The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 31: Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em On

Now properly attired, Deputy Sam goes over to check out that wayward bandana.

He studies this odd thing for a moment.

And it pleases him!

There are ten bandanas hidden in spots all over Cowboy Junction and it is Sam's job to run around and find them! This is not too hard.

Sadly, it is not actually pizza time.


you are not a clue

still not a clue


Oh, hey, there's a chest in this nook just off Rusty's lair! With some clothes in it! Just Sam's size! ... seriously guys I think we just looted Rusty's wardrobe OH WELL FAIR'S FAIR

Working on that.

Deputy Sam works his way up the mountain and finally finishes finding all the bandanas.

Q. We found some lost bandanas scattered haphazardly around the island. What does this mean?
A. It means that Rusty stole the horseshoe from Gabby's smithy. Duh.


: I wonder if the thief is... OF COURSE!!!

She takes off with Sam in hot pursuit.

Maybe it's that guy? With the bandana? Admiring a horseshoe?

Sheriff Ginny rides up to interrupt Rusty's cackling-and-rubbing-the-horseshoe time.

basically my reaction

The Sheriff crouches, then springs!



Aw, they knocked each other out, isn't that cute?

I sense... a complication!


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Sheriff Ginny is not soft on crime!


Video: Varmint Fight
Eighteen seconds of THRILLING FIGHT ACTION!