The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 115: Ep. 81: Two Tentacles For Tea


: Last time on MySims Agents: The tenacious Special Agent Sam has found out where Yuki is going! Now he only needs to figure out how to get there...


Sam's feeling a little malicious today. See, kids, this is why you don't store your password disc in an ordinary locker. In addition to doubtless making Yuki's life a little tougher--and, you know, possibly condemning her to be stranded at sea in a submarine which can no longer dock properly or contact its own comm station--Sam finds a handful of games for the arcade cabinet, which makes it all worthwhile.

Sam leaves the cave and heads out.

Can't argue with that.

Since we can't find Yuki and beat the truth out of her, Sam's decided to do the next best thing.

Step on a sea urchin. Wait, no.

Surely Mr. Suckers has the information we need. In order to get him in a talkative mood, Sam first submits to another tea party.

: Can you tell me about these coordinates, Mr. Suckers?

: Glorp, blot... gurgle... slurp, glub...

: Um, okay... anything else?

: ... gleep, glop.

Mr. Suckers goes back to his tea.

: Mr. Suckers seemed to respond excitedly to my question. I'll need Clara to tell me what was said.

Fortunately, Clara is still here.

: Can you ask Mr. Suckers a question for me?

: Mr. Suckers would be happy to help...

: I'd like more information on some undersea coordinates.

For whatever reason, the game seems to assume that Sam spoke to Clara before having a tea party with the kraken. Which would not have worked: if he'd spoken to Clara first, she'd just have given him her spiel about seeing two dolphins and a surfer today.

But it all works out all right in the end!

: Thanks, Clara... oh, and you too, Mr. Suckers! That's very helpful.

This also wins us... er... Clara's rare kraken action figure with real tentacle action. For the trophy case. I shudder to think.

: According to Mr. Suckers, the sunken ship went down with some type of map locked away inside.

Sam thinks about it, then adds:

: I think I've got all I need to send TOBOR underwater. Time to finalize things with Dr. F.

Sam bids goodbye to Clara and Mr. Suckers and heads out. Time is of the essence, although I wouldn't blame you if you'd forgotten that.

: Hey, Doc, I'm ready to send TOBOR underwater.

Everybody gathers!

: ... the radio receiver!


TOBOR, uh, sucks the receiver into his face and spins around, beaming, like he's performed an impressive magical feat, which I suppose he has, in a way.

Awww, wow. I guess it is okay that we're making TOBOR do this.

: Good for you, TOBOR!

TOBOR gasps.

: But now I'm terrified of... squirrels!!!

TOBOR gets a little weepy at the very thought.

: Good enough!

Dr. F does not.

: Sam, do you have that remote?

: Yeah, I found it in the sand.

: Glorious!

Sam fires up the remote control and TOBOR jerks to attention.

Then shorts out briefly.

Then, with much sparking and twitching and assorted radar noises, lurches headlong into the ocean.

When next we see TOBOR, he has found the ship--and we have a new character to control!


: Next time on MySims Agents: Omigosh, pal, this is the biggest ship ever.


Video: TOBOR Deployed
In case you wanted to watch Sam jam a giant computer chip into TOBOR's face... complete with worried robot sounds.