The Let's Play Archive


by Leavemywife & Explosionface

Part 12: Ridin' The Rails

Fuck it, have the update twenty minutes early.

Update Twelve: Ridin' The Rails

Welcome back! Last time, on Mother, I went through Duncan's Factory. I don't want to say anymore about that, so today, we're going to a new area, so let's rock.

We're done there. There is stuff I can go back for, like another Franklin Badge and some capsules, but fuck it. I am never setting foot in that shithole again.

Remember those rocks that were blocking the tracks?

That's why we went for that rocket. You can see it there. That's what the pussy-ass launch was for, too.

We can't even check the rocket to find anything interesting. Just that there is danger lurking about.

But, we're moving on. Let's leave Duncan's Factory and not mention it again. Or, if we do mention it, let our voices be full of hatred and anger.

For now, our next goal is just seeing where these train tracks lead to. It's about all we can do right now.

Ooh, a new building. It has a door we can enter, too!

I WILL protect this station, no matter what!

It's a train station, and now, the world really opens up. There's a few new locations we can visit now, too.

This man sells us our tickets. Like in Earthbound, we have to buy a ticket for each member of the party, so it can get pretty pricey.

Well, for a given definition of "pricey". For now, at least. If I remember right, I coulda swore I saw some tickets later on that were $300 a pop...

But, hey, look, trains! Look at it go!

Now, this ride is long as shit. Seriously, take those two .gifs and...I'd say double that amount of time on the tracks and you've got the general gist of it. I held the fast forward key down the entire time and it still felt like forever to me.

And here we are at the station.

There's only one reason to come here right now. At least, that's what Explosionface told me and I trust him on this.

By Jove, I believe we are! Or, at least, we are now.

She gives us a hat that she found. I don't know why it's all the way over here in Reindeer, but it's a very special hat.

This hat belongs to our PSI murder machine for this game. Let's get to Reindeer real quick, though. We won't be meeting Merry just yet.

Here's a quick shot of the map, just so you can see how far we've traveled. And shit, it's still pretty far over to Snowman.

Y'know, I'm looking at the shots I took for this update...I think I mighta been high on my meds when I snagged these shots.

Seriously, the next four shots are just this:

The best I can figure is that I was trying to show you a bit of the lay of the land near Reindeer, and then got distracted by Everybody Loves Raymond or something. Either way, the Bag Lady is a new enemy, with 93 HP and not much extraordinary about her.

Other than being hideously terrifying.

Back on track, let's get rolling over to Snowman.

Another train ride, but no .gifs this time.

I'm not 100 percent sure about that, though.

When we arrive, we're greeted by...Hell, it looks like Hagakure let himself go.

We head south from the train station. There are new enemies around here, but I only meet one of them for now.

We head to the right from there, as there is no other way to go, and we're actually nearly done with this update. Duncan's Factory took a lot more out of me than I thought.

Another reference shot for where we are. Now, looking at that scale on the left side, which I wasn't sure was a scale until I asked both Deceitful Penguin and my dad, but it is. Now, about three of those squares equals out to 5760 units of measurement, which is, uh...Well, it can't be feet, since that'd only be a few miles. I sure as hell hope it isn't miles, otherwise, this world is fucked up.

Either way, we've come quite a long ways, and traveled many units of distance.

And to interrupt the tedium of my stupidity (look, I'm legally blind and handicapped, so it makes sense that I'm also legally retarded), have a battle!

That's a lot of Silver Wolves...

These guys have 103 HP each, and they have good attack and good defense; Leo has trouble one-shotting these guys and they always seem to appear in packs.

Thankfully, I used Leo's new Defense Down Beta PSI ability, so these guys were easy to take down; that accounts for the lost PSI there.

Shouldn't those trees be covered in snow? Or at the very least, shriveled and dead? Or...Pine trees?

And now we've reached the town of Snowman. There's even a greeter!

Or else he's just a man who's curious about where we've been. We haven't even been to Halloween, man.

Instead of doing that right now, we're going to head into the building on the left.

Inside, we find a purple haired lady.

Who runs one hell of an expensive hotel. I actually stay, as I don't remember the last time that Leo and Champ stayed somewhere nice.

In the other building, we have this little shop; Mouthwash cures a cold, for whatever reason, and the Frypan is a weapon, but not for either of our current members.

There's a lot of houses and NPC's around here. It's quite the bustling little burg.

Apparently, for old time's sake, I decide to ram Leo's face into some doors.

And be sure to brush your teeth, too. (cough cough)

I guess this is the hint that Mouthwash cures colds. Though, I don't know why this asshole found it necessary to cough in Leo's face.

Leo has caught himself another cold. I'm starting to hate this town.

Over here, there's a man who must have some wonderful fucking stories.

That camel and I go way back.

See? This man not only knew a camel, but he also apparently knew that the camel's bones are going to hear whatever is said to them. I want to play that game.

Over here, in the northwestern part of town, there's a Healer's house.

When I go to save, I'm bombarded by a question I did not expect.

Well, uh, it's not a problem, sir. I'm enjoying this. I think the readers are enjoying it too.

Now, I'm not sure if this is the only shot we have for this. I scrambled to think of a name; I may have even panicked a little bit.

I figured this would work. If it doesn't...Well, shit, I think it may be too late. But, I'm treating this as a legacy name; we were "The Goons" in Earthbound, so we're "The Goons" here, dammit.

Calling Leo's dad back, we find out we're rolling in the dough.

I'm not sure if that'll be enough to tide us over for the entire game. If it isn't, at least we have this much for some starter money.

Leo and Champ's levels haven't changed from the last update, so there's not much more to say here.

Next time, on Mother, let's see if we can track down Merry and give her hat back, shall we?