Part 58: Ep. 43: Crystal Clear


Quickly, while Esma is distracted, Sam wrestles the manhole open and dives into a different section of the sewers. A pause on a stinking platform to change back into his dirty-job togs and down Sam goes. As you can see, we're now on the other side of that massive vault-style door.

Sam jumps down and shuffles some barrels out of his way.

While crossing the newly-formed barrel bridge, Sam notices something behind this disgusting grating and jumps a mile: it's a trophy of the Morcugirls! He'll just take that.

Down and down we go. Sam starts to hear the beats, and a little later on, something that sounds like clinking.

A trapdoor? Suspicious! Sam is investigating this when his phone goes off.

Sam has the best mediators. Or maybe Preston just threatened to fire everyone.

Anyway, let's get this trapdoor the heck out of our way. I guess we could have just opened it, but that's just not futuristic enough.

Sam drops down through the opening into a chamber full of crystals! Oooh, shiny. The clinking beats resound off the walls. The noise is almost deafening--

--which explains why Brandi didn't hear us coming.

At the sound of his shout Brandi whirls around and gasps.

And Brandi barrels past Sam, out of the cave. Well, that's our mystery solved!

But first, let's check out these crystals. They look valuable!

oh Sam

oh Sam no

... ahem. Sam retraces his steps to the sewer entrance and pushes his way out of the sewers. Brandi is pretending that she was here all along. Sam confronts her.

Unable to get her to say anything else, Sam goes over and interrupts Esma's breakdancing fest instead.

Esma gets back to dancing and Sam, still filthy, heads up to report to DJ Candy.

Candy whips about to yell over her turntables at Esma.

Esma laughs. Evilly.

And turns around to mock Candy to her face.

Sapphire: she's special. Sam interrupts.

Brandi comes running over to join Esma.

The two of them bolt out the front door. Candy turns to Sam.

Dun dun dunnnn!

Candy goes back to DJing, and we unlock new dispatch missions, some new glasses, and a space-age visor! Sam updates his notes.

And, sure enough, as soon as Sam goes down the stairs...

Sam's not the only one who's had that idea.

But Sam isn't going anywhere without a shower and a change of clothes. Except HQ. He'll go to HQ. Back to base with us!

For some reason no one wants to share this train car with us.