The Let's Play Archive

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

by Silver Falcon, liquidypoo

Part 7: Meownsterpawdia Part 1

"Will it Cat?" Official Meownsterpawdia Part 1

Greetings, viewers! As promised, I have a brief write-up of the monsters we have faught so far. I will add to it as we go along.

Click on a monster's name to be taken to its Monster Hunter Wiki page.

For loot:

C= Common
U= Uncommon
R= Rare
S= Stupidly rare

For a complete and accurate list of loot, and more, I heartily recommend checking out MHGU DB or Ping's Dex (Mirror).


Family: Herbivore

Habitat: Jurassic Frontier

Threat Level: *

Introduced: Monster Hunter Generations

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

These giant herbivores are peaceful towards hunters unless their young are threatened. Their long necks let them eat hard-to-reach leaves and nuts, which they may drop if attacked while feeding, and eat constantly to maintain their size. They also have a unique sound-producing organs.


Family: Lynian

Habit: Anywhere the wind takes 'em

Threat Level: *

Introduced: Monster Hunter

Last Seen: Monster Hunter World


OK fine-

Low Rank-
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Bipedal creatures resembling cats, known for their light hair. Though usually docile, they will attack viciously if provoked. Naturally curious, some try to enter human society. They are fond of Felive and will follow its scent anywhere.


Family: Herbivore

Habitat: Anywhere

Threat Level: *

Introduced: Monster Hunter

Last Seen: Monster Hunter World


Low Rank-
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Small herbivores known for their gentle demeanor as well as medicinal properties of their horns. Those wishing to harvest a horn should stun the Kelbi with blunt attacks and then sever it while the animal is still alive.


Family: Neopteron

Habitat: Anywhere

Threat Level: *

Introduced: Monster Hunter 3

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Insects that widely inhabit many areas. They absorb fruit, mushrooms, and honey, and then carry them back to their nest. Materials can thus be collected from their swollen abdomens, whose color is related to what they're carrying.


Family: Neopteron

Habitat: Anywhere

Threat Level: **

Introduced: Monster Hunter 3

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Pervasive flying insects that attack invaders with paralyzing venom and lay eggs in carrion along with a fluid that hastens decomposition. It is best to kill them with poison so that their parts are left ripe for the carving.


Family: Bird Wyvern

Habitat: Jurassic Frontier, Ancestral Steppe, Ruined Pinnacle

Threat Level: **

Introduced: Monster Hunter Generations

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Colorful red and green bird wyverns that live in large packs, they can be found mostly in the Jurassic Frontier. Though they attack prey aggressively with their strong legs, they are known to flee once their leader is in danger.


Family: Bird Wyvern

Habitat: Jurrasssic Fronter, Misty Peaks, Ancestral Steppe

Threat Level: *

Introduced: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Flightless bird wyverns with vestigial wings, known to inhabit the Jurassic Frontier. Quite timid, Gargwa have been known to lay eggs when other creatures surprise them from behind. They are raised as livestock in numerous villages.


Family: Lynian

Habitat: Everywhere you don't want them to be, which is EVERYWHERE

Threat Level: *

Introduced: Monster Hunter

Last Seen: Monster Hunter World


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Bipedal creatures resembling cats, known for their dark hair. More curious than Felynes and possessed by kleptomania, Melynxes take what they steal back to their dens. Felvine intoxicates them, causing them to sometimes drop items.


Family: Bird Wyvern

Habitat: Jurassic Frontier, Deserted Island, Misty Peaks, Ancestral Steppe, Dunes

Threat Level: **

Introduced: Monster Hunter 3

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank

For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Highly social, carnivorous bird wyverns that live in large packs. Young Jaggi males hunt in groups when attacking larger animals and have been known to steal wyvern eggs. Research suggests they operate under orders from a single alpha male.


Family: Herbivore

Habitat: Jurassic Frontier, Ancestral Steppe, Volcanic Hollow, Dunes

Threat Level: **

Introduced: Monster Hunter 3

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Extremely territorial herbivores with poor vision but acute hearing, Rhenoplos will doggedly pursue any target they sense. They often run into boulders, perhaps because they cannot easily stop once they break into a run.

Great Maccao

Family: Bird Wyvern

Habitat: Jurassic Frontier, Ancestral Steppe, Ruined Pinnacle

Threat Level: ***

Introduced: Monster Hunter Generations

Last Seen: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Primary Element- none

Recommended Status Protection- none

Weaknesses: Fire, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Rodeo

Breakable Bits: Head, Tail


Low Rank
For complete list of loot, click here

Monsterpedia posted:

Leader of the pack-hunting Maccao, the Great Maccao is easily spotted by its large size and feather-like yellow crest. It can balance on its tail and spring forward for a deadly strike, but when weakened, its lesser Maccao cousins are quick to turn tail and run.