The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 51: Break It Down: Level Up!

We need wood to make Candy's furniture, but we also need fish. Sam has learned not to ask.

Turns out we can plant those Star Essences that we got on Rocket Reef. I think a star tree or two is just what this music festival needs! Now, to finish this up.

: Hey, Sam! Did you finish a Scroll?

: Alright! Let's see what we get!

dead fish and trees

We get: a Tree Branch Bed, Chair, Sofa, Coffee Table, and Lounger. Also a Roundstump Dining Table, a Squarestump End Table, and some Interior Au Natural Paints. ... I guess we just killed the fish because to hell with fish.

Fun, Tasty, and Cute, no surprise th--wait a damn minute, we made all this wooden furniture and you don't even want Nature?

Bah. Anyway, since this is just supposed to be a place for Candy to relax, Sam is not going to bother to put in a full kitchen.

A fridge full of snacks will do. (Nice form, Buddy.)

A bed might come in handy.

And a stereo and piano, since she likes music. Also a bunch of TVs, because... TV!

Cute sunflowers everywhere for ambiance.

His job done, Sam puts the wand away in order to play a little ditty. Everyone drops whatever they're doing to rush over and sway along. Told you this was a Sims game.

Her job completed--by Sam--Sapphire heads outside...

... and Sam knows what that means!

He and his buddies race outside as fast as they can.

: Here, Guillermo! Over here, boy!

: Ooh, I hope Guillermo's bringing more maps!

Sam is not startled this time. Instead, he waves when everyone else does.

q: what are the odds that this news is about cupcakes

a: pretty good

: 'Oh, also I'm giving you some more rewards and new maps!'

: Relax, Buddy. I don't freak out EVERY time I see a map.

Buddy hands Lyndsay the scroll of new maps!

The clouds clear away from an island named... Spookane.

And then from one named Cutopia!

: Sam, as soon as we're done here, let's go explore!

Sam nods, and Guillermo takes wing, his job completed!

King Roland also sent us a new wandolier outfit, and, finally, the Building Blocks Scroll, which is... interesting. However, we'll have to return to a bunch of places to finish it, so I'll talk about it some other time.

Anyway, it looks like Sapphire's all set. I guess we can go help Zack now. Sigh.

: Thanks for helping me get this show online. I'm, like, Candy's biggest fan--wouldn't want to disappoint her.

: I don't get it... are you a fan or are you a roadie?

: I'm both, but I prefer the term 'Show Producer.' I'm also president of the official DJ Candy Fan Club!

: So how can we help?

: We have the DJ setup on stage, but there's no power! Think you guys could hook it up? Dude, without power the turntables can't, you know... turn.

... this does not look difficult.

Nope. Not difficult.

Hell yeah! Fire it up!


... pathing!

Taking a step away from the DJ booth allows Sam to become DJ Sam! Look at him. He's so happy. Let's let him have this for a bit.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: MORE POWER!!


Video: DJ Sam

Sam gets this party started in a shower of Musical Notes and Happy Essences!