2
Location: Traffic Comp 3; Traffic Comp 5
Notes: Quake is rarely worth it. Level 3, however... And why is this virus so limited in its spawns?
Quake2 B: Rank 8-S
Quake2 C: Rank 7-S
Quake2 I: Chip Trader Only
Quake2 K: Chip Trader Only
Quake2 Q: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 031

Name: Quake3
Damage: 150
Virus: Powie3
Location: Internet Area 4
Notes: Quake is rarely worth it. Level 3, however... And why is this virus so limited in its spawns?
Quake3 C: Undernet 12 non-fixed data; Big Vase Comp fixed data
Quake3 D: Rank 8-S
Quake3 H: Chip Trader Only
Quake3 M: Rank 7-S
Quake3 Q: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 032

Name: GutsPunch
Damage: 160
Virus: N/A
Location: GutsMan3
Notes: At least it's useful with OSS MegaMan.
GutsPunch B: Rank 5-7
GutsPunch H: Chip Trader Only
GutsPunch M: Rank 4-5
GutsPunch N: Chip Trader Only
GutsPunch T: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 033

Name: IcePunch
Damage: 150
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: At least it's useful with OSS MegaMan.
IcePunch B: Waterworks Comp 3 fixed data; Undernet 1 non-fixed data
IcePunch H: Chip Trader Only
IcePunch M: Internet Area 4 non-fixed data; Undernet 1 non-fixed data; Undernet 8 Shop;
IcePunch N: Chip Trader Only
IcePunch T: Chip Trader Only
Why the hell aren't there more code distributions for this? There are so many ways they can divvy this up.

Standard ID: 034

Name: Dash
Damage: 50
Virus: Fishy
Location: Yai's Portrait Comp; Internet Area 1-2; Waterworks Comp 1-4
Notes: So glad for the future game buffs on this one.
Dash B: Rank 7-S
Dash D: Rank 5-7
Dash G: Rank 8-S; Undernet Area 11 Shop (Why...)
Dash L: Chip Trader Only
Dash O: Chip Trader Only
No Dash *? You had one job, Capcom.
Standard ID: 035

Name: Cannonball
Damage: 200
Virus: HardHead
Location: Internet Area 2; Recycled PET Comp; WWW Comp 2;
Notes: 200 damage is very welcome. StoneMan dies with 4 of these.
Cannonball A: Chip Trader Only (Damn you RNG glitch!

Cannonball C: Rank 8-S
Cannonball G: Chip Trader Only
Cannonball H: Rank 7-S
Cannonball O: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 036

Name: TriArrow
Damage: 40
Virus: Piranha1
Location: Control Equipment Comp; Waterworks Comp 1-6
Notes: Only use the Level 3 of this chip series; it's too good.
TriArrow A: Rank 8-S; Waterworks Comp 3 fixed data
TriArrow B: Rank 8-S
TriArrow C: Rank 7-10
TriArrow D: Rank 7-10
TriArrow E: Rank 5-7
You see Capcom? This is what I expect.
Standard ID: 037

Name: TriSpear
Damage: 50
Virus: Piranha2
Location: Fish Stand Comp; Control Equipment Comp; Undernet 4; WWW Comp 3;
Notes: Only use the Level 3 of this chip series; it's too good.
TriSpear F: Rank 5-7
TriSpear G: Rank 7-10
TriSpear H: Rank 8-S
TriSpear I: Rank 8-S
TriSpear J: Rank 7-10
You see Capcom? This is what I expect.
Standard ID: 038

Name: TriLance
Damage: 60
Virus: Piranha2
Location: Undernet 7;
Notes: Only use the Level 3 of this chip series; it's too good.
TriLance K: Rank 5-7
TriLance L: Rank 7-10
TriLance M: Undernet 10 non-fixed data
TriLance N: Rank 8-S
TriLance O: Rank 8-S
You see Capcom? This is what I expect.
Standard ID: 039

Name: Ratton1
Damage: 90
Virus: Ratty1
Location: TV Comp; Large Monitor Comp; PowerPlant Comp 1-4
Notes: I was never fond of this chip, but 90 damage in BN1 is quite good up to the midgame.
Ratton1 A: Rank 5-7
Ratton1 B: Rank 7-S
Ratton1 C: Rank 7-10
Ratton1 D: Rank 8-S; Powerplant Comp 1 fixed reward; Undernet 4 non-fixed reward
Ratton1 E: Quiz Boy reward
You see Capcom? This is what I expect. But you could have put Ratton1 E in the virus.
Standard ID: 040

Name: Ratton2
Damage: 110
Virus: Ratty2
Location: Undernet 6
Notes: I was never fond of this chip and you get Level 2 quite late.
Ratton2 F: Rank 5-7
Ratton2 G: Rank 7-10; Undernet 6 non-fixed data
Ratton2 H: Rank 7-S
Ratton2 I: Rank 8-S
Ratton2 J: Undernet 11 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 041

Name: Ratton3
Damage: 130
Virus: Ratty3
Location: Undernet 12
Notes: I was never fond of this chip and you get Level 3 very late.
Ratton3 K: Undernet 12 non-fixed data
Ratton3 L: Rank 5-7
Ratton3 M: Quiz Master reward
Ratton3 N: Rank 7-S
Ratton3 O: Rank 7-S
Standard ID: 042

Name: Wave
Damage: 80
Virus: Jelly
Location: Fish Stand Comp; Traffic Comp 2-5
Notes: Early-series WideShot, basically.
Wave A: Rank 8-S; Undernet 11 shop
Wave D: Chip Trader Only
Wave I: Rank 7-S
Wave L: Chip Trader Only
Wave M: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 043

Name: RedWave
Damage: 100
Virus: RedJelly
Location: Traffic Comp 2-5
Notes: Early-series WideShot, basically.
RedWave B: Chip Trader Only
RedWave E: Chip Trader Only
RedWave J: Chip Trader Only
RedWave N: Rank 7-S
RedWave P: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 044

Name: BigWave
Damage: 160
Virus: BigJelly
Location: WWW Comp 4-5; Rocket Comp
Notes: 160 is strong. Shame about the code availability.
BigWave C: Chip Trader Only
BigWave H: Rank 7-S
BigWave K: Chip Trader Only
BigWave L: Chip Trader Only
BigWave Q: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 045

Name: Gaia1
Damage: 100
Virus: Gaia
Location: Undernet 1; Undernet 3; Undernet 5
Gaia1 C: Rank 8-S
Gaia1 D: Rank 7-10
Gaia1 L: Chip Trader Only
Gaia1 O: Chip Trader Only
Gaia1 T: Rank 8-S
The virus and the chip is called Gaia.

Standard ID: 046

Name: Gaia2
Damage: 130
Virus: Gaia2
Location: Undernet 8
Gaia2 C: Rank 8-S
Gaia2 F: Chip Trader Only
Gaia2 K: CRank 7-10
Gaia2 P: Chip Trader Only
Gaia2 S: Rank 8-S
The virus and the chip is called Gaia.

Standard ID: 047

Name: Gaia3
Damage: 160
Virus: Gaia3
Location: Undernet 12
Gaia3 C: Rank 8-S
Gaia3 G: Chip Trader Only
Gaia3 M: Rank 7-10
Gaia3 N: Chip Trader Only
Gaia3 T: Chip Trader Only
The virus and the chip is called Gaia.

Standard ID: 048

Name: Thunder1
Damage: 90
Virus: Billy
Location: Internet Area 3; Powerplant Comp 1-4
Notes: Only goes straight in this game.
Thunder1 A: Rank 7-10
Thunder1 G: Rank 8-S
Thunder1 H: Undernet 1 fixed data
Thunder1 S: Rank 5-7
Thunder1 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 049

Name: Thunder2
Damage: 120
Virus: Silly
Location: Recycled PET Comp; WWW Comp 4-5
Notes: Only goes straight in this game.
Thunder2 C: Undernet 7 non-fixed data
Thunder2 F: Rank 7-10
Thunder2 I: Rank 5-7
Thunder2 L: Rank 8-S
Thunder2 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 050

Name: Thunder3
Damage: 150
Virus: Killy
Location: Undernet 10
Notes: Only goes straight in this game.
Thunder3 D: Rank 8-S
Thunder3 F: Rank 5-7
Thunder3 G: Chip Trader Only
Thunder3 K: Chip Trader Only
Thunder3 N: Rank 7-10
Standard ID: 051

Name: RingZap1
Damage: 100
Virus: Prog MK1
Location: Powerplant Comp 2-3
Notes: MissEchelon hates me for this.
RingZap1 G: Rank 8-S
RingZap1 H: Undernet 5 fixed data
RingZap1 N: Rank 7-10
RingZap1 P: Rank 5-7
RingZap1 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 052

Name: RingZap2
Damage: 100
Virus: Prog MK2
Location: Powerplant Comp 3-4
Notes: Encircles around you twice. MissEchelon hates me for this.
RingZap2 C: Rank 8-S
RingZap2 E: Chip Trader Only
RingZap2 J: Rank 7-10
RingZap2 L: Rank 5-7
RingZap2 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 053

Name: RingZap3
Damage: 100
Virus: Prog MK3
Location: Powerplant Comp 4
Notes: Encircles around you thrice. MissEchelon hates me for this.
RingZap3 A: Rank 7-10
RingZap3 B: Rank 5-7
RingZap3 O: Chip Trader Only
RingZap3 R: Chip Trader Only
RingZap3 T: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 054

Name: Typhoon
Damage: 30
Virus: Fanner
Location: Powerplant Comp 2-4
Notes: No hit-stun in this game, so it's trash.
Typhoon A: Rank 8-S
Typhoon B: Rank 7-S
Typhoon D: Powerplant Comp 4 non-fixed data
Typhoon E: Undernet 4 non-fixed data
Typhoon G: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 055

Name: Hurricane
Damage: 30
Virus: Fanner2
Location: Undernet 8
Notes: No hit-stun in this game, so it's trash.
Huricane G: Rank 5-7
Huricane I: Rank 7-S
Huricane J: Rank 8-S
Huricane K: Chip Trader Only
Huricane L: WWW Comp 2 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 056

Name: Cyclone
Damage: 30
Virus: Fanner3
Location: Undernet 11; WWW Comp 5
Notes: No hit-stun in this game, so it's trash.
Cyclone E: Chip Trader Only
Cyclone F: Rank 7-S
Cyclone G: Rank 5-7
Cyclone H: Rank 8-S
Cyclone I: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 057

Name: Snakegg1
Damage: 130
Virus: Anaconda1
Location: Undernet 8; Undernet 10; Rocket Comp
Notes: This is supposedly a miniboss virus. Yet it's chip is trash.
Snakegg1 B: Rank 7-10
Snakegg1 E: Rank 5-7
Snakegg1 M: Rank 8-S
Snakegg1 N: Chip Trader Only
Snakegg1 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 058

Name: Snakegg2
Damage: 140
Virus: Anaconda2
Location: Undernet 10; WWW Comp 2
Notes: This is supposedly a miniboss virus. Yet it's chip is trash.
Snakegg2 C: Rank 8-S
Snakegg2 E: Rank 8-S
Snakegg2 N: Chip Trader Only
Snakegg2 P: Rank 5-7
Snakegg2 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 059

Name: Snakegg3
Damage: 150
Virus: Anaconda3
Location: WWW Comp 1; Rocket Comp
Notes: This is supposedly a miniboss virus. Yet it's chip is trash.
Snakegg3 A: Rank 8-S
Snakegg3 C: Rank 5-7
Snakegg3 F: Chip Trader Only
Snakegg3 L: Chip Trader Only
Snakegg3 S: Rank 7-10
Standard ID: 060

Name: Drain1
Damage: 50
Virus: Mosqurito
Location: Antique Comp; Undernet 1; Undernet 2; Undernet 4
Notes: A Dash chip that drains. I do like this chip quite a bit.
Drain1 A: Rank 8-S
Drain1 B: Chip Trader Only
Drain1 D: Chip Trader Only
Drain1 K: Rank 7-S
Drain1 O: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 061

Name: Drain2
Damage: 70
Virus: Mosqurito2
Location: Undernet 7
Notes: A Dash chip that drains. I do like this chip quite a bit.
Drain2 A: Rank 8-S
Drain2 C: Chip Trader Only
Drain2 H: Chip Trader Only
Drain2 N: Rank 7-S
Drain2 T: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 062

Name: Drain3
Damage: 90
Virus: Mosqurito3
Location: Undernet 11
Notes: A Dash chip that drains. I do like this chip quite a bit.
Drain3 A: Rank 8-S
Drain3 E: Chip Trader Only
Drain3 F: Rank 7-S
Drain3 L: Chip Trader Only
Drain3 Q: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 063

Name: Burner
Damage: 180
Virus: Fishy2
Location: Blackboard Comp; Undernet 5; Undernet 10; Undernet 12
Notes: The damage boost and asterisk is welcome, but you can't Lock-On with OSS MegaMan, so it's still very niche.
Burner E: Rank 8-S
Burner F: Rank 5-7
Burner K: Rank 7-10
Burner M: Chip Trader Only
Burner *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 064

Name: PanelOut1
Damage: N/A (10 from pickaxe)
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Use this to annoy SharkMan.
PanelOut1 B: Inspect the desk in the school's corridor
PanelOut1 G: Undernet 8 non-fixed data
PanelOut1 L: Starter Folder
PanelOut1 S: Internet Area 1 non-fixed data; Undernet 1 shop
PanelOut1 *: Star Coliseum shop
Standard ID: 065

Name: PanelOut3
Damage: N/A (10 from pickaxe)
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Use this to annoy SharkMan.
PanelOut3 B: Dex's PC fixed data
PanelOut3 G: Powerplant Comp 1 fixed data; Internet Area 3 Shop
PanelOut3 L: Higsby's Chip Shop
PanelOut3 S: Chip Trade NPC in ACDC Metroline. Requires Hammer M
PanelOut3 *: Star Coliseum Shop
Standard ID: 066

Name: Hammer
Damage: 220
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Hammer A: Internet Area 1 Shop
Hammer F: Undernet 4 non-fixed data
Hammer I: Internet Area 3 Shop
Hammer M: Undernet 10 non-fixed data; Chip Trade NPC in Waterworks. Requires Repair H.
Hammer *: Chip Trader Only
Why...why can't I have my Hammer *?

Standard ID: 067

Name: Guard
Damage: N/A
Virus: Mettaur1,2,3
Location: Look, do you even need to know?
Notes: Doesn't even send out damage like in BN2. Capcom, you could have implemented this.
Guard A: Rank 5-7 on Mettaur 1; Internet Area 1 non-fixed data; Star Coliseum
Guard C: Chip Trader Only
Guard E: Chip Trader Only
Guard G: Rank 4-5 on Mettaur 1; Rank 5-7 on Mettaur 2
Guard L: Rank 4-5 on Mettaur 3
Standard ID: 068

Name: IronShield
Damage: N/A (100 on retaliation)
Virus: Froshell
Location: WWW Comp 1-2; Rocket Comp
Notes: Doesn't even send out damage like in BN2. Capcom, you could have implemented this.
IronShield A: Rank 8-S
IronShield B: Rank 7-S
IronShield O: Rank 5-7
IronShield R: Rank 4-5
IronShield T: Rank 1-3
I approve of this code distribution very much.
Standard ID: 069

Name: Recov10
Damage: N/A
Virus: Spooky 1; Spooky 3
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov10 A: Starter Folder
Recov10 C: Rank 1-3 on Spooky 3
Recov10 E: Chip Trader Only
Recov10 L: Starter Folder; Rank 4-5 on Spooky; Rank 1-3 on Spooky 3
Recov10 *: Internet Area 1 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 070

Name: Recov30
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov30 B: Chip Trader Only
Recov30 C: Rank 4-5 on Spooky 3
Recov30 D: Chip Trader Only
Recov30 L: Starter Folder; Rank 4-5 on Spooky
Recov30 *: Internet Area 2 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 071

Name: Recov50
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov50 C: Rank 4-5 on Spooky 3; Internet Area 1 shop
Recov50 L: Rank 7-10 on Spooky 2; Mayl's Piano
Recov50 M: Chip Trader Only
Recov50 S: Chip Trader Only
Recov50 *: Shelf in Infirmary; Star Coliseum Shop
Standard ID: 072

Name: Recov80
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov80 C: Internet Area 3 non-fixed data; Waterworks Comp 2 fixed data
Recov80 E: Higsby's Shop; Traffic Comp 5 fixed data
Recov80 L: Rank 8-S on Spooky 2; Rank 5-7 on Spooky 3
Recov80 N: Chip Trader Only
Recov80 *: Give Old Man in ACDC his Dentures
Standard ID: 073

Name: Recov120
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov120 F: Lunch Stand Comp fixed data; Undernet 11 non-fixed data
Recov120 H: Powerplant Comp 1 fixed data; Undernet 4 non-fixed data
Recov120 L: Undernet 3 non-fixed data; Rank 7-10 on Spooky 3
Recov120 R: Starter Folder; Rank 4-5 on Spooky
Recov120 *: Star Coliseum Shop
Standard ID: 074

Name: Recov150
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov150 D: Chip Trader Only
Recov150 K: Undernet 10 non-fixed data
Recov150 L: Rank 7-10 on Spooky 3; Undernet 11 non-fixed data; Higsby's Shop
Recov150 M: Undernet 9 fixed data; Undernet 1 shop
Recov150 O: Undernet 5 non-fixed data
Recov150 C was in Undernet 1 shop in BN1, so they could have made it Recov150 D and all the codes would be accounted for.

Standard ID: 075

Name: Recov200
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov200 I: Undernet 12 non-fixed data
Recov200 J: Chip Trader Only
Recov200 L: Rank 8-S on Spooky 3; Control Equipment Comp fixed data
Recov200 N: WWW Comp 1 fixed data; Undernet 8 non-fixed data
Recov200 Q: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 076

Name: Recov300
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Hardly as useful in BN1 given you heal to full after every match.
Recov300 G: Chip Trader Only
Recov300 L: Exchange Shotgun K, Crossgun K, Spreader K and M-Cannon K to the girl in DenTown; WWW Comp 3 fixed data
Recov300 O: Chip Trader Only
Recov300 P: Chip Trader Only
Recov300 T: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 077

Name: AreaGrab
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Where is my asterisk?

AreaGrab A: Oven Comp 1 fixed data; Undernet 6 shop
AreaGrab E: Chip Trader Only
AreaGrab L: Higsby's Shop
AreaGrab S: Starter Folder; Star Coliseum Shop
AreaGrab *: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 078

Name: Geddon1
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: No AirShoes in BN1, so not great.
Geddon1 H: Higsby's Shop
Geddon1 J: Chip Trader Only
Geddon1 L: Undernet 8 Shop
Geddon1 N: Chip Trader Only
Geddon1 *: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 079

Name: Geddon2
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: You can combo this chip with ElecMan on Gaia viruses for easy S-ranks.
Geddon2 A: Undernet 8 Shop
Geddon2 B: Chip Trader Only
Geddon2 E: Undernet 8 Shop
Geddon2 K: Higsby's Shop
Geddon2 Q: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 080

Name: Escape
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Yeti's favorite chip.
Escape F: Starter Folder; Star Coliseum Shop
Escape H: Bookshelf in Library
Escape J: Yai's telephone comp fixed data
Escape L: TV Comp fixed data
Escape N: Traffic Comp 2 fixed data
Standard ID: 081

Name: Interrupt
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Was broken in BN1, killing all chips a player had over their head in PvP. in OSS, it just stops the first one.
Interrupt F: Chip Trader Only
Interrupt H: Chip Trader Only
Interrupt J: Chip Trader Only
Interrupt L: Higsby's Shop
Interrupt N: Chip Trader Only
Standard ID: 082

Name: Repair
Damage: N/A
Virus: N/A
Location: Datas and Shops
Notes: Did you know that Coldbears can use these chips?
Repair A: AV School Room
Repair G: Undernet 7 non-fixed data; Fix Vending Machine quest reward; Undernet 11 shop; Higsby's Shop
Repair H: Class 1-B Chip Trade NPC. Requires Dash G.
Repair S: Chip Trader Only
Repair *: Chip Trader Only
FOUR places to put Repair G? WHY
Standard ID: 083

Name: TimeBomb1
Damage: 80
Virus: Handy
Location: School Comp 4-5; WWW Comp 2
Notes: It's just a delayed Gaia chip.
TimeBomb1 E: Chip Trader Only
TimeBomb1 G: Chip Trader Only
TimeBomb1 J: Rank 7-S
TimeBomb1 L: Rank 8-S
TimeBomb1 Q: Undernet 7 non-fixed data
Standard ID: 084

Name: TimeBomb2
Damage: 120
Virus: Handy2
Location: Internet Area 4; Large Monitor Comp
Notes: It's just a delayed Gaia chip.
TimeBomb2 C: Rank 8-S
TimeBomb2 F: Chip Trader Only
TimeBomb2 J: Rank 7-S
TimeBomb2 L: Chip Trader Only
TimeBomb2 S: Undernet 1 Shop
Standard ID: 085

Name: TimeBomb3
Damage: 160
Virus: Handy3
Location: WWW Comp 1-2; WWW Comp 4
Notes: It's just a delayed Gaia chip
TimeBomb3 A: Chip Trader Only
TimeBomb3 B: Rank 8-S
TimeBomb3 G: Rank 7-S
TimeBomb3 O: Rank 5-7
TimeBomb3 P: WWW Comp 4 fixed data
Standard ID: 086

Name: LilCloud
Damage: 60
Virus: Cloudy
Location: TV Comp; Waterworks Comp 1-6
Notes: This chip is a decent boss-killer.
Cloud B: Rank 8-S
Cloud H: Undernet 3 non-fixed data
Cloud O: Rank 7-10
Cloud R: Rank 5-7
Cloud *: Rank 8-S
Perfect distribution for once, game.
Standard ID: 087

Name: MedCloud
Damage: 80
Virus: Cloudier
Location: Lunch Stand Comp; Undernet 7; WWW Comp 3
Notes: This chip is a decent boss-killer.
MedCloud A: Internet 4 Shop
MedCloud I: Rank 5-7
MedCloud M: Rank 7-10
MedCloud P: Rank 8-S
MedCloud *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 088

Name: BigCloud
Damage: 100
Virus: Cloudest
Location: Undernet 10
Notes: This chip is a decent boss-killer. Even kills a LifeAura
BigCloud C: Rank 8-S
BigCloud F: Chip Trader Only
BigCloud J: Chip Trader Only
BigCloud K: Rank 7-10
BigCloud O: Rank 5-7
Standard ID: 089

Name: Mine
Damage: 160
Virus: Miney
Location: Internet Area 2; Undernet 2-3; Undernet 5
Notes: This chip is a decent boss-killer.
Mine1 G: Rank 5-7
Mine1 H: Rank 7-10
Mine1 M: Rank 8-S
Mine1 N: Chip Trader Only
Mine1 *: Rank 8-S
Standard ID: 090

Name: Mine2
Damage: 180
Virus: Miney2
Location: Undernet 7
Notes: This chip is a decent boss-killer.
Mine2 C: Rank 5-7
Mine2 E: Chip Trader Only
Mine2 J: Rank 7-S
Mine2 L: Rank 8-S
Mine2 *: Chip Trader Only
No Mine2 *

Standard ID: 091

Name: Mine3
Damage: 200
Virus: Miney3
Location: Undernet 8
Notes: This chip is a decent boss-killer.
Mine3 A: Rank 7-S
Mine3 B: Rank 8-S
Mine3 O: Chip Trader Only
Mine3 R: Chip Trader Only
Mine3 T: Rank 5-7
That makes 3 ABORTS. You heard the game! ABORT