The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 57: Ep. 42: Dancin' Mad


: Last time on MySims Agents: ... 'manhole'.


Now at the very bottom of the sewers, Sam needs to get back up to the top in order to escape through the manhole. He starts by building this very nice stairway out of barrels and things.

Jumping back up to the next level reveals two more fenergy vents, a sign that we could be at this for a while.

First, Sam moves this barrel down from atop the pipe it was sitting on. Now he can get over the pipe and access the next fenergy vent and that worryingly large pile of barrels and cans next to it.

Indeed, Sam spends quite a while fruitlessly shuffling barrels around. When his phone rings, it's with some relief that he shucks off the Manipulator and checks his text messages.

Great. Stuck in the sewers, covered in head-to-toe grime, and now Sam is hungry. He puts his phone away and turns back to the pile of barrels.

What if we grab the third barrel from behind us and add it into the mix?

It works! With a bunch of judicious rearranging.

Sam hops up to the giant vault doors and, from there, to the sewer entrance.

Thank goodness that's over. For now. The next step is to go back to Club Candy and see if we can't force or trick Esma away from the manhole that she's guarding--

--but, first things first: BUDDY, FETCH THE HOSE

After a brisk hosing down and a change of clothing--HAND 'EM OVER, BUDDY--Sam is ready for battle! Slicking his wet hair back Sam heads for the club, and--

The horror!

Sam's wandering around, trying to think of a solution to the Esma problem, when something under the stage catches his eye. He gets down and peers into the darkness and pulls out a collection of assorted coffee tables! And then shoves them down his pants or something, I don't know.

Now thoroughly coffee-table'd, Sam decides to solicit opinions from the peanut gallery. As he does.

: Do you know how I can move Esma?

Huh. Not a bad idea!

That's far too sensible, I'm sorry. But it's a decent backup plan! Sam notes it down.

: To lure away Esma, I'll try to find out her favorite song and then get DJ Candy to play it.

Surely there's a more straightforward solution!

: Esma isn't moving from the sewer cover...

: Negative. Unable to assist in personal space manipulation.

Awww. Wait, Dr. F adheres to Asimov's laws? Well, hell, let's put Sapphire's idea into play! Sam wanders over to Esma.

: So, Esma, do you like music?

: Do you like oldies?

: Oldies are for those whose souls have already died!


: How about hip-hop?

: See, here's the thing about hip-hop: some artists don't even know what they're saying!

: Oh really?

: The beats are hot, but the lyrics are not!

: So you're not a fan?

: Occasionally I will throw on some old school funk, but only if it has a fun dance with it!

A fun dance? Maybe this will work after all!

: Rock n' roll?

: Rock n' roll is the music of the goddesses, including myself!

Aha! Now to figure out which song is her favorite...

: Do you like "The Miniatures"?

: No, they were always small time in my book.


: Well, aren't they called... "The Miniatures"?

: Not their name, their ideas, fool! A talented band with no ambition might as well sign up to make ring tones!

You know, Esma's pretty cool for a minion of evil. She's got strong opinions and she's not afraid to punch us in the face with them.

: How about "The Scrapbooks"?

: Ah! The Scrapbooks! That brings me back to my tyrannical youth!


: Yeah, they were good. What was your favorite song?

Esma goes back to snubbing Sam, who takes this opportunity to note their conversation down in his journal.

: Esma said her favorite song is "Bunny Hill." I'll see if DJ Candy can queue that up.

Sam makes his way through the 'crowd' to Candy's DJ setup.

: Can you play "Bunny Hill"?

: Oh man! That's an essential rock classic! I'll queue it up!

Sam nods and retreats to a good vantage point. After a moment, the music dies down and is replaced... only by silence.

: Be patient, Saph. Next up we're going to play a request that comes from Special Agent Sam!

: "Bunny Hill" by the Scrapbooks!

Candy drops the needle. The clubgoers start nodding appreciatively to the beat and... cue the big musical number!

Video: Bust A Move, Esma

This cutscene really needs to be seen in its entirety; watching the video is optional but highly recommended.

Sam, watching this, nods to himself. That worked. Also, Esma has some pretty sick breakdancing moves.

Sam leaves her to it and runs for the now-unguarded manhole.


: Next time on MySims Agents: Has Special Agent Sam found the source of the mysterious beats at last? And who is beating them? On what?

: ...

: ... maybe... on the manhole?