The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 19: Exit, Pursued By A Bear

oh well that's too bad--


So into the water we go. Sam finds a lot of Stone and Amber, just like on Capital Island.

And, eventually, one of the things that bounces out of a freshly-dug hole is a Crab Cage Key! Let's take it back to Renee.

Hooray! Now you can let the crabs out of their cages--

--ooooor Sam could do it!

: We'll need to find all the crabs and let them out of their cages before we can observe them in their natural habitat. Be sure to check all the tide pools on the island for them; they're bound to be in more pools than just this one! Hurry!

Sam pulls out a magnifying glass and inspects the cage closely. Just because it's a crab in a cage doesn't mean it's a crab cage, right? Gotta be thorough.

Sam opens the cage and the crab promptly freaks out and burrows under the sand. Oh, well. Four to go!

Fun fact: if you inspect one of the cages before you get this task, Sam peers at the cage for a while and then goes LOL IUNNO WHAT THIS THING IS

There are two tidepools on Renee's island, one to the northwest and one to the southwest, and crab cages are hidden in both. The northwest tidepool also has giant clams.

Which explode into Mana, Simoleons, and Onyx when pried open! Anyway, Sam finds all the hidden crab cages and opens them. Let's go check in with Renee and see what other makework she's come up with.


Sam follows Renee up to the little grove of cherry trees.

Sam's work in progress, you mean.

: Say, Sam, you've been such an amazing help so far, would you mind helping me out again?

The camera pans left.

And again.

: And remember, this is a Nature Walk, so please add bits of Nature here and there! Good luck!

See those red shapes? They mean that Sam's required to build this bridge by the numbers, instead of just doing whatever. Booooo. However, he's allowed to put in his Nature Essences in whatever form he likes. ... not that he has more than three or four forms at this point.

There. Nice bridge, good railings.

Awww, it's a baby bear.

... Sam, are you between a baby bear and its mama?

And some Roses for Nature. There!

: Wow, I'm sure my visitors will just love this! Thanks, Sam!

Well, sure, I--

--oh no

no no no


And then Sam got eaten by a bear, the end.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: A magically-uneaten Sam meets a famous cat!