The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 101: Ep. 70: Subnormal


: Last time on MySims Agents: A submarine hidden in a secret docking bay! Who left this here? Can we keep it, pal? Eminent domain?


Well, this certainly explains... very little.

And, sure enough, right next to Sam:

Sam tucks that away and updates his notes.

: With phone records and the paint invoice, I can tie Yuki to this secret submarine! A suspiciously secret submarine...

The big Morcucorp logo on the sub's rudder probably doesn't hurt this theory, either. Sam thinks about this for a minute, then puts pencil to waterproof notebook once again.

: The paint invoice is a good piece of evidence, but I bet there's more to be found in this cave.

Let's get started!

Sam breaks open the crate next to the paint cans and finds... some new paints for HQ! How appropriate.

This chest contains a Morcubus figurine for our trophy case and yet another iteration of nonspecific paints!

All very interesting. Let's check out things closer to the sub.

Let's open this metal crate here...

I guess we deserved that. Also, ew.

Finally, checking out the yellow machine next to the sub points us to our next goal. Apparently the missing parts just sort of fell off, because they're all laying right here, waiting for us.

Somewhere in that speeded-up mess the game introduces the concept of T-junction wires. Eventually all the gears and wires are in place--

--and the submarine is lifted out of the water for our perusal. Now we can see why Yuki ordered the paint: to make her sub look more like a cool face-biting shark!

Do you see what Sam sees?

Sam squints at it.

: The rope tangled in the submarine's propeller seems to be from Justice' traps. If so, this sub may be what cut them!


I guess Justice heaves his crab traps out a hell of a long way. That or this sub has a ridiculously shallow draft.

: Justice will be interested to hear what I've discovered about his missing crab cages.

So let's go tell him!

: Hey, Justice, I think I know what happened to your traps...

Oooh, Justice is ready to be angry with someone.


: Next time on MySims Agents: It's time... for Justice.
