Part 12: Interlude: Way Too Many Things To Poke
By this point in the game I'm actually leaving out a fair amount of the available flavor text. If I showed you every single thing, this LP would be three parts 'Sam muses about trees and manhole covers and construction signs' to every one part of 'actual gameplay'. I want to be thorough, but that? That is ridiculous.

And, as we know, Sam only invades the privacy of bad guys.

it is a joke for old people

So let's bash the shit out of it with our crowbar!

Aw, a little model building... wait, 'attack'?

Sam pulls out a stuffed blue bunny and goes Godzilla on it. Where did he even get that?
I recommend the full-on video version on this one:
- Video: Bunzilla Attack!
Also featuring Patrick failing to do the simplest of layups into his trashcan.